blood record

Chapter 265 The Origin Crystal

Domain masters are unattainable super masters. Once they comprehend the domain, it will be another realm. As long as they are under the cover of their domain, the masters in the domain will have no resistance at all.

Yang Yiben thought that this mysterious master was at most the peak of the Yikong Realm, but he never expected to reach the terrifying Domain Realm and out of the Realm after cultivation.

This power of corrosion, even the masters of the space-moving realm cannot escape, but it is easy for the masters of the domain. In her domain, she is a god-like existence. If she wants to stop any power from functioning, she can stop it. .

Yang immediately felt that the induction between the corrosive hand and the corrosive power in the silver-haired old woman disappeared in an instant, and it was obviously broken by this mysterious palm. [


With a flash of the palm of this mysterious Yaochi Palace, he returned to the chair again. The corrosive power in the body of the silver-haired old woman lying on the ground has been wiped out and is recovering rapidly.

The silver-haired old woman bowed her head and said, "Thank you for your treatment."

The silver-haired old woman narrowly escaped death, looking at Yang Yi with viciousness in her eyes.

"Okay, that's the end of this matter. As for the Eleventh Prince's matter, I have made my own decision. You are not allowed to spread any news. If there is even a trace of news leaked, it is a great crime of treason. Do you know?"

Seeing Zhang's stern tone, these Tongtian elders didn't dare to disobey, and bowed down one after another: "I respect Zhang's order!"

"Yang Yi, now you are a distinguished guest of my Yaochi Palace, Great Elder, please arrange a place for the distinguished guests, so as to show how my Yaochi Palace treats guests."

The mysterious palm flickered for a moment, and then traveled through the space.

Immediately, the old woman in green clothes said to Yang Yi: "Young Daoist Yang, please follow me."

This green-clothed old woman is the Great Elder of Yaochi Palace, with a high position and authority, and a master of the sun and moon realm at the second level of the sky. Neither Long Yuanyue nor the silver-haired old woman dared to say anything, but there was resentment in their eyes

Yang Yi followed the old woman in blue to the fifth floor of the Yaochi Hall. There are quiet rooms one by one. Each quiet room looks noble and gorgeous. There are some precious spices in it, which makes people feel Refreshed.

After all, Yaochi Palace is a great sect that inherits the ancient tradition, and its background is extraordinary. The style of this quiet room alone cannot be compared with that of Hualong Palace.

The green-clothed old woman didn't say anything, she led Yang Yi to the quiet room and left. Yang Yi also began to think carefully about the gains and losses just now.

The mysterious Yaochi Palace palm has a high level of cultivation. She seemed to be able to see through Yang at a glance. Although Yang Yi still knew that she hadn't seen the Milky Way star map in her body, Yang Yi always felt that this Yaochi Palace's palm must be There is a picture, but I don't know what is on Yang Yi's body.

"Yaochi Palace is really a dangerous place, and it's different from my prediction, so I have to find a way to leave as soon as possible."

Yang Yi made up his mind to resign and leave tomorrow, otherwise Yang Yi's heart would be unstable if he stayed here.

The vitality here is so rich that it is almost enviable, but Yang Yi does not care about these vitality at all. Now his Dharma body has reached the limit, and because he met Yang Shan, his knot has been solved, and he has entered the point of going back to the source , so the power absorbed by the dharma body has reached the limit of the limit, unless it is cultivated into a primordial spirit, it will not go any further.

But Yang Yi still doesn't know what conditions are still missing in condensing the primordial spirit.

"Are you comprehended? I'm afraid not. I have reached the point of going back to the source. Comprehension is not bad. Is it lacking in vitality?" [

Yang Yi stretched out his hand and made a move, and the entire Tianhe star map flew out, shining with a powerful aura. Now the Tianhe star map has recovered [-]%, and it is rapidly absorbing the original power every day. The original power inside can be described as surging .

