blood record

Chapter 24

[In the new week, Lao Yue urgently needs Piao Piao's fire support~~]

In the center of the entire continent, there is a huge sky palace, which is Hualong Palace.

There are dozens of shape-changing masters in the Hualong Palace, and there are countless other blood coagulation realm masters. There are hundreds of masters appointed respectively. It can be said that Hualong Palace is the land where all monks The holy place in my heart.

The Dragon Transformation Palace will hold a Dragon Transformation Competition every hundred years. Anyone who has not cultivated for a hundred years and has not cultivated to the fifth level of blood coagulation can participate in the Dragon Transformation Competition with a piece of Dragon Transformation Token. One can become an official disciple of Hualong Palace.

Of course, if you want to enter the Dragon Transformation Palace, you can also gather five Dragon Transformation Tokens, but this is almost impossible. Everyone who has a Dragon Transformation Token is not deeply hidden, and the slightest word of mouth will not be revealed. Collecting five Dragon Transformation Tokens is really harder than climbing to the sky.There is also a kind of person who can not only directly enter Hualong Palace, but also possess extremely high specifications. [

This kind of person is the kind of genius in the true sense. They have only cultivated for a hundred years, but they have cultivated to a super genius with a blood coagulation level of five or more. Such a genius can directly enter Hualong Palace and focus on training. It is possible to become a master of transformation, and naturally it will be focused on training by Hualong Palace.

Of course, such a genius may not be able to produce one in thousands of years.

There are still two or three months before the Centennial Dragon Transformation Competition, and many monks have started to leave one after another, rushing to the sacred place in the heart of all monks, the Dragon Transformation Palace.

On an avenue, there is a man dressed up galloping. This man has a handsome face, looks young, and seems to have not yet reached the crown. Occasionally, there is a sly look in his eyes. Behind him, he is carrying a knife. jng exquisite longbow.

This person is naturally Yang Yi who escaped from Jinyang City. After escaping from Jinyang City, Yang Yi rushed to Hualong Palace, changed several faces, and traveled thousands of miles before recovering. real face.

The destination of his trip is naturally to participate in the century-old grand event, the Dragon Transformation Competition.

Just as Yang Yice was galloping, a steady voice suddenly came from behind: "Fellow Daoist in front, please wait!"

Yang Yi frowned, turned around and looked, two fast horses galloped from behind, and immediately sat on a man and a woman, the man was dressed in a green shirt and looked elegant, while the woman looked very elegant.The qi and blood of these two people are strong, and Yang Yi can tell what happened at a glance. Of these two people, the man is a master at the fourth level of blood coagulation, while the woman is only at the third level of blood coagulation.

Along the way, Yang Yi also met many such monks, with the exception of them, they all rushed to Hualong Palace one after another.

The man in the green shirt clasped his fists and smiled slightly: "My fellow Taoist, seeing that you are traveling alone, the journey is not very smooth, why don't we go together?"

"Walking together?"

Yang Yi slightly looked at the man, then at the woman next to him, shook his head slightly and said: "No need, I can do it alone!"

The man was not surprised, but continued to say: "This fellow Taoist, seeing that you have reached the fourth level of blood coagulation at a young age, your talent is so high, it is not unreasonable. But on the way to Hualong Palace, the dragon and snake Mixing things up, there are a lot of things that kill people and steal goods, it is really dangerous, we go together, and we can take care of one or two, how about it?"

Yang Yi shook his head again, pulled the rein, and said lightly: "No need, I have driven for so long, and I haven't encountered any danger."

The man in the green shirt wanted to persuade him again, but the woman next to him seemed very angry, and said in a low voice: "Brother, let's go, there is no need to persuade him anymore, this man doesn't know what to do, and he will regret it when he encounters danger." , One more person might still be a burden, let's go!"

Yang Yi's eyes lit up slightly, this woman is quite interesting, she only has the third level of blood coagulation cultivation, but her tone is very powerful, it seems that she doesn't take Yang Yi's cultivation into consideration at all, such If a person is not a fool, then he must have some powerful means.

"Shut up!" the man snapped.

Then the man turned to Yang Yi, looking a little embarrassed, and said, "This fellow Taoist, please forgive me, this is sister She, she is straightforward, and I hope fellow Taoist don't take it to heart. Our brother and sister also went to Hualong Palace to watch the once-in-a-century event. In the Dragon Transformation Contest, but along the way, we saw that many masters with triple blood coagulation or even quadruple blood coagulation were killed, and their jng blood was ou. The death was miserable, so we had lingering fears, so we thought How do you feel about finding fellow daoists to walk with you so as not to encounter danger?"

But Yang Yi understood what he heard, and asked with some doubts: "To watch the Dragon Transformation Competition?" [

The woman next to him glanced at Yang Yidao angrily: "Of course I went to watch it. Could it be that you are still going to participate in the Dragon Transformation Competition?"

Yang Yi was not so magnanimous, his expression turned cold in an instant, and he said to the man: "Fellow Daoist already has the fourth level of blood coagulation, why don't you participate in the Dragon Transformation Competition?"

The man in the green shirt didn't feel embarrassed, he laughed and said, "Fellow Daoists must be practicing at home, so they rarely know about the Dragon Transformation Competition. The Dragon Transformation Competition only needs a Dragon Transformation Order to participate, which is very convenient. But How can this Dragon Transformation Token be so easy to obtain? Even if it is obtained, I would not dare to participate with such a trivial skill. Those who can confidently participate in the Dragon Transformation Competition are geniuses who are confident in themselves. But even if there are so many geniuses, more than half will be killed, and only a part of them will be able to stand out successfully in the end. Hehe, my wish is to be able to watch the battle of these geniuses and learn something from it , it would be great to have the opportunity to become the Fifth Layer of Blood Coagulation."

Yang Yi was noncommittal after hearing this, and immediately wanted to ride his horse and leave.

The face of the man in the blue shirt changed slightly, and he said loudly: "Fellow Daoist, what I said just now is true, and countless people have been killed, and their blood has also been drained. It is really dangerous. Fellow Daoists are still with us, taking care of each other."

But Yang Yi didn't pay any attention to it, and walked forward directly.

The woman next to him said in a low voice and coldly: "I don't know what to do, brother, let's ignore him, let's go!"

The man sighed slightly and said: "It's a pity, looking at this person's appearance, he can cultivate to the fourth level of blood coagulation at a young age. He must be extremely talented, and it is not easy to cultivate to this day. Under the arrogance, accidents are the easiest, and the tragedies we have seen along the way are not enough? Well, since he is not willing, we will not force others, let's go!"

Immediately, the two rode their horses and galloped forward, raising smoke and dust along the way. ! ~!

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