blood record

Chapter 200 Space Pavilion


A huge green monster with scales all over its body, very terrifying and ferocious.The monster kept roaring, and flicked its thick tail fiercely, like a hard stone pillar, sweeping across a large area of ​​trees.

The power of this monster has reached the power of the triple peak of transformation, which is really terrifying.

Some monsters can't change form, they only rely on their own innate instincts to cultivate, their bodies become more terrifying, and their strength can reach a terrifying state.

There are even rumors of ancient alien beasts, which also have no form, but their power is earth-shattering, enough to destroy the world. [

There are four female monks behind the monster. Most of these four female monks are in the realm of the second stage of transformation, and the most powerful ones are only in the realm of transformation and nurturing.

These female monks used all kinds of magic weapons to attack monsters. Among them, the female monk with triple transformation also cast a huge golden net to trap the monsters inside, but because of the monsters The power of the monster is too huge, even if these female monks try their best, they can't subdue this monster.

"Senior Sister Xiao, this Xia Kui is really too big and powerful. Although the senior sister trapped it with a magic weapon, we couldn't subdue it. I'm afraid it will get away soon."

This female disciple seemed very anxious, the fire bird above her head had already been released, exerting all her strength to control this Xia Kui.

Yang Yi's heart skipped a beat, this monster was called Xia Kui, and it seemed that these female monks wanted to catch it.

"Okay, I was worried that I couldn't enter Wanmuzong, so I met this group of female monks. It's just that when I fell asleep, someone would give me a pillow. These female monks must be disciples of Wanmuzong. I will help them kill them." This monster won their goodwill, so it can easily enter the Wanmu sect."

As soon as Yang made up his mind, he immediately got out of the woods, flew in the sky, and shouted: "Don't panic, fellow Taoists, I will help you subdue this evil beast!"

Yang Yi showed a dignified righteousness and a righteous appearance, and his whole body was sharper than his sharpness. This was exactly the appearance of a senior monk.


Yang Yi used some sword styles casually, and a sword energy flew down, extremely sharp, and cut Xia Kui in half with one sword, and died without even a scream.

These sword styles are all obtained from Ning Wujian's memory. Yang Yi also deliberately chose a sword style that was not from the Nine Swords School, and imitated it casually. The monsters are still a breeze.

"Ah? Who is this person? He doesn't have the aura of our Wanmu sect disciple. Could it be a senior master from outside?"

"Not necessarily. Now that Ji Dao Sect is aggressively expanding its power, and fighting with Jiuding Sect in full swing, how can there be any monks here? I am afraid it is a jn spies!"

"Don't talk nonsense, this is a senior expert. You only have the realm of the Dharma Body, and you can't feel it, but I can feel a little bit of a blazing fire burning in this senior's body. This senior must be An expert who is going through fire."

The one who spoke was the only female monk among these female monks who had transformed into a triple nurturing state. She seemed very old-fashioned, and she stepped forward and said respectfully to Yang Yi: "Thank you for your help, senior, otherwise we Really can do nothing to this Xia Kui!"

Yang Yi pretended to be an expert, waved his hand slightly and said: "It's okay, it's just a matter of little effort!"

While speaking, Yang Yi deliberately released a trace of the coercion of a fifth-level master, all the female cultivators sensed the surging evil fire in Yang Yi's body, and they were all frightened.

"Oh my god, the evil fire in this senior's body is so powerful and terrifying. It turns out that the calamity of fire is really so terrifying. If a trace of flame in this senior's body moves into our body, I'm afraid it will burn us all to ashes immediately."

"That's right, the fire calamity is more terrifying than the wind calamity. Didn't a senior sister who had a quadruple wind calamity be blown into ashes by the evil wind a few days ago? The three calamities of wind, fire, and heart are more fierce than one, It is really scary to be completely annihilated if you don’t pay attention.”[

These female monks talked a lot, and their faces changed in fright. I am afraid that they will not be able to survive the catastrophe in this lifetime.

On the contrary, the only female monk of the third level seemed normal, she was already a master of the third level, and she also knew something about the wind disaster, so she would not show a gaffe to Yang Yi's fire disaster.

But even so, she was also slightly intimidated by the fire in Yang Yi's body, because she felt that the yin fire in Yang Yi's body was like a vast sky, and it was so powerful that it was abnormal.

The stronger the yin fire, the stronger the cultivator's strength, and being able to have such a powerful fire robbery shows that the cultivator who is obviously a sword cultivator in front of him is also very powerful.

"Senior, this is the Wanmu Sect. Presumably what is the purpose of the senior coming here? The senior told me that if the junior can do it, I am willing to help the senior!"

