blood record

Chapter 221 Killing Fire Meteor

"Haha, get out!"

Suddenly, a figure like a big fireball appeared directly from a distance. This was clearly a powerful monk flying towards Long Huaxing.

With such a fast speed and such an appearance, it is simply a rampage, and its power is really great. If some weak monks, I am afraid they will be hit to death.

At this time, this huge fireball was hitting Yang Yi.

"No, it's Taoist Huoyun. He is irritable, but he is a master of the soul, and he has no scruples in his actions. He used to kill countless monks like this, and forged a lot of hatred. What did people do to him.”[

"Taoist Huoyun is here. He went to the dark abyss to hunt the one-eyed beast a month ago. He must have completed his mission. Tsk tsk, that one-eyed beast is a powerful existence comparable to the god of beauty. Many masters of the primordial spirit have never returned , I didn’t expect to complete the task in only one month now, Taoist Huoyun is really amazing.”

"This is so tragic. That fool, who looks like a stranger, doesn't know how to dodge. I'm afraid he will be bumped to death by that Huoyun Daoist again. Tsk tsk, it's a pity that a monk will die unexpectedly."

Many monks were discussing, most of them were afraid of Taoist Huoyun, and there were many watching the scene. Yang Yi was standing in the middle, just blocking the way of Taoist Huoyun. If nothing unexpected happened, these people could see Huoyun again. The Taoist's terrifying power was overwhelmed, and he directly killed Yang Yi.

The Huoyun Taoist's speed is indeed staggeringly fast, and the power contained in it is indeed able to easily kill a sixth-level monk.

Murderous intent flashed in Yang Qian's eyes, he didn't have the slightest scruples here, in this place where the strong prey on the weak, if you are weaker, others will be arrogant, the best way is to kill, kill as many as you have.

"Hmph, courting death!"

Now that Yang Yi's own strength is no less than that of a Mahayana master, he immediately unleashed Heaven and Earth Boundless, and punched the Huoyun Taoist.


This punch was so powerful that the terrifying power directly shook in all directions, and the surrounding space seemed to be pierced.

Shock appeared on Taoist Huoyun's face. His face was pale, and he spat out blood. He was blown away with a punch. He couldn't believe that the person in front of him was a sixth-layer monk.

But in an instant, the wounds in the body of the pill he swallowed quickly recovered, and even Yang Yi had to nod secretly. This Huoyun Taoist is indeed tyrannical. All Mahayana masters must be powerful, if an ordinary Yuanshen master received Yang Yi's punch, his body would have collapsed long ago, and his Yuanshen would have escaped.

Taoist Huoyun had a ferocious face, looked at Yang Yi coldly, with murderous intent flickering, and roared: "Where did the boss come from, to dare to stop this Taoist, it is simply too much life, this Taoist will skin you Tendons, use your body to refine a pill

The Huoyun Taoist immediately hit out a magic weapon like a whip, which was a middle-grade magic weapon. When the whip came down, it pierced through the void, and even a huge mountain would be smashed to pieces by him.

But Yang Yi was not afraid at all, and shouted: "King Kong is not bad, diamond body, suppress!"

Yang Yi's body suddenly exuded golden brilliance, bursts of golden light rippling, presenting an indestructible aura.


Hei E's whip slapped down fiercely, but there was not even a trace of it on the diamond body.

Yang Yi's current diamond body, after devouring and refining the five elements of wood spirits, even the idle masters of the primordial spirit can't help him, the power of the middle-grade magic weapon hits his body like scratching an itch.

A look of shock appeared on Taoist Huoyun's face, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in Yang Yi's eyes, and a trace of cruelty appeared on his ferocious face, as he shouted: "Nine Palace Phantom, kill!"

Four forty-six phantoms appeared in an instant, overlapping each other, a full sixteen times the power, as if earth-shaking, no one can imagine how powerful this force is.


Yang Yi slammed one hand on Taoist Huoyun's body, and his body collapsed without any suspense. The body wanted to escape, but Yang Yi grabbed it and twisted it in half.


Taoist Huoyun's primordial spirit was terrified and wanted to run away, but Yang Yi snorted coldly: "The heaven and earth net!"


A white light flashed in the sky, and a large net quickly fell, covering Taoist Huoyun's primordial spirit inside.

