blood record

Chapter 25

[Looking at the appalling ticket, um, Lao Yue is very calm~~~~]

Although the Hualong Palace is in the center of the entire continent, when it gradually approaches the Hualong Palace, it is a dense forest and continuous mountains. Outsiders call this continuous mountain range the Hualong Mountains.

Now Yang Yi has shuttled in the Hualong Mountain Range.

In the mountain forest, there were a few figures faintly hidden. When these people heard the "clack" sound of the horse's hooves, they all fell silent one after another.

There are a few strong men hidden under the lush branches and leaves. These men are very powerful. There are five of them in total, and two of them are masters of blood coagulation. The other three cannot be underestimated. Blood coagulation triple power. [

These people are holding a longbow in their hands. These longbows are not as magical as the Moonfall Bow, but they are enough to be called a strong bow. These powerful people are hidden in the mountains and forests, and their eyes are dead. He stared at the road, as if he was ambushing something.

Yang Yi's horse galloped past here, and one of the men at the third level of blood coagulation in the forest whispered: "Brother, there is a young man whose cultivation level is not low, and he has cultivated to the fourth level of blood coagulation. Such a young man With such a high level of cultivation, he must not be rich, how about doing it?"

The one called Big Brother is a middle-aged man with a bushy beard. His eyes fixed on Yang Yi, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and he said in a low voice: "Everyone pay attention, when this guy arrives, he will be robbed immediately." kill!"

These people hide in the dense woods, very concealed, once they make a move, it is really very abrupt, with Yang alone's strength, in their eyes, it is naturally a sure thing.


Yang Yi's horse was getting closer and closer to the place where these people were hiding. Yang Yi didn't seem to notice anything unusual in his eyes, and he still galloped forward quickly.


A deep voice came from the forest, and suddenly, five sharp arrows shot out from the forest in an instant.

"whoosh whoosh"

The sharp arrows pierced through the air and were powerful. A strange flash flashed in Yang's eyes, but a slight smile appeared on the corner of Yang's mouth. He flew back fiercely, dodged these sharp arrows, and jumped to the ground all at once.


Several figures had already surrounded Yang Yi, enveloping Yang Yi inside.

One of the bald men shook his thick arm and laughed loudly: "Haha, big brother, maybe this is really a sheep. Looking at it like this, there must be a lot of pills on his body, hehe, maybe there are some unexpected gains? "

The others also laughed.

The middle-aged man with a beard didn't relax at all, and said coldly: "Long night and dreamy, kill!"

Following the bearded man's command to kill, the surrounding temperature seemed to cool down in an instant, and the five covetous masters all approached Yang Yi step by step with murderous intent flashing.

At this moment, a loud shout shook the mountains and forests, like a bolt from the blue.


Two horseshoes sounded, and then two figures leaped directly from behind, Yang Yi squinted slightly, he didn't expect that it was the man and woman he met just now who wanted to be with him but was rejected. [

A fierce look flashed in the eyes of the bearded man and said: "You two, don't meddle in other people's business, otherwise, you two will die too!"


As soon as the bearded man finished speaking, the figure of the woman next to him flashed, like a ghost, she ran directly in front of the bearded man's body, and slapped him on the face of the bearded man, leaving a fresh mark.

"you you……"

The bearded man looked at the woman in horror. You must know that this bearded man is at the fourth level of blood coagulation, and this woman is only at the third level of blood coagulation, but at that moment, he couldn't even see the woman clearly, as if Like a gust of wind, he was slapped on the face.

Not only was the bearded man surprised, even Yang Yi's eyes were slightly fixed. Even with his ability, he could only see a faint shadow drifting by. This woman's movement skills are indeed too terrifying.

Beside the bearded man, another four-level blood coagulation master suddenly changed his face, and whispered a few words in the bearded man's ear. The bearded man looked at the two suspiciously, and then said in a deep voice: "Phantom step? You are Gao Yang The Liu brothers and sisters in the government?"

A strange suspicion flashed in the eyes of the man in the green shirt and said: "It's our brothers and sisters, and our brothers and sisters' reputation must not spread to the Hualong Mountains, who are you?"

The bearded man laughed and said, "The Phantom Walk of the Liu brothers and sisters is unique in Gaoyang Mansion, and we five brothers have only heard about it. Since the Liu brothers and sisters are here, it must be difficult for us to get a bargain. That's okay, let's let this kid go, but next time, we won't be so lucky, let's go!"

These five people, obviously afraid of the two brothers and sisters, flashed into the forest one after another and disappeared.

The man in the green shirt clasped his fists slightly and said: "Fellow Daoist, you have seen what happened just now. This road is indeed a dangerous one. Even we, brother and sister, must be cautious. If you don't mind, fellow Daoist, we will still walk together. how?"

Yang Yi was silent for a while, but said indifferently: "Yang Yi."

After saying that, he let go of the rein and walked slowly with the two brothers and sisters.

