blood record

Chapter 220 Long Huaxing

"Heart-clearing mantra!"

Pirate Venerable uttered an obscure incantation from his mouth, and then the incantation penetrated into Yang Yi's ears, like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening, shocking the soul.

His state of mind was opened up by this spell in a massacre, and Yang Yi regained a sliver of sanity again.

"What's going on here?" Yang Yi seemed to be controlled in a dark room without any feeling.

"This is your inner demon. You have fallen into the inner demon now. Now you have been completely controlled by the inner demon and fell into killing. Follow me. This is the heart-cleaning mantra, which can suppress the inner demon and restore your clarity!" [

Pirate Master's voice resounded faintly in all directions.

Yang Yi followed Pirate Venerable and chanted the heart-cleaning mantra, the killing in his mind became less and less, and he was gradually suppressed. Yang Yi regained his sanity, but his memory did not disappear, thinking that he was crazy just now The killing, and falling into the control of the inner demon, I also felt a wave of fear in my heart.

The inner demon is simply a shadow, no one knows when it will come, like this time, Yang was caught by the inner demon as soon as he was overwhelmed, and he never knew it was controlled by the inner demon. He had been lost in the inner demon, and finally died of exhaustion.

This is the frightening thing about the six-fold heart calamity, if you don't let it out, it will be fine, once the heart demon comes, it will be controlled, and there will be no redemption.

"Your heart calamity is too powerful. If it is an ordinary heart calamity, this heart-cleaning mantra can completely kill the demons of the heart, successfully overcome the heart calamity, and reach the catastrophe. Just now I used the purifying mantra to cleanse your heart. Demons, but found that your inner demons are too powerful, and the Purifying Mantra can't get rid of your inner demons."

Yang Yi was taken aback again, Pirate Venerable actually has a spell that can clear away the demons of the mind and make people pass through the calamity of the mind safely, it is this spell of purifying the mind.

This is an existence comparable to the Dingfeng Great Pill.

But it is of no use to Yang Yi, his inner demons are too strong to be eliminated by any external force.

"However, I can teach a technique, the Heart Sutra of Controlling Demons, which is the secret code for controlling demons. Once you master the Heart Sutra of Controlling Demons, you can control demons and use the power of demons for your own use. At that time, you can also send out the opponent's inner demons, and the power is poor."

Yang nodded, and then he saw Pirate Venerable transfer the formula into Yang Yi's mind.

These words seem to have spirits, constantly revolving in Yang Yi's mind, shining with light, Yang Yi suddenly felt that the oppressive feeling in his heart seemed to disappear a lot.

Yang Yi closed his eyes and realized carefully.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes abruptly, with a trace of astonishment in his eyes, he was dumbfounded and said: "This is actually a first-class magic technique!"

Immortal grade spells are simply unheard of in the mortal world. You must know that spells are more precious than martial arts, even half-immortal grade spells are extremely rare, let alone immortal grade spells.

Yang Yi's only set of immortal martial arts is Jiugong Phantom, which is already poor in power, but Yang Yi can also feel that the power of Jiugong Phantom is really too powerful, and it is mysterious and unusual. I'm afraid it is not an ordinary fairy martial skill .

The Heart Sutra of Controlling Demons is extensive and profound, and it is difficult to cultivate successfully, and once the cultivation is successful, the inner demons in Yang Yi's body are indeed not worth mentioning, and when facing the enemy, the Heart Sutra of Controlling Demons is the one that can truly bring out its full potential The power of terror.

After Yang Yi obtained the Heart Purification Curse and the Heart Sutra of Controlling Demons, he and Pirate Venerable quickly flew towards the starry sky. Yang Yi could imagine how furious the Ji Dao Sect would be when they knew that Kamikaze had died?

The death of a Tongtian master is absolutely extraordinary, even if it is a confrontation with the Jiuding Sect, there are very few deaths of Tongtian masters, a Tongtian master, that is the absolute wealth of the faction, is a top master, can really suppress one side , Death is an immeasurable loss.

From now on, Yang Yi will probably be the number one must-killer of the Ji Dao Sect. Yang Yi is naturally not arrogant enough to fight against such a behemoth as the Ji Dao Sect. The power of the Great Formation of the Holy Wood Hall killed Kamikaze. If it was in other places, it is really unknown who will win the battle. [

If the Ji Dao Sect sends out even more powerful masters who reach the sky, no matter how powerful Yang Yi is, he will probably die.

The two had been flying for millions of kilometers, and when they were sure that it was impossible for even a master of the sky to chase after them, they stopped, and the bandit venerable Shi Shiran said: "Okay, now even if the master of the sky comes to chase them, it will be too late." Impossible to catch up. I have to look for other fragments of the lost reincarnation disk now, let’s say goodbye here, the five elements earth spirit you want often appear in the dark abyss, but it is very dangerous there, all kinds of ancient strange The beast is comparable to the beauty god, or even the master of the sky, it is very dangerous, you have to be careful."

