blood record

Chapter 23 Amazing Fortune

[Turn sideways for three and a half weeks to ask for tickets~~~~]

In a secret room, Yang Yi was sitting cross-legged on the bed.

He took out Xuan Nian's body from the space ring, stretched out his hand to grab it, and grabbed four drops of blood directly from his body.

"Four drops of blood, that's right. Now I'm in the fourth level of blood coagulation. This realm is a state of complete accumulation. If I want to reach the fifth level of blood coagulation, I don't know how difficult it is. One hundred out of four levels of blood coagulation can become the fifth level of blood coagulation." It’s all amazing things.”

Yang Yi deeply knows how difficult the fifth level of blood coagulation is. He has tried his best to deal with the masters of the fifth level of blood coagulation. It is impossible to defeat him. [

"Accumulate, accumulate, accumulate with all my strength, accumulate by any means. As long as I accumulate enough strength, I will naturally be promoted naturally. Any comprehension is bullshit!"

Yang Yi has his own set of cultivation methods, he doesn't believe that there is no comprehension, he only believes in power, only in absolute power.The current strength is not enough for him to become the fifth level of blood coagulation, then accumulate, if four drops of essence blood are not enough, then accumulate five drops, six drops, or even seven drops, eight drops of essence blood.

The general blood coagulation quadruple has only four drops of jng blood, and there are those who have accumulated a lot, even five drops, but every time you add a drop of jng blood, it is extremely difficult, but once you add a drop of jng blood, its power will be straight Ascend, reaching a dire state.

Yang Yi closed his eyes slightly, and immediately inhaled the four drops of Xuan Nian's blood into his body. These four drops of blood rolled in, just like boiling water, and the poor nutritional power was transmitted in the blood. , making Yang Yi's blood more powerful, and his jng blood more cohesive.

"These sons of the palace masters are really different. The blood in their bodies is so powerful. If you just talk about strength, the power of this profound idea is even greater than mine."

Yang Yi thought secretly, but although this mysterious thought is so powerful that it is unimaginable, and there must be many means, but it didn't even have a chance to use it, and Yang Yi directly killed it with thunder. Lost.

This is how the lion fights the rabbit with all his strength, and if he preemptively seizes the opportunity, he can win everything, even defeating people who are stronger than himself.

After refining the jng blood, Yang Yicai set his sights on Xuan Nian's corpse.


Yang Yi sneered and kept groping for Xuan Nian.

"Huh? Nothing?"

Yang Yi frowned. He didn't find anything on Xuan Nian's body, not even a little pill. Will there be nothing at all?

Yang Yi kept scanning his eyes, and suddenly, his eyes flashed, and a smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"So it's like this? Space ring, a master should indeed have a space ring."

Yang Yi saw a space ring on Xuan Nian's finger, knew the number of spaces inside, and put all the good things in it.

Taking off the interspatial ring, Yang wiped away Xuannian's blood on the ring in an instant, dripped a drop of his own blood again, and immediately, the contents of the ring were clear at a glance.

But after seeing the things inside, even Yang Yi was dumbfounded.

"Oh my god, so many treasures? So many Danza... This is simply a mobile treasure trove!"

Yang Yi looked at the jade bottles piled up like a mountain in front of him, and those bloody crystals, he was a little dumbfounded. [

The lord's wealth was somewhat beyond his expectation.

"There are a total of 200 million of these blood crystals, and there are more than 500 bottles of pills, and all of them are vitality pills that are most suitable for the fourth level of blood coagulation cultivation!"

Yang Yi himself had 400 million yuan left at the auction, and bought another 100 million green water pills, leaving only 300 million blood crystals. This is already a remarkable wealth, but he did not expect that it was just a master , there are 200 million blood crystals.

What's more, if the value of these 400 bottles of vitality pills is added, it may already exceed [-] million blood crystals.

"Okay, okay, Xuan Nian's wealth is cheap for me. With so many pills, I don't have to worry about practicing in the future. I don't know how much I can accumulate with so many pills. Sooner or later, I will be promoted to the fifth level of blood coagulation!"

Yang Yi saw that his heart was full of joy, this is the real wealth, this is the real son, that Bai Yuanchen now looks like a beggar in the countryside, and cannot be compared with Xuan Nian at all.

"Look, if there is anything good, what is this?"

Suddenly, Yang Yi saw hundreds of sheets of yellow paper in the ring, with many mysterious patterns drawn on them, which seemed mysterious.

Yang Yi frowned, took out one gently, and felt it carefully.

"There is a terrifying power in it, it seems, it seems to use blood to stimulate it, just like a spell!"

Yang Yi dripped a drop of blood lightly, and in an instant, the yellow paper burst into flames, Yang Yi was startled, and hurriedly threw it out.


There was a terrifying explosion sound, and a deep pit was blown out on the hard ground two or three feet away from Yang Yi, and the house was completely destroyed. Fortunately, here is Yang Yi. There were no people in the place where I bought it, so such a big movement didn't attract the attention of others.

