blood record

Chapter 264 Domain Master

"Bold, how can an outsider point out the matter of my Yaochi Palace? What's more, it's just a Hualong Palace transformation disciple. Disciples like you are caught by a lot in my Yaochi Palace. Hmph After a little fortuitous encounter, you are so arrogant that you don't know how to measure it, and you dare to take action against Elder Tongtian of my Yaochi Palace, it is simply audacious."

Suddenly, an old woman with silver hair below said loudly.

Long Yuanyue, who was beside Yang Yi, was also moved in his heart at this time, and immediately said: "It is really audacious to take charge of Yang Yi, not to mention that the matter of him intercepting and killing the Eleventh Prince is only from the two generations of Wan Zilin and Wan Ziqing." One-sided words, maybe the three of them colluded together and killed Eleven Young Masters. The Ji Dao Sect is not the same, and the anger of the Ji Dao Sect is not something we can bear. Why don't we arrest this daring thief and give him Ji Dao Sect, this is the only way to serve as an example and maintain the majesty of my Yaochi Palace."

Yang Yi watched coldly, but did not speak. [

On the contrary, Fu Yuanxia stood up abruptly, and said with a serious face: "Third Senior Sister, Second Senior Sister, what do you mean by saying this? Could it be that my younger sisters are all people who betrayed the sect? Hmph, although my younger sister is not talented, but my younger sister Disciple, there will never be such a scum, but Second Senior Sister, your eldest disciple betrayed my Yaochi Palace back then and went directly to the Jidao Sect, and now he is still the concubine of the Jidao Sect master."

That silver-haired old woman is Fu Yuanxia's second senior sister. Back then, her eldest disciple betrayed the faction and joined the Jidao Sect, and even became the concubine of the current Jidao Sect's suzerain. The greatest shame of his life.

The silver-haired old woman's face was ashen, and her whole body was shocked: "Fu Yuanxia, ​​you..."

"Okay, this matter has its own conclusion, you don't want to argue anymore"

An old woman in green clothes next to Yaochi Palace suddenly spoke. When she opened her mouth, the silver-haired old woman and Long Yuanyue below did not dare to speak, although she was somewhat unwilling. It was obvious that this old woman had a high status.

Yang Yi also took a closer look, only to be shocked to find that the old woman in Qingshan didn't look like mountains and rivers, but her cultivation base was really terrifying. A worthy figure in power.

A faction, the first level of Tongtian is just a high status, but to really take power, it must be cultivated to the second level of the sky, because only the sun and moon level can be turned back. If there is a big change in the faction, there are few disciples, It is possible to let these super masters of the sun and moon realm reverse the time and let the disciples practice in it. One day of practice is equivalent to one year and the faction will be as stable as Mount Tai.

Therefore, once the green-clothed old woman opened her mouth, the elders below did not dare to speak again.Even if they have cultivated to the realm of reaching the sky, they are divided into three, six, and nine grades, and the difference in status is huge, even worse than when they were transformed.

Everyone stopped talking, but at this time Yang Yi stepped out, looked at the silver-haired old woman coldly, and said with a sneer: "This elder, you just said that a disciple like Yang is in Yaochi There are a lot of palaces. Yang wants to see how unattainable you, the high-ranking Elder Tongtian, are. Outside, Yang can catch the newly promoted Elder Long. Here, Yang can also arrest you, your aloofness makes Yang very uncomfortable, come down for me."

Yang Yi's whole body was shaken, and an incomparable force was instantly released. This time, Yang Yi directly used his big corrosive hand, the billowing yellow was emitting a stench, and grabbed the silver-haired old woman viciously.

This silver-haired old woman is also a majestic master of the sky, naturally she will not be afraid, and said with a sneer: "How dare you use the insect carving skill to shame people? Huh, that's okay, this elder will let you know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, the palm of the sky."

The silver-haired old woman actually slapped her palm, which was powerful, and it seemed that there was a faint Nine Heavens Gangsha.

Jiutian Gangsha, that is not an ordinary thing, but in the stars, close to the specific area of ​​the starry sky, there is a layer of Jiutian Gangfeng, some powerful winds in the stars can easily blow to death All-day master.

These strong winds are collected by people, and they can produce great power through daily practice.

The silver-haired old woman seemed to belittle Yang Yi, but in fact she showed her unique skills all at once. Although her Gang Sha was not enough to blow to death the masters of the sky, but it could also hurt the masters of the sky. It was very powerful. The shapeshifting cultivator couldn't resist at all.

Wan Ziqing's face turned pale, and she whispered to the master in front of him: "Master, it's not good, this is the second martial uncle's unique Tiangang palm, but it can turn all Mahayana masters into dust with one palm, even the masters of the sky You have to be cautious, and ask Master to save Yang Yi."

