blood record

Chapter 27 Dragon Transformation City


Seeing Liu Yun's brothers and sisters look so divine, Yang Yi smiled slightly, took out four bottles of pills from the interspatial ring, stretched out his hand, and put the pills into the hands of the two of them.

"These four bottles of pills are given to you as a reward for saving me!"

Liu Yun opened the yu bottle, his expression changed slightly, and he almost cried out in shock: "Vitality Pill? This is an excellent pill for blood coagulation and nourishing at the fourth level. This... I really dare not take it!"

Yang Yi shook his head slightly, but ignored it, he hadn't got the habit of taking back the things he sent out. [

Liu Yun took a deep breath and said with a wry smile: "Brother Yang was joking, how can we save Brother Yang with our trivial skills? I'm afraid it's a good thing that the two of us broke Brother Yang?"

Liu Yun's mind is quick and quick, so it's natural to see through it. The last time he rescued Yang Yi, it was completely unnecessary. If he didn't take action, those people last time would be like the shriveled corpses he saw before. up.

Yang Yi stepped onto the horse, and said to the Liu brothers and sisters: "Now we are not far from Hualong Palace, and there will be no danger on this road, let's leave now!"

Liu Yun's expression was complicated, as if he had made up his mind, he frowned and said to Yang Yi: "Brother Yang, no matter what, today you saved our brothers and sisters, Liu has a piece of advice, I hope Brother Yang will take it to heart !"

Yang Yiyi said in surprise: "Advice? Please tell me!"

Liu Yun looked at the eight corpses on the ground, and said in a low voice: "Brother Yang, you have killed ou to collect jng blood along the way, I am afraid it is to accumulate enough to hit the fifth level of blood coagulation, right? This refined jng blood is indeed Fast, even faster than Devouring Pill, but it is so easy to cause a shallow foundation, and the fifth level of blood coagulation is not so easy to break through, it needs some opportunities to comprehend, otherwise, even with Brother Yang's talent, it may be difficult to cultivate the fifth level of blood coagulation Heavy."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly, looked up to the sky and said with a long smile: "Haha, what is comprehension or not comprehension, this is a fallacy at all. Everything depends on how things will happen, as long as my strength is strong enough, no matter how hard the barrier is It will be self-defeating. The so-called impact is difficult, but it is because of insufficient strength. Now that my strength is not enough, then I will continue to accumulate. If killing one person is not enough, then I will kill thousands of people. Just use thousands of bottles and thousands of bottles, and you must be brave and advanced in cultivation, haha, this is the real way of light!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Yi rode his horse and galloped wildly, raising waves of smoke and dust, and disappeared from the sight of the two of them in an instant.

Liu Yun looked at the distance with complicated eyes, smiled wryly and shook his head, but Liu Jing, who was always eloquent, didn't speak anymore, thinking that what happened to Yang Yi just now had shocked her.

Liu Yun sighed slightly: "Liu Jing, don't underestimate yourself. Although Brother Yang is young, he is very human. If he can understand what I just said, don't blindly seek quickness, and don't blindly plunder and refine. jng blood, then his future achievements will definitely not be good."

After finishing speaking, the two of them rode their horses and galloped towards Hualong Palace.

Yang Yi rode on his horse and drove like lightning along the way, and soon he saw a huge and magnificent palace in the sky, this palace was floating high in the sky, with an ancient and powerful aura rushing towards his face, making people feel it from the bottom of his heart when he saw it. fear.

"Is this the Hualong Palace? It's really amazing!"

Even Yang Yi was shocked by this huge palace floating in the void. Such a method is simply unimaginable. I am afraid that those transformations, or even the legendary masters who reach the sky, can do it.

Hualong Palace, as the sacred place in the hearts of all monks in the entire continent, has always been mysterious, powerful, and ancient. Now just seeing this magnificent palace makes people feel completely convinced.

Under Hualong Palace, there is also a huge and prosperous city. There are many people coming and going in this city, and most of the people who come and go are experts at the fourth level of blood coagulation. I am afraid there are tens of thousands.

That's not to mention, even those super masters of the fifth level of blood coagulation, and even the sixth level and seventh level, are not uncommon, and they all entered the city one after another.These people also completely lost their usual aloof and domineering demeanor, instead they entered the city with an awe-inspiring look.

Yang Yi raised his eyes and saw the words "Hualong City" written on the city.

"Hualong City, it seems that this is the only city under Hualong Palace." Yang Yi also rode his horse slowly into Hualong City. [

In Hualong City, people come and go, all kinds of goods are dazzling, and all kinds of treasures emerge one after another. Countless monks are constantly shouting, some are bargaining, and some are simply watching the excitement from the sidelines.

This was the first time Yang Yi had seen such a scene, and among these people, even those with the lowest cultivation were at the third level of blood coagulation, and most of them were at the fourth level of blood coagulation.

Don’t look at those who buy and sell, maybe one of them is a master of the fifth level of blood coagulation, or even the sixth or seventh level of blood coagulation. The number masters, mansion masters and casual cultivators from all over the world will come one after another. It is really a grand event for the monks in the whole mainland.

Yang Yi is now well-funded and rich, so he directly bought a yard in this prosperous area. This yard also cost nearly 50 blood crystals, which is really shockingly expensive.

"There are still nearly two months before the Dragon Transformation Competition. Taking advantage of this time, I will continue to increase my strength. There are hundreds of thousands of masters participating in the Dragon Transformation Competition, and those who can participate in the Dragon Transformation Competition are not due to their own strength. With a sliver of confidence, none of them are mediocre, and there are many who are stronger than me."

Although Yang Yi seemed arrogant and supercilious, he was very cautious in his heart.

He has only cultivated to the fourth level of blood coagulation now, and still only has four drops of pure blood.Those sons of rich and noble princes, many of whom are talented, may have already condensed five, or even six, seven drops of blood.

Every drop of jng blood increases, its strength will double, and its lifespan will also increase accordingly. Each drop of jng blood represents 100 years. It was so powerful that it was unimaginable, and even the powerful fifth blood coagulation layer was ignored.

"Then Liu Yun said that if you want to achieve the fifth level of blood coagulation, you have to progress step by step and rely on comprehension. This is just the cultivation method of ordinary people. It is because they have no way or opportunity to increase their strength. If they want to kill the masters of the same level It's not that simple to plunder jng blood. Hmph, why are the sons of the lords and mansion lords much stronger than ordinary monks at the same level? Isn't it because they have limited cultivation resources and even have the ability to raise people? To refine the blood, this is the way to advance bravely, and this is the most suitable method for cultivation."

Yang Yi was determined, he insisted on his own cultivation method, so naturally he would not be shaken by Liu Yun's short words. ! ~!

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