"What a terrifying power. This power has fully reached the peak of the fourth blood coagulation layer. It is stimulated with blood and bursts out with powerful power. Yes, this must be the talisman mentioned by the old man!"

Yang Yi's mind gradually recalled a long time ago.

According to the old man, according to Fu Lu, it is necessary to reach the seventh level of blood coagulation and condense one's own blood into pills. Of course, this is a virtual pill, so that ordinary blood can be drawn into these special papers to refine Fu Lu.

These talismans are easy to use and easy to refine. One piece can reach the power of the fourth level of blood coagulation. It may not be able to deal with the fifth level of blood coagulation.

Obviously, these talismans were refined by Xuan Nian's father, Lord Xuan Feng, for his self-defense.

"Hey, these talismans are sometimes a good thing to save your life, tsk tsk, and fortunately I used all the means at that time. Once the body binding technique was cast, the profound thoughts could not move, otherwise, let him throw so many talismans I’m afraid I’ve been blasted to pieces long ago.”

Yang Yi sighed slightly, Xuan Nian really died unjustly, if it is an upright assassin, pay attention to Yang Yi's body binding technique, so many talisman records, and his martial arts means, if they are used together, it is still unknown who will die. .

It's a pity that there is no word "if" in this world, only winners and losers!

Yang quickly put these talismans into his ring, and there was nothing in the ring.Yang Yi sank for a moment, then used huge force to crush the ring directly. [

Yang Yi took off the Yueluo bow on his back, stroked the longbow lightly, and seemed to be lost in thought again.

"The old man taught me the nine-zie chain, and now I have only practiced the three-zie chain. With my current strength, it is enough to practice the five-zie chain."

Yang Yi began to practice the martial arts of Moonfall Bow again, he wanted to improve his strength desperately.

Three days later, Yang Yi quietly walked out of the yard, reached out from the ring and took out a human skin mask as thin as a cicada's wings, put it on his face, and instantly Yang Yi turned into a middle-aged man with a sallow face. years of scribes.

There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and he went straight to the street and walked towards the city.

Although three days have passed, Jinyang City is still under martial law, and only entry is allowed but no exit is allowed.

Yang Yi frowned, looked at the city and murmured in a low voice: "It seems that this matter is very important, Xuan Nian is dead, he is the son of the Lord of One, he has great influence, and Jin Xie dare not Assuming this responsibility, I will definitely pursue it to the death. This city will not be reopened in a short time, but I have to go, if I don’t go, I will be discovered sooner or later when Xuanfeng arrives with some experts!"

Yang Yi made up his mind, and then walked towards the city.

As soon as the guards guarding the city saw Yang Yi slowly approaching, they slightly looked at the arrest warrant posted on the wall, seeing that it had nothing to do with Yang Yi's current appearance. Martial law, only in and not out!"

Yang Yi's figure did not stop, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The guard's eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly he saw a longbow on Yang Yi's back, his expression changed, as if he remembered something, he shouted loudly: "Come on, the master of the palace is here, hurry up!" to inform..."

The guard's eyes froze, and before he finished speaking, he felt his face sticky, and then gradually lost consciousness, and fell to the ground. There was already a pool of blood on his head.

Yang Yi's figure flashed, and then flew towards the other guards again. With his current strength, it was really easy to deal with these guards whose blood coagulation level was [-] or [-]. More than a dozen guards were slaughtered within a few breaths.


Yang Yi didn't delay, directly opened the city and roared away, not long after, Jin Xie who was notified rushed here, looked at the corpses all over the place, his face was heavy, and he personally led the people to chase them out quickly.

Just out of the city, the sky and the earth are big, a master of the fourth layer of blood coagulation, and can change his appearance, if you want to find it, it is almost like looking for a needle in a haystack, it is not easy!

After a while, Old Qiu also rushed over, looked at Jin Xie and asked, "Palace Master Jin, has this thief been caught?"

Jin Xie shook his head slightly with a wry smile, and looked at Old Qiu whose face was getting more and more serious, Jin Xie asked heartily: "Old Qiu, that thief has already escaped, what should we do now?"

Looking at the void, Mr. Qiu snorted coldly: "What should I do? What else can I do? This old man can only bite the bullet and go back to report to the Lord!"

After finishing speaking, Qiu Lao rode a fast horse and left Jinyang City with his guards.

However, Jin Xie's heart was full of bitterness, he even regretted it now, why did he get that piece of Dragon Transformation Token, and he was determined not to be able to bear the slight anger of the current situation owner.

Looking at the trembling young master Jin Yang next to you, Jin Xie was so angry that he gritted his teeth and said, "Beast, you caused the disaster. If the Lord blames it, our Jin family will disappear from the world. snort!"

Young Master Jin Yang was trembling all over, and his heart was full of fear. With his current state of mind, he would not even think about going any further in his cultivation in this lifetime. ! ~!

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