Yang nodded, and Pirate Venerable flew into the starry sky in a flash, disappearing without a trace.

"Brave Venerable, Xiangxue Ning! Senior Jinling, have you heard of this name?"

The Five Elements Golden Spirit said in a deep voice: "This woman is extremely mysterious. I am afraid that she may have been reincarnated from the fairy world. From the magical talisman she possesses and the magic heart scripture of fairy magic, we can see the clue. Seniors don’t have these things.”

Yang Yi nodded lightly and said: "That's right, she only wanted to find the fragments of the Disk of Reincarnation because she knew exactly her life experience, and she has a relationship with me, I have a feeling that we will meet again. "

"Yes, you will meet each other if you are destined. The dark abyss seems to be in the northwest corner of the Tianhe star field. There is the sphere of influence of the Jiuding sect. You don't have to be afraid of the Jidao sect anymore."

Wuxing Jinling said lightly.

"That's right, it's not within the sphere of influence of the Ji Dao Sect, so there won't be so much danger. I want to rush to the dark abyss as soon as possible, and strive to get the five elements earth spirit as soon as possible, so that my diamond body can be perfected and broken through. "

As soon as Yang finished speaking, he immediately flew into the starry sky, out of sight.

In the starry sky, a ray of light flew fast, but not very fast.

This is Yang Yi. While flying in the starry sky, he is studying the magical Heart Sutra of Controlling Demons carefully.

This Heart Sutra of Controlling Demons is extremely miraculous, Yang Yi didn't comprehend it after several months, he only felt that it was very obscure, and it seemed to have a sense of greatness and profoundness.

Immortal spells are really profound and abnormal!

"The method of controlling demons is to lure demons out, and the method of subduing demons is to defeat the strong with the strong!"

The magic-controlling mind in Yang Yi's mind kept flashing, although he didn't fully comprehend it, but it kept flashing in his mind every day, and his understanding deepened day by day, and he would learn by himself in the future.

In the past few months, although he has not fully comprehended the Heart Sutra of Controlling Demons, the Mantra of Purifying Hearts has made great progress. Yang Yi kept chanting the Mantra of Purifying Hearts in his heart, and his state of mind became more and more open, and he felt faintly Even the inner demons have become a little weaker, and there is a heart-purifying spell to suppress the inner demons, and the inner demons can't do anything, just wait for the comprehension of the Heart Sutra of Controlling Demons, and you can immediately suppress the inner demons and be promoted to the realm of the seventh level of escape.

After flying like this for a few months, Yang Yi faintly discovered that there are more and more monks flying in the starry sky, from some three- and four-level masters at the beginning, to the end, even the masters of the soul able to see.

Before the dark abyss is Longhua star, which is the closest star to the dark abyss. Because of the dark abyss, there are many rare and powerful ancient beasts in it. Many powerful monks want to capture them, or sell them. It can be used as a mount for others, or as a raw material for refining alchemy.In short, it has a wide range of uses, and countless monks gather here, and Long Huaxing has also become prosperous.

There are even some powerful sects, such as Wanmuzong, who will send disciples to the dark abyss to hunt and kill strange beasts as missions. After the disciples kill them, they will be rewarded. wealth.

Even Ning Wujian, after Yang Yi refined his memory, found that he received a mission to go to the dark abyss after he had won the title of Eight Swords, but he never left because of delays.

Therefore, in this Longhua star, there are countless geniuses, and even some peerless evildoers can occasionally appear. [


Just as Yang Yi was about to fly, he found many monks watching in front of him. It turned out that there were two monks fighting.

This is a fight between a green-robed monk and a blue-robed monk, both of them are masters of the fifth level of fire calamity, after Yang Yi inquired a little, he understood that this was just a battle of spirits between the two.

In Longhuaxing, it is no different than other places. Here, there is no order. It is all about strength, and whoever has bigger fists is stronger.


The blue-robed monk unleashed a powerful magic weapon and killed the green-robed monk in one fell swoop. He plundered the wealth of the green-robed monk with a grinning grin, and was about to fly away, but suddenly a huge bird flew from the sky. The palm of his hand, with a ruthless palm, crushed the blue-robed monk into a murderous middle-aged man.

"Hmph, it's really reckless to want to kill people and steal money with this level of cultivation!"

This monk is a master of the soul, and he has nothing to do with the two fighting monks. He killed each other directly for the sake of wealth and robbed the wealth.

Yang Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, he already had a little understanding of the general situation in Longhua Star, this place is indeed a place where the weak and the strong can eat, no matter how big your background is, you have to be careful when you come here, because killing you, These monks can run away immediately, and no one knows their identities, so where can they go to check?

Therefore, the disciples of the Dapai here are cautious, if Zhao Yao, maybe an old monster will come out and wipe you out, and when the time comes, no one can do anything about it.

Seeing such a place, Yang Yi secretly heightened his vigilance, it is not uncommon for boats to capsize in ditches here. ! ~!

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