The man in the blue shirt was overjoyed, and said with joy on his face: "Okay, okay, brother Yang is really concise. My name is Liu Yun, and this is my sister-in-law Liu Jing. When we walk together, we have two quadruple masters. I think things like this just now will never happen again!"

Liu Jing's face turned cold, and she snorted lightly: "Hmph, pretending, we saved you, but we didn't even have a word of thanks!"

"Liu Jing, stop messing around!"

Liu Yun seemed very annoyed, and then said to Yang Dao, "Brother Yang, don't mind, sister Sister is just a little quick-witted."

Yang Yi shook his head slightly, and then rushed towards Hualong Palace together with Liu Yun brothers and sisters.

On the way, Yang Yi didn't say a word, but Liu Jing next to him seemed to really dislike Yang Yi's style, and would often babble a few words. With Liu Yun restraining him, she didn't dare to be serious. To ridicule Yang Yi too much.

Yang Yi didn't pay any attention to this.

Yang Yi was walking in front and behind, Liu Yun scolded Liu Jing in a low voice: "Liu Jing, stop messing around. Yang Yi is definitely not simple, don't you see that those five people are surrounding him At that moment, didn't Yang Yi even show a trace of panic or surprise on his face? I'm afraid he was also afraid, or confident that he could escape."

Liu Jing snorted disdainfully and said: "Brother, you think too highly of this person. He didn't respond but he was at a loss. This person must have some power in his family. From relying on family members, he practiced smoothly all the way to At the fourth level, the eyes are higher than the top, hum, such a person should be taught some lessons!" [

Liu Yun shook his head slightly, but he didn't take the initiative to persuade Liu Jing to change her impression of Yang Yi.

At this moment, Yang Yimeng suddenly stopped and looked around, his eyes seemed to be searching for something.

Liu Jing sneered and said, "Could it be that you have discovered something else? Don't pretend, if there is any movement, my brother would have discovered it."

Faced with Liu Jing's ridicule, Yang Yi didn't care at all. His eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly looked at an unusual dense forest on the hillside, and said coldly, "I thought hiding there would be enough Was it a sneak attack?"

After Yang Yi's voice fell, a long while passed, and there was still no movement in the forest.

Liu Jing looked at Yang Yi with a sneer, and was about to taunt again, but Yang Yi suddenly picked up several stones from the ground and flew towards the mountain forest.


How powerful is the stone thrown by Yang Yi's current strength?Even a boulder has to be pierced.

"Haha, since we found out, then our five brothers will come out, but even if we find out, so what, can you escape like this?"

There was a loud noise from the forest, and then five figures emerged from the forest and stood in front of Yang Yi and the others.

Liu Yun's expression changed immediately, and he said in a low voice: "No, brother Yang, they are all masters at the fourth level of blood coagulation, especially the leader, who faintly reveals a sense of oppression all over his body, I'm afraid it's his whole body. Their bloodlines are extremely thick and powerful."

These five people are all masters of the fifth level of blood coagulation, appearing together is really an astonishing force.

"All of you are obediently arrested, maybe, for the sake of your cooperation, I only took your belongings and let you live, otherwise, hehe, you are going to die!" The leader's face was fierce. .

Liu Jingdang even sneered and said: "Oh? If you want to kill our brother and sister, it depends on whether you have the ability. If we two want to leave, who can stop us?"

This Liu Yun and Liu Jing's martial arts is a mortal high-level martial art phantom step. Once it is used, the movement method is really ghostly, the speed is like lightning, the general four-level blood coagulation, and even the five-level blood coagulation are not as fast as theirs .They also relied on this martial skill to dare to travel thousands of miles to Hualong Palace, otherwise they would have died several times already.

"You want to go? Haha, look what's behind you?"

These five people laughed loudly, and behind them, three figures also flashed from the side, and these three people also had four blood coagulation layers.

In the entire Qingyang Mansion, the fourth blood coagulation layer can be regarded as a master, and they can serve as the guards of Qingyang mansion, but on the way to Hualong Palace, the blood coagulation four layers appear one after another like Chinese cabbage .

In fact, the Dragon Transformation Competition is held every hundred years. In the entire continent, there are hundreds of houses in each of the lower levels. Quadruple is a scary number.

What's more, the once-in-a-hundred-year Dragon Transformation Competition is a big event. Many blood coagulation quadruple masters who don't have the Dragon Transformation Token will come to the Dragon Transformation Palace to watch, just like the Liu brothers and sisters.

A total of eight masters of the fourth level of blood coagulation surrounded Yang Yi and the other three. In this way, no matter how miraculous the movements of the Liu brothers and sisters were, it would be useless.

Yang Yi, who had been silent all this time, raised his head abruptly, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, as if sarcasm, and said in a low voice: "Okay, okay, eight people, each with four drops of jng blood , eight is 32 drops, maybe it can make me condense the fifth drop of jng blood, do you commit suicide or let me do it?"

Yang Yi's words made everyone stunned, and some even wondered if Yang Yi had gone crazy from fright. ! ~!

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