Fu Yuanxia's face was heavy, and she snorted coldly: "Don't worry, if Yang Yi is in danger, the teacher will naturally take action. Hmph, the second senior sister and the third senior sister are now united to suppress the teacher. Naturally, the teacher will not sit idly by." reason."

Fu Yuanxia also appreciates Yang Yi very much, not only because he saved her two disciples, but also because she saw the potential in Yang Yi, the potential to be promoted to the sky, now let's get together, If Yang Yi is really promoted to Tongtian in the future, it will be beneficial.

Although Yang Yi was using his corrosive hand, he could see all directions and listen to all directions, so he knew something about the situation in the hall. He saw Fu Yuanxia's actions, and he probably wanted to save him in danger. [

"It seems that this Yaochi Palace is not monolithic, it is divided into several factions, but this is better, first kill the prestige of this silver-haired old woman, win over Fu Yuanxia, ​​and have the support of people inside Yaochi Palace, so it will be considered as offending one faction, but But he was able to save his life, and that mysterious palm would not be able to make a move."

Now what Yang Yi fears the most is that tall Yaochi Palace Palm who can't see his face clearly. As long as he keeps this mysterious palm steady, Yang Yi has nothing to fear.

These thoughts just flashed in an instant, and the two terrifying palms finally collided together.


The huge power spread to the surroundings, even the blue brick floor was corroded, and some power even reached the elder Tongtian below. They could have easily resolved it, but they suddenly discovered that there was a terrifying power in this power. The power of corrosion, even their power cannot be easily blocked, it needs a strong force to suppress it.

Not to mention the wind, let alone Yang Yi's real hand of corrosion, the huge hand of corrosion has a domineering aura that corrupts the world, directly broke the old woman's evil spirit, grabbed her body fiercely, Twist hard.


The lofty silver-haired old woman, the majestic ancient elder Tongtian, was dragged down just like Long Yuanyue was outside at this moment, her face was saved, and the power of corrosion even rushed into her body, It was constantly corroding her body, faintly about to corrode the primordial spirit.

What kind of power is Yang Yi's corrosive hand?The rotten beast back then was able to devour immortals. Once this rotten hand was used, it would be earth-shattering. Although it did not have the terrifying power of devouring immortals, it was still easy to grasp for Tongtian Yizhong.

"What? What kind of power is this that can easily corrode our power?"

"Just now, I thought that this slug could be easily resolved, but I didn't expect that there was a magical corrosive force inside, which directly eroded my strength. It's really powerful. I'm afraid it can even corrode the primordial spirit. Is it a magic weapon or a law?

"Look quickly, Second Senior Sister's body has begun to rot, and the corrosive force is really terrifying, even her primordial spirit is about to be corroded."

"What should I do? Could it be that I just watched the Second Senior Sister die for some reason?"

"Only the palm of the hand, not even the Great Elder, only the palm of the hand."

The faces of many Tongtian elders below all changed at the same time. Looking at the silver-haired old woman's face turned yellow, her whole body began to fester under a strange corrosive force, faintly corroding into the primordial spirit.The silver-haired old woman either gave up her body and escaped her soul, or corrupted her soul together.

Yang Yi sneered in his heart, this silver-haired old woman is really stupid, even dare to take the hand of corrosion, she simply doesn't know what is good or bad.

The hand of corrosion, especially after Yang Yi's diamond body has been promoted to the unbroken body, has been able to exert tremendous power. It is easy to corrode the masters of the first level of Tongtian, and it can even compete with the great masters of the sun and the moon.

But the Hand of Corrosion is a very part of the Rotten Beast after all, its power is limited, if you face a powerful triple-layer sky-shifting master, you will have no resistance at all, even if Yang Yi casts the curse now, I'm afraid there is nothing he can do The sky-shifting three-fold master of the air-moving realm.

While these Tongtian elders were worried, they couldn't help having a new view of Yang Yi. Looking at the old woman whose whole body was festering, these Tongtian masters felt a chill in their hearts. They knew that if Yang Yiyi and they would use such a method , I'm afraid they can't resist it.

Yang Yi looked around, unexpectedly there was a faint sense of majesty.


Suddenly, the mysterious palm finally made a move, and she disappeared with a slight flash of her body, and then appeared in front of the silver-haired old woman in an instant. [

Yang Yi's heart was shocked, this is the space shuttle, it is the method of the master of the air movement, it is extremely terrifying.

But the shock didn't stop there, I saw the palm stretched out and pointed at the silver-haired old woman.


Immediately, a layer of faint light appeared around the palm. It was a magical force. It seemed that under the cover of this force, Yang Yi couldn't even move, and would suffer a thunderous attack if he moved. .

"This... this is the power of the domain. The Yaochi Palace is actually a powerful fourth-level Tongtian, who has cultivated a master of the domain."

Yang Yi was completely shocked, he never imagined that this Yaochi Gongzhang with a graceful voice and a slender figure was actually a master in the field. ! ~!

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