blood record

Chapter 222

Yang Yi turned around a few more times, and suddenly came to a remote alleyway, Tianhe Star Chart restrained his aura at once, and the whole person disappeared into the void just like that.


Two figures quickly chased after them. They were two beautiful girls. They looked at the alleyway in surprise, but found that there was no one there.

One of the white-clothed women frowned slightly and said, "Why did he disappear? He still had the aura just now, but suddenly disappeared."

Another woman said, "Could it be that he found us?"

At this moment, behind these two girls, a figure gradually appeared, and said in a low voice: "You two, what do you mean by following me? Otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel!"


The two girls turned around abruptly, with a look of shock on their pretty faces, presumably because they were surprised that Yang appeared behind them in a hurry.

However, these two women are masters of the primordial spirit. Having seen the world, the strength in their bodies seems to be much stronger than that of the Huoyun Taoist.

Among them, the woman in the white shirt said: "This fellow daoist, please don't get me wrong, we follow fellow daoist just to get him to do a great deed."

"Hmph, you sneaked behind me, and I didn't know you before, and I said something great, hmph, do you think I'm three years old? I'll arrest you first, refine my memory, I naturally know what you want to calculate."

With a flash of Yang Yi's figure, he was like an ancient fierce beast, punching the white-clothed woman with a fist, ripples and ripples appeared in his strength, formidable.

"It's really a fist!"

The white shirt woman's eyes flashed, and then she punched out, just like the way of all truth, with some kind of truth, she collided fiercely with Yang Yi's fist.


The woman took a few steps back, and Yang Yi also took a few steps back, but the punches of the two were evenly matched, which shows that this woman is at least several times more powerful than the Huoyun Taoist, this is the real pride of heaven , is a monstrous character.

However, Yang Yi didn't activate the Nine Palaces Phantom, otherwise ten more would be sent flying. What Yang Yi did just now was just a test. He tried out the strength of these two women. Come, there must be something.

The white-clothed woman is extremely smart, so she naturally knew that Yang Yi was probing, then she cupped her hands and said, "Friend Daoist, this is not a place to talk, how about we find a secluded place?"

Yang nodded, and followed the two women to a secluded courtyard.

In this Longhua City, the houses are the safest, because these houses are managed by an organization called Tianmeng. There are many masters in the Tianmeng. .And once they live in this house, no one dares to do anything here, otherwise, no matter who it is, the people of the Tianmeng will kill it.

Just because it is the safest place in Longhua City, the price here is also ridiculously expensive. A single courtyard is filled with millions of blood crystals for a day, which is staggeringly expensive.

But even so, the people who live here still flock to it, and there are not a few rich monks.

Yang Yi didn't feel any danger either, he could feel that these two women were not trying to lure him to kill him.

The three of them entered the room together, some incense was lit in the room, and there were some belongings from the daughter's house, presumably these two women had lived here for a long time. [

Yang Dayi sat on the chair, looking very generous, the woman in white shirt nodded slightly and said: "Fellow Daoist is really a bold entertainer!"

Yang Yi waved his hand slightly and said: "Stop talking about unnecessary nonsense, what do you want me for?"

The two women looked at each other, and then said in a low voice: "We are both casual cultivators doing missions in the dark abyss. My name is Fan Tianxiang, and her name is Bai Xue. We are watching fellow Taoists show off against the Huoyun Taoist. He has shown great strength, so I want to invite fellow Taoists to go to the dark abyss together to do a great deed."

The woman in the white shirt is Fan Tianxiang. She paused, and then Bai Xue next to her continued: "We have been in Longhuaxing for decades, and have entered and exited the dark abyss several times, so we have a lot of connections. Recently We were invited, saying that we knew there was a moat beast in the dark abyss, so we specially invited us to go and kill this moat beast."

There was a flash of light in Yang's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Are you talking about an ancient alien species of moat beast whose inner alchemy can be used to refine the heavenly moat beast?"

Bai Xue nodded and said, "That's right, it's the Heavenly Moat Beast!"

In Yang Yi's heart, he knew that the Heavenly Moat Beast was an ancient alien species, and it could be said to be full of treasures, especially the Tongtian Pill that could be refined for Mahayana masters to break through the heavens and for monks to break the barrier between heaven and earth.

This Tongtian Pill, Yang Yi has one in his body now, it can be said to be priceless, the ancestor of the Jin family bought two at a sky-high price of [-] trillion, and there is still a market, which shows the preciousness of this Tongtian Pill.

Seeing that Yang Yi was tempted, Fan Tianxiang smiled slightly and said, "Who doesn't know the value of the Heavenly Moat Beast? It's simply an unimaginable wealth, and no one will ever accept it, so as soon as the man told us, we agreed. "

Yang Yi's thoughts kept turning, and suddenly he said in his heart: "But don't worry, the person who invited you must be powerful. You are afraid that they will cross the river and tear down the bridge afterwards, and kill you too, so you want to invite me, right?"

Fan Tianxiang smiled slightly and said: "Young Daoist is very intelligent, that's right, that's exactly the case. That person is very powerful. Although we are both in the realm of Yuanshen, we two sisters can't help him if we go together, let alone he has helpers. But it's too big, we don't want to let go, we are anxious, we found fellow daoist. As long as fellow daoist agrees, this matter will be half done, how? It’s hard, it’s unimaginable that many talented geniuses are trapped in the Mahayana realm, and they will not be able to break through to the Heaven-reaching realm in their lifetime. But if they have the Heaven-reaching Pill, the chances of being promoted to the Heaven-reaching realm will be much greater.”

Both sides fell silent, Yang Yi was still weighing the pros and cons.

There is such a good thing, Tianmo Beast, Tongtian Pill, now that he knows it, he will naturally not give up.

"Okay, with such a good thing, who can refuse it?" Yang Yi readily agreed.

Fan Tianxiang and Bai Xue glanced at each other, and they both breathed a sigh of relief. If Yang Yi didn't agree, it would be a bit difficult. This news, no matter what, they couldn't let it out casually, but they shook hands with Yang Yi again, They found out that Yang Yi was more powerful than they imagined, and it might not be easy to kill someone to silence him.

Yang Yi agreed, and all problems were solved.

Bai Xue also smiled slightly and said, "Since Fellow Daoist has agreed, there are some things that need to be explained to Fellow Daoist j. By the way, what is the name of Fellow Daoist?"

Yang Yi had a thought, so he took an alias and said, "My name is Mu Yi, and I'm also a loose cultivator!"

In fact, Yang Yi also knew that these two women were mostly using pseudonyms. In such a place, no one would know how to use their real names, and everyone knew it.

Bai Xue said with a smile: "It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Mu, that's how it is. The person who knew the news and the exact location of the Moat Beast that day was the son of a big man in the Heavenly Alliance, and his own strength was also extremely powerful. That person It's called Dongfang Sheng, and it's powerful. He not only invited our sisters, but also other people, and it's scheduled to go together in three days. And that day's beast, which is rumored to have the power of a master of the sky, is in the dark abyss. In fact, it is extremely dangerous to take a chestnut out of the fire, and within these three days, Fellow Daoist Mu has to make good preparations."

"Haha, if there is no danger, how can there be any gain? I don't need to make any preparations, even if I go now, there is no problem."

Yang Yi has roughly understood some of the situation, and he is also thinking carefully in his heart. ! ~! [

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