"Hmph, Tianhe Star Map, refining!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Yang Yi sent Taoist Huoyun's primordial spirit and dharmakaya into the Tianhe Star Chart for refining.

Many good things and treasures fell from this Taoist Huoyun, such as the whip, which is a middle-grade magic weapon, and there are many low-grade magic weapons and some blood crystal pills

The original power in the Tianhe star map is constantly flowing surgingly, constantly scouring the entire Tianhe star map, just like the white e galaxy in the interstellar, the strength of Huoyun Taoist Yuanshen is comparable to the eight swords Ningwu sword, Extremely strong.

Holding this magic weapon of the whip, this whip is also famous, it is called Zhenshan whip, if you beat it down, even the soul will be affected.

But Yang Yi has a diamond body to protect him, so he can't hurt him at all, but it is very useful for dealing with other monks.


Yang Yi's heart moved, and he came directly to a special space in the Tianhe Star Chart. Below it was Lin Yangxi who had been concentrating on cultivation. Now he was free from the catastrophe of wind and fire, and was going through the catastrophe of his mind.

"Lin Yangxi, I got this magic weapon to suppress a mountain whip by killing a master of the soul. I don't lack magic weapons now, so I will give it to you for self-defense."

Immediately after giving it away, the Zhenshan whip turned into a black awn and slipped into Lin Yangxi's hands. Lin Yangxi gave it a try, and the power of the whip was weak.

Yang nodded a little and said: "Okay, I got a mantra of purifying the heart that is very useful for the heart calamity the day before yesterday. I will pass it on to you. I hope it will help you get through the heart calamity!"

Immediately afterward, Yang Yi even passed the Mantra of Purifying Heart to Lin Yangxi. This means that Yang Yi devoted all his efforts to cultivating Lin Yangxi, and it would be best for him to quickly cultivate into a primordial spirit. Heart Calamity has unimaginable benefits, so you can give it a try.

Lin Yangxi is very talented, and he understood the mystery of the mantra of clearing the heart in a short while, and he was not surprised and said happily: "What kind of magic is this? It seems that the inner demons in my body have been suppressed a lot. As long as I practice this mantra for a long time, the six-fold heart kalpa will be eliminated." You'll be able to get through it soon."

Hearing Lin Yangxi's affirmation, Yang Yi also nodded and said: "Okay, since this mantra is very good, then you should practice hard and strive to become a primordial spirit as soon as possible!"

It's just that Yang Yi consciously got into the Tianhe star map, and killing Taoist Huoyun was only an instant. [

"This man is a face, I read it right, he is only at the sixth level of transformation? How did Taoist Huoyun get rid of him in a few strokes?"

"Oh my god, this person is too powerful, he must not be a famous person, a master who can easily deal with Taoist Huoyun."

"This man is unfathomable. I'm afraid even Mahayana masters are no match for him. Now there is another evildoer in the dark abyss. There is something exciting to watch."

These monks were talking a lot, most of them were watching the excitement, they were only slightly surprised by the death of Taoist Huoyun, but they didn't feel sorry.

Here, people die every day, whether it is ordinary monks, primordial spirits or even Mahayana masters, people die every day, and death is not a big deal.

As soon as Yang Yi walked forward, these cultivators automatically moved out of the way. Just now, when he killed Taoist Huoyun, Yang Yi showed a peerless ferocity, so no one would dare to make trouble.

It flew into Longhua Star smoothly. It is indeed very prosperous, with countless rare treasures, but the shops here are also terrifying, and you can see masters sitting in the sky at any time.

It is impossible to open a store in a place as powerful as Long Huaxing without a powerful force to deter everyone. Almost every big store here has masters from the sky, so that no one dares to act rashly.

Yang Yi wanted to inquire about the Five Elements Earth Spirit, but he turned to Longhua City and found no information about the Five Elements Earth Spirit.

"It seems that we still have to go to the dark abyss to investigate for ourselves."

There are indeed rumors that the Five Elements Earth Spirit is in the dark abyss, but many people have seen it, but they have never caught it. First, the Five Elements Earth Spirit is not of much value. Second, the Five Elements Earth Spirit is In the dark abyss, in such a place, every step is dangerous, who would dare to rush in aimlessly?If you encounter a strange beast that is comparable to a master of the sky, it will really be a place of death. ! ~!

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