blood record

Chapter 174 Big Snake Demon

"Oh? It's just a long worm, dare to speak nonsense!"

Yang Yi's joking words made the old man's face turn green, and a burst of green light gradually appeared in his body.

The old man is indeed a human body cultivated from a giant python, usually he is most afraid of being called a worm, Yang Yi's words probably touched his reverse scale.

These monsters are more difficult to cultivate than monks, not to mention that this old man has cultivated to the point of the fourth-fold wind calamity. He came out this time only to be able to survive the wind calamity. Noble big monsters can have exhaustive resources, and other big monsters are slaves, and there are very few who can survive the catastrophe.

Son, the old man must swallow you with his own mouth, for sure! "[

The big snake demon immediately became vicious, and the whole person transformed into a real body. Its huge snake body was as thick as a bucket, and it also emitted a faint green light, which was extremely terrifying.


The big snake opened its mouth wide, and a strange wind appeared out of nowhere, and several monks with low cultivation levels beside it sucked it into the mouth in an instant.

Yang Yi was as still as a mountain, his eyes were full of murderous intent, he sneered and said: "Okay, okay, I will let you, a worm, try my new method, the hand of corrosion, kill!"

Following Yang Yi's thought, he stretched out his right arm, a yellow light flashed, and a huge yellow palm appeared in the huge void, and the stench was billowing, making people feel sick.

"what is this?"

The big snake demon's huge eyes showed fear. The moment this huge palm appeared, it was under inexplicable pressure, and there seemed to be countless roaring sounds around its palm.

The hand of corrosion released a stench and grabbed the big snake monster, and the air in the void seemed to be corroded so that it made a "chi chi" sound.

"Who cares about you, the disaster is very poisonous, die!"

The big snake demon's eyes radiated a green light, and then he opened his mouth wide, and a green liquid quickly went into the hand of corrosion.

This kind of snake monster, the poison in the body is more intense, and it has been cultivated for thousands of years, and its poison is even more terrifying. Even thousands of creatures on a mountain will be poisoned to death by this terrible poison. With this move, the big snake demon even once poisoned a monk who was transformed into a five-severe fire calamity, and the big snake demon has very little confidence in his own venom.


The hand of corrosion made bursts of sound, and bursts of blue-yellow smoke gradually rose up, and the stench on the big hand seemed to become more intense, and it was not poisoned to death by the snake's poison at all.


The corrosive hand was extremely fast, ruthlessly grabbing the huge body of the big snake monster, and a force of corrosion quickly spread away, the blood of the big snake monster began to fester, spreading rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, even the blood inside Many bones have been corroded...

"no no……"

The big snake demon suffered all kinds of pain. He watched his body gradually rot into a pile of bones, but he couldn't break free from the grip of the corrosive hands, so he could only endure the great pain bit by bit. started to be corroded.

"Tianhe star map, take it!"

As soon as Yang saw that the corrosive hand had controlled the big snake monster, the starlight flashed immediately, and he put the big snake monster into the Tianhe star chart, and quickly decomposed it into bursts of original power. [

"Ah? Killed the quadruple master with one move, my God, who is this guy? It's too scary?"

"The eldest son is finished now, I don't know where the third son invited such a super expert, even the quadruple master can't resist!"

"Third Young Master has developed now. The Eldest Young Master has no opponents under his command, let alone the Second Young Master. I can feel that that big yellow hand contains terrifying power, it's far more than that simple!"

The children of the Jin family started to talk a lot, and some of them even sneaked into the camp behind the third young master. It was because the trees fell and the monkeys scattered, and there were not many people behind the eldest young master to support him.

Yang Yi was also slightly surprised, he didn't expect the hand of corrosion to be so ferocious, taking down the big snake monster in one round.

The Hand of Corruption is a part of the Rotting Beast that has been preserved intact for tens of thousands of years.

The Rotten Beast back then was one of the many slave beasts of the Wu Clan. It exuded a stench all over its body and possessed a corrosive power that could devour immortals. Even if there is only one hand left now, the power is definitely not one of four. The Heavy Snake Demon can resist it.

The eldest son was even more frightened and furious, and his biggest hole card, the big snake demon, was also taken away. He spent a lot of money and recruited it with great difficulty, but now, it all fell short.

"Third brother, good, good, good! You are so patient, you have recruited such a master without the slightest rumor, you won this time, and the eldest brother will not compete with you for the best cultivation position!"

There was resentment in the eyes of the eldest son. He was the most powerful of the three children, but now he has become the weakest.

The third young master was elated, and laughed loudly: "Haha, why bother big brother? After I condense my dharma body, I will make a special trip to apologize to big brother, haha!"

The third young master is really elated, he is now at the peak of the first level of true origin, and this time he came here to make a difference, hoping to use the excellent training position in the family treasure house to condense a dharma body, so that he can really ascend to the sky in one step, Sitting on an equal footing with the Eldest Young Master, you must know that in the current family, only the Eldest Young Master can comfortably cultivate to the realm of the Dharma Body.


The eldest son snorted coldly and was about to leave immediately, but a shadow flashed in front of him, but Yang Yi blocked him.

"Eldest son, don't leave. As I said just now, all obstacles in front of the third son must be cleared, so you die too!"

There was an evil smile on the corner of Yang Yi's mouth, and he grabbed it forward with his big hand, as fast as lightning, how could the eldest son resist, the difference between his strength and Yang Yi's was a hundred and eight thousand miles, just like an ant and an elephant.With this grab, Yang Yi easily scratched his head, stretched out his hand and pulled out his heart, it was bloody and terrifying.

With a flash of starlight, the eldest son's body was also taken in by the Tianhe Star Chart, disintegrated into the original power, and Yang Yi's dharma body absorbed it crazily, as if he felt like he was about to break through.

But this sudden change shocked everyone, the eldest son died!

Even the third young master was stunned, his face was pale, even if he had the guts to kill the worship elder recruited by the eldest son, even if he could wantonly humiliate the eldest son, he did not dare to kill the eldest son.

According to the family rules of the Jin family, killing among the children of the family is strictly prohibited, otherwise, they will immediately suffer the most cruel punishment in the family and die! ! ~!

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