blood record

Chapter 26 Chopping melons and vegetables


"What? Didn't you hear what I said? Did you do it yourself or let me do it?"

Yang Yi sat on the big horse, looking down at these people who came to intercept and kill.

One of the men suddenly laughed loudly: "Haha, brother, this kid is already crazy, he is already crazy!"

As soon as the words fell, Yang Yi leaped away, and the ferocious power erupted instantly, and his whole body was filled with a fierce and dangerous aura. [

"Ah? Do you dare to do it? Court death, kill!"

All five of them slammed their hands together, slapping Yang fiercely with their strong palms.

A trace of disdain appeared at the corner of Yang Yi's mouth, and five drops of blood instantly dripped from five fingers, and disappeared mysteriously in the void.

"Body bondage!"

These five people instantly felt that their whole bodies were restrained by a mysterious force, and their speed became like a snail.

"Spells? Does this kid know how to perform spells?"

Someone finally knew what kind of power it was, and they were the first to scream.

But it was too late, Yang Yi directly grabbed the head of one of the men.


Just like a watermelon, the huge head was slapped to pieces by Yang Yi, the white brains flowed all over the ground, and the blood spurted out, but Yang Yi's speed was also very fast, almost instantly, four out of the man's body. A drop of jng blood was slowly put into the jade bottle, with a very leisurely expression on his face.

The power of the body binding technique has passed, and there are still four of the five people left. These four people were shocked by the accident just now, and when they looked at Yang Yi for a while, they had already revealed fear. Only then did they know that it was not Yang Yi. Once crazy, they are the ones who are really crazy.

Yang Yi's eyes were indifferent, and he said lightly: "Do you want me to do it or do you commit suicide? Hurry up, otherwise you will be in great pain and misery when I do it..."

Yinsen's tone, as well as the thunderous blow just now, gave everyone a chill.

The leading man gritted his teeth, and said fiercely in his eyes: "He's only one person, but he's only at the fourth level of blood coagulation. How capable can he be? The four of us go up together and kill!"

With the leadership of the leader, these people are also masters of the fourth level of blood coagulation, and they have experienced countless times of fighting. They have rich experience. Once they have the courage, they all displayed their martial arts one after another. One attack.

Yang Yi shook his head slightly, since he escaped from Jinyang City, he swallowed countless pills along the way, and also killed many people who came to intercept them like these people, refining their blood , Continuously accumulating, the power is far beyond the imagination of the ordinary blood coagulation quadruple layer, and I am afraid that the original Xuan Nian may not be as powerful as Yang Yi now.

Seeing the four people rushing towards him one after another, Yang Yi's figure remained motionless, the blood force in his body was constantly flowing, quickly filling his whole body, and he shouted loudly: "Jiugong Phantom, kill!"

"swish swish"

Yang Yi displayed the terrifying immortal martial arts, and suddenly four identical Yang Yi appeared, and the four figures shot out instantly, like four gusts of wind, flying towards the four of them. [

"bang bang bang"

Yang Yi's speed is extremely fast, no one knows whether the four phantoms are real or not, it seems that what the four of them encountered is real, this kind of martial skill is even more impressive than that mysterious technique. heart hair

The four of them were all hit by Yang Yi's palm, but the four of them suddenly realized that they were only a little shocked in their blood, and they didn't seem to have suffered any injuries.

The leading man smiled proudly: "Haha, this guy is nothing more than that, let's go up together, kill him, and avenge the dead brother!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the man saw a terrified look in the eyes of his companion next to him, and then he felt a colic all over his body, and looked at his abdomen again, and found that the abdomen was already thick black, and large patches of blood were visible to the naked eye. Rapid festering.


All four of them were hit with one palm, and they were naturally poisoned by the poison on the glove in Yang Yi's hand. This kind of poison is so vicious that it is unimaginable. Only by sealing off a part of the blood can one not be afraid of this poison, otherwise one will be suspicious if encountering it below the fifth level of blood clotting.

Yang turned his eyes to the back again and again, and the three masters of the fourth level of blood coagulation could only stop the Liu Yun brothers and sisters. Being able to deal with these three people relying on the weirdness of his body skills.

Seeing Yang Yi turned around, the three of them were terrified. They could clearly see the scene just now. How could they dare to see the miserable screams of the last four people and their festering appearance? Staying there, one after another made a feint, and then fled back quickly.

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Yang Yi's mouth, his eyes were icy cold, he gently took off the Moonfall Bow from his back, bent the bow and set up an arrow, drew the string like a full moon, and let go

"Five sons in a row!"


The speed of the five sharp arrows was extremely fast, and their strength made one's scalp tingle, and they made a sharp piercing sound when they rubbed against the space.


The five long arrows killed the three fleeing people in an instant. With the sharp arrows fired by Yang Yi's power now, the ordinary blood coagulation quadruple would definitely not be able to resist it.

The eight blood coagulation experts died in a split second, and their bodies fell to the ground, as simple as chopping melons and vegetables.Both Liu Yun and Liu Jing gasped, and a shocked light flashed in their eyes. Only then did they realize how terrifying Yang Yi was.

Yang Yi didn't pay attention to the shocked gazes of the two, and went straight to the corpses of these people, groped for some pills from the corpses of these people, and then poured out all the blood in these people's bodies one after another, and put them in Put it in the yu bottle.

This kind of action made Liu Yun's face very ugly. He took a deep breath and asked Yang Yi in a low voice: "Daoyou Yang, please forgive us for offending us brothers and sisters earlier! On the road, those horrific shriveled corpses were caused by fellow Daoists?"

Yang Yi raised his head slightly, with playful eyes in his eyes, and said lightly: "That's right, I killed them all."

Liu Yun blushed slightly, and said in a lower voice, "Dare to ask you, why did you kill them?"

"Just like these eight people, trying to rob and kill Yang failed, so he was killed by Yang, that's all!"

After Yang Yi finished collecting the blood, she looked at Liu Yun brothers and sisters, especially Liu Jing, with a playful look on her face. Her expression had become extremely uncomfortable. During this journey, she often taunted Yang Yi. ! ~! [

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