blood record

Chapter 201 Outer Sect Elder

Chapter [-] The Outer Elder

The Hualong Palace was built against the mountain, although it looked majestic, it couldn't compare to the majesty of the Wanmu Sect.

The huge tree, with its canopy opened tens of thousands of miles wide, covering the sky and the sun, supported the mountain of Wanmu Zong in the void, like a fairyland, and in the center of one of the palaces, a large number of wood spirits of the five elements came one after another After entering it, balls of pure vitality flew out from it. Presumably this is the most mysterious magic weapon of Wanmu Sect.

Seeing Yang Yi's stunned look, Nangong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Senior, you are not the only one who has such a reaction when you see my Wanmu Zong Mountain. reaction."

Nangong Yan also showed a trace of pride. Indeed, even the Jidao Sect and Jiuding Sect might not have such a majestic appearance on such an ingenious mountain. [

it's just shocking

After all, Yang Yi's cultivation base is profound and his determination is firm. After a while, he came back to his senses and sighed slightly: "Magnificent, majestic, this is the miracle of nature, it is the creation of heaven and earth, it is really amazing that such a spectacle appears."

Sighs are sighs, but Yang Yi's mind was spinning rapidly, because he saw monks coming in and out from the mountain of Wanmuzong, densely packed, like ants, I don't know how many there are, and it is not as big as Hualong Palace. Know how much more.

Nangong Yan brought Yang Yi to the square, and then arranged for those female disciples to take Xia Kui back, and took Yang Yi to the Wanmu Sect's outer elders group alone.

All casual monks who came to apprentice or serve as elders from outside had to go through the review of the group of elders from outside to pass, which was also to prevent minions from getting in.

Of course, if you want to enter the inner or core disciples, then it will be even stricter, and you need to take action by the masters of Tongtian to find out the origins of the coming people, so that you can rest assured, otherwise the core disciples of a faction They are all spies, isn't this a big joke.

Passing through many corridors, in the mountains of Wanmuzong, the vitality is indeed very vigorous, and it also has a pure magical power for the blood in the body, making it easier to transform.

Finally, Nangong Yan brought Yang Yi to a huge and magnificent building, and smiled to Yang Yi in a low voice: "Senior, this is the foreign elders group, senior, don't worry, you just need to tell me about your own background. The senior just wants to be an outer elder, and will not be too strict in the review. If the senior wants to enter the inner elder, it will be much more complicated, and many elders from Tongtian will need to personally check it."

Yang nodded a little and said: "I just want to use Wanmuzong's vitality to suppress Yin Huo. There is only one outer elder. The inner is the root of Wanmuzong. I'm afraid it will be difficult for outsiders like me to enter."

Nangong Yan just smiled, without saying anything, and led Yang Yi straight into the building.

The interior of the palace is also resplendent and magnificent, but it has an air of mystery.

In the main hall, there was only an old man in blue with his eyes slightly closed, as if he didn't even know that someone had come in.

Nangong Yan said respectfully: "Elder Chen"

Elder Chen slowly opened his eyes, and said in a low voice, "Nangongyan, have you completed the task?"

"Elder Chen, the mission has indeed been completed. This is Xia Kui's solo horn. Please take a look."

These missions must have a token to show that the character has been completed. Xia Kui is the hardest and most difficult to get is the unicorn. Generally speaking, as long as he can get the unicorn, it proves that Xia Kui is subdued.

Elder Chen accepted the unicorn, nodded slightly and said, "Very good, Nangong Yan, these two bottles of pills are your reward."

Nangong Yan took the pill respectfully and saw that Elder Chen was about to close his eyes again, and immediately said: "Elder Chen, please ask Elder Xia to come out."

"Huh? Please Elder Xia? Nangong Yan, Elder Xia doesn't just meet you whenever you want. If you have anything to do, you can just tell this Elder." Elder Chen's face was a bit ugly. [

Nangong Yan pointed to Yang Yidao: "Elder Chen, it's like this, this senior came to my Wanmu Sect this time to serve as the outer elder, so I have to ask Elder Xia to make a decision."

"Oh? Serving as an external elder? This is very strange. I, Wan Muzong, haven't been here for a long time."

Yang Yi hastily stepped forward and said with a smile: "Greetings to Elder Chen, my name is Mu Yi, I am a casual cultivator, because the fire disaster is fierce and the yin fire is raging, if I don't find a place with rich vitality to suppress the yin fire, I am afraid I will practice for a thousand years , will come to naught, please Elder Chen be lenient."

Elder Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, followed by a flash of light, obviously checking Yang Yi's reality, he said with a half-smile: "Yes, you are indeed in the realm of the five-fold fire calamity, and the fire calamity is difficult, this elder is the fire Jie, the deepest feeling, you are a casual cultivator, and it is not easy to practice to survive the fire. Well, I will go in and invite Elder Xia to come out."

Yang Yi was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Then I will trouble Elder Chen."

This Elder Chen is also a master of the fifth level of fire calamity, but he is not at all able to take charge of the group of foreign elders. Only Elder Xia, who has cultivated to the peak of the ninth level of transformation, is in charge of the outer

Nangong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Senior, please rest assured, since Elder Chen has already gone to invite Elder Xia, there must be no mistake."

In fact, for a big sect like Wanmuzong, an outside place is not the core at all. The review of outside disciples and elders is like going through the motions, and they don't go into it at all. This will be taken seriously, because this is the foundation of a pie.

It is precisely because Yang Yi knew this that he dared to sneak in here, otherwise he would not dare to come here even if he borrowed ten courage. Each of them can easily kill Yang Yihong into scum.

After a while, Elder Chen came back, but there was no one else following behind him.

Elder Chen said with some embarrassment: "Elder Xia is currently in a critical moment of cultivation, and he is really inseparable, so he directly issued an elder card."

Elder Chen took out a square wooden sign and put it on the table. There was a message on it, which could be seen with a simple scan. The message inside was: Foreign Elder, Mu Yi.

Yang Daxi said: "This time I have been helped by Elder Chen, and Mu is very grateful."

Elder Chen waved his hand and said: "Haha, Elder Mu doesn't need to be too polite, we will all be the same in the future. By the way, my Wanmu Sect is also a bit special now. You can't be regarded as an official foreign elder after receiving the ID card. The Supervisory Hall should go to the place of Young Master Shengan."

When Elder Chen mentioned the Hall of Supervisors, his expression was a little weird, which seemed very unnatural. ! ~!

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