This nv monk seemed very clever.

Yang Yi's expression moved, and he put his hands behind his back and said: "Okay, I also heard that the noble sect has a lot of vitality when I came to Wanmu sect this time, and my yin fire is strong now, and it has reached the point where it is almost impossible to suppress it. Casual cultivators are very difficult, unlike you The disciples of Pai can cultivate with the vitality of the Pai, so they want to enter the Wanmu Sect to be an outer elder, and use the vitality of the noble sect to suppress Yinhuo."

This reason was thought up by Yang a long time ago. A casual cultivator, and a casual cultivator of the fifth stage of fire calamity, is naturally more difficult. In order to be able to suppress the fire calamity, he came to Wanmuzong to be an outer elder with the help of Wanmuzong's vitality Come to practice, to suppress Huo Jie, this reason is the best, and no one doubts it.

Sure enough, the female monk nodded slightly, presumably she also understood the difficulties of some monks who survived the catastrophe.

"Senior has the cultivation base of the fifth level of fire calamity, not to mention the outer elders, it is impossible to even become an inner elder. But this needs to be reviewed by the dispatch, and the junior will take the senior to the dispatch to complete the formalities."

Yang nodded and said, "Very well, what's your name?"

The female monk immediately replied obediently: "The younger generation's surname is Nangong, and the single name is Yan."

With a flash in Yang Yizhi's hand, several bottles of pills appeared and he smiled slightly: "Here are five bottles of pills, all of which are helpful to your current state, Nangong Yan, two bottles for you, and one bottle for each of the others!"

The five bottles of pills flew from Yang Yi's hand to the hands of these monks in an instant. Nangong Yan opened the bottle and looked at it, and immediately said with a happy face: "Senior, this... this is really too precious!"

Yang Yi waved his hand and said, "I still have a lot of these pills, it's nothing!"

The other female disciples also cried out in surprise: "Oh my god, this... this is the true source pill! There are ten pills in a bottle, ten true source pills, enough for me to accumulate strength and shock Transformation triple."

"That's right, this is the authentic True Origin Pill, and I don't know how this senior refined it, but it still has a mysterious power, which seems to be better than the real True Origin Pill."

These female monks are all authentic sect disciples with good knowledge and can feel the difference in Yang Yidan.

Yang Yi smiled without saying a word, with an inscrutable appearance, these pills have original power, so they are naturally extraordinary.

"This senior is really generous. We have met seniors with advanced cultivation before, but even masters of Yuanshen are not as generous as this senior!"

"Since this senior already has so many pills, why does he lack vitality and come to our Wanmu Sect to be an outer elder? Will there be any problems?"

"Hmph, what do you know? Although Zhenyuan Dan is precious, it is only helpful to monks below the fourth level, especially the first and second levels. It's useless. This senior must also know that these pills can't help him suppress the yin fire at all, so he came to our Wanmu sect to use the huge vitality to suppress it." [

These female monks all thought they were smart, and in fact, they all had a good impression of Yang Yi because of this petty gain.

These five bottles of True Source Pills are really nothing to Yang Yi, there are thousands of bottles in his Tianhe Star Map, and even the more precious Dingfeng Dadan, but Dingfeng Dadan cannot Take it out, otherwise you will cause a whole body of trouble, or even kill yourself, just stop the limelight as much as possible, not too much.

Nangong Yan bowed to Yang Yi again, and then told the other three female monks: "Hurry up and pack up this Xia Kui and take it back. This is our mission, and Xia Kui's skin is still intact." It can be used to refine some magic tools, which is very precious."

These female disciples did not get carried away with complacency, and immediately took action. Seeing that their techniques were skillful, they should be very experienced. They cleaned up Xia Kui in two or three strokes, and put them into the ring.

Yang Yi saw all this in his eyes, these female disciples should be here to do missions, he had also heard of missions in Hualong Palace, and once these missions were completed, they would be rewarded.

But Yang Yi has never done it. It is not unusual for Yang Yi to be rewarded by these sects, but others are not as rich and powerful as him. Many of the poor materials for refining alchemy that Yang Yi found from the alchemy room are Hualong Palace disciples Get it by doing missions.

"Okay, seniors, please, we will go back to the school now!"

Yang nodded, and Nangong Yan led the way. They quickly flew up and flew towards the mountain of Wanmuzong.

Not long after, Yang Yi saw a huge palace standing in front of him, but this palace was like a castle in the air, because under the palace were huge trees, these huge sacred trees supported the huge palace.

This is simply an ingenious workmanship, a palace in the air, deeply shocked Yang Yi's heart! ! ~!

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