blood record

Chapter 173 Opening the Treasure House

On the second day, all the disciples of the Jin family moved one after another, and tens of thousands of disciples gathered on the huge square from all the stars.

In an ancestral hall in the square, there are some ancestral tablets of the Jin family in the past dynasties. In the middle is a row of golden statues. There is a slight sense of vicissitudes, and the whole sculpture is lifelike. It can be seen at a glance that the person who carved it must be a master with extraordinary skills.

This statue is naturally the first ancestor of the Jin family.

In the front are the elders of some families, and in the back are the successive generations of the family, among which the third son and two other young men stand at the front.

After the worship, an old man in a high crown and fine clothes had eyes like knives, and his whole body was majestic. He was actually a master of the fourth level of transformation. He said to the family children below: "The annual ancestor worship ceremony is over, you They are all descendants of my Jin family, and you are specially allowed to enter the family treasure house to practice for a day without making any noise!" [

This old man seemed to be very dignified in the family. The children of the family didn't dare to make any noise, so they got up immediately and called the masters they had recruited to enter the treasure house one after another.

The Jin family did not prevent the masters recruited by the younger generation of the family from entering the treasury. In fact, the Jin family also had such confidence. With the help of Mahayana masters who had transformed themselves into nine levels, and some elders who had cultivated the primordial spirit, Ordinary monks dare to mess around in the treasure house.And even though it is called the Treasure House, the place where the treasures are actually stored must be in a hidden place, and I am afraid that only the most core disciples in the family can know about it.

Yang Yi also followed the three sons into it one after another.

As soon as they entered it, all the children of the family stopped moving one after another, and suddenly divided into three parties to confront each other.

Yang Yiwei took a look, the third young master actually had a group of people following him, it seemed that they all supported him, and it was no secret that the children of the family formed cliques.

Among them, the most powerful one is the Eldest Young Master. He is an existence who has cultivated into a dharma body, and behind him are several third-level masters, and even a fourth-level sensual old man, all of which cannot escape Yang Yi's eyes.

"Third brother! Eldest brother thought you had recruited such a powerful expert, but it turned out to be nothing more than a dharma body cultivator. Third younger brother seems to be short of money. Third younger brother can ask elder brother to borrow money if he is not rich. Anyway, we He is also a real brother, so it won't make the third brother so miserable, right? Do you want to choose a triple master from the eldest brother for the third brother to use?"

The eldest son's disdainful tone made the supporters behind him burst into laughter.

Murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the third son, but he couldn't help it, and only whispered to Yang: "Mr. Mu, this is my good big brother! Hmph, he is the strongest and the most powerful. Recruiting a quadruple master, it seems that this time the law occupies the most favorable position for cultivation."

The third son also found the unfathomable old man behind the eldest son, exuding the aura of the four winds, and still had no hope of occupying the best position.

Yang Yi was unmoved, looked around, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and said in a low voice: "Third Young Master, as long as you agree to something, Mu will not only help you occupy the most favorable position for cultivation, but even It will also help you condense the law body, and it will also completely remove the obstacles of the third son, how about it?"

"What?" The third son's heart trembled wildly, and he looked at Yang Yi in disbelief. At this moment, he felt a faint ominous feeling in his heart, and his face instantly turned pale.

But at this time, Yang Yi no longer had that submissive demeanor, but appeared flamboyant and domineering, and the phantom dragon above his head also appeared, appearing full of domineering arrogance.


Yang Yi flew out directly, faced the eldest son, and said with a sneer: "The third son said that you are really an obstacle for him to become the head of the family, so you must die!"

"Haha, third brother, you are really good at scheming, relying on this master of Dharma? Thank you for your help, but it is just an offering to the elders. Kill it and feed it to the dogs!"

The eldest son's expression was unkind, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and three masters of the third level of transformation flew out behind him.

"Just rely on this?"

As soon as Yang Yi's words fell, a burst of ferocious power burst out from Yang Yi's body. This force was like a strong wind, and it wanted to destroy everything! [

"Dou Tian II style, the sky will collapse!"

"bang bang bang"

Yang Yi is now able to compete with four or five triple masters purely by his own strength. When the second form of Doutian is performed, the whole world seems to shake, and everyone seems to be in a stormy sea, as if One Leaf Boat!

"Tianhe star map, take it!"

These four triple masters were beaten to death almost instantly. With one punch, all magical weapons were smashed into pieces, and they were directly collected into the Tianhe star map, and decomposed into the most original power. Yi's dharma body is like bathing in the ocean of original power, frantically refining the original power, and his dharma body has faintly reached a perfect state.

"Ah? You... third brother, you have hired such a master, you have hidden it so deeply!"

The Eldest Young Master looked at his three triple masters who were almost taken away by Yang Yi in the blink of an eye, his face sank like water, and he looked at the Third Young Master with murderous intent.

The third son couldn't be happier. He didn't expect Yang Yi to be so fierce that he could wipe out the opponent's three triple masters in one round, so he became more confident and responded coldly: "Brother, each other That's all!"

The Eldest Young Master was furious in his heart, and he almost gritted his teeth and said in hatred: "Okay, okay, okay! The third brother seems to be really capable, Mr. Wan, please, kill him!"

An old man with white beard and hair gradually walked out from behind the eldest son, the aura all over his body was like an ocean, it was the aura of the fourfold being weathering the catastrophe.

"Quack, son, your blood is pretty good, how about giving this old man a tonic?"

The old man had a gloomy aura, and what he said was even more shocking.

Yang Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly the Tianhe Star Map shook, and when Yang looked at the old man again and again, his expression changed slightly.

"Who am I? It turned out to be an animal. Hmph, it's just that an animal has cultivated into a human being, and it's just a vain attempt to stir up trouble!"

"Zhao, I have some eyesight. With such a powerful force, the blood must be smooth and tender." The old man also made a gesture and stretched out his bright red tongue, with a ferocious and terrifying appearance.

Hearing the old man's confession, the children of the Jin family were a little scared, and their faces were pale. Although the demon has not yet reached the point where he can't die with the monk, he has not yet reached the point of friendship. Often, the demon will kill the monk when he sees it. Monsters have to be killed, especially these monsters are extremely cruel. Although they have cultivated to be human, they are still bloodthirsty and cruel, making people fearful. ! ~!

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