When Yang Yizheng wanted to try using his body to see if he could condense his primordial spirit, he saw that the Tianhe Star Chart was vibrating unceasingly.Yang Yi's heart moved. When he came to the Yaochi hall, he felt that there was a power in this hall that made Tianhe Star Chart even violent. But after what happened just now, he almost forgot it. Until now The Milky Way star map was shaking again, and he woke up.

Yang Yi got up, and murmured: "The Tianhe star map is extraordinary. The current Tianhe star map is a complete Tianhe star map. Something that can shake the Tianhe star map must be extraordinary."

There were some stars twinkling on the Tianhe star map, but suddenly, the entire star map flashed, but a hidden place appeared. In the picture, this hidden place has a huge door that emits a An aura that made the Tianhe Star Chart tremble.

Yang Yi's heart skipped a beat, he was afraid that there was something extraordinary in the picture, which could shake the Milky Way Star Chart so much, and Yang Yi was also a little curious.

"Yaochi Palace has some connection with Tianhe Xingjun. Maybe there are hidden things left by Tianhe Xingjun in this Yaochi Palace. It seems that there is no one in the picture. Maybe I can go and check."

Yang Yi thought about it, and immediately followed the route in the picture, turned around many places, and finally came to this big front.

Yang Yi saw that there was a strange totem engraved on the door, and there was a palpitating power shining on it. Yang Yi didn't dare to move it. After all, this place is in Yaochi Palace. The mysterious and powerful palm of Yaochi Palace is coming, I'm afraid he will die.

There is not a single gap in the door, and there is no way to see what is inside. This makes Yang Yi difficult. He can't force his way into it, and even if he does, the door is shining with strange power. I'm afraid that Yang Yi may not be able to open it.


When Yang Yi was in trouble, suddenly the entire Tianhe star map emitted a bright light, this light, even Yang Yi had never seen it before, and then the original power in the entire Tianhe star map burned blazingly, It seems that this Tianhe star map is mobilizing some terrifying power.


The Tianhe star map directly rolled up Yang Yi and traveled through the void, and came directly inside.

Traveling through the void, this is the power of the sky-reaching triple-level space-moving realm, and this Tianhe star map has such an ability.

However, when Yang Yi saw the empty original power in the Tianhe star chart at this time, he was a little stunned. This is the original power accumulated in the Tianhe star chart for several years. The power to travel through space.

Yang Yi knew that even if he had mastered the power of traveling through space, it would be impossible for him to display it.


When Yang Yi opened his eyes and watched the scene inside, he was almost stunned.

"This...these are the original power?"

Yang Yi couldn't believe his eyes. In this empty square, there were countless spars. The strength of the original power emitted by these spars was simply unimaginable.Yang Yi could tell at a glance that these spars were the crystals of the original source formed when the source power was extremely concentrated and compressed to the extreme.

So many original crystals have piled up into mountains.

"One, two, three, four, five, there are actually five piles of crystal mountains piled up with original crystals." [

Yang Yi was completely shocked. The strength of the original power in these original crystals is simply unimaginable. The power of each original crystal is unimaginable, and Yang Yi was a little dumbfounded for a moment.

There are so many origin crystals, and they are in Yaochi Palace, so Yang Yi knows whose generosity it is. I am afraid that no one can have such a great generosity except Tianhe Xingjun back then. Estimated wealth here.

It's no wonder that Tianhe Star Chart has to come here regardless of everything. This is simply a treasure house. If Tianhe Star Chart swallows these original crystals, how far will it recover?

Yang Yifa calculated that because the Milky Way star map has now recovered [-]%, the source of power required is so huge that even he doesn't know, but what is certain is that if he just absorbs the source of power little by little, there will be no improvement for decades. In a hundred years, it is impossible to restore the Milky Way Star Map to [-]%.

But if there are these original crystals, I am afraid that the Milky Way Star Chart will be able to recover to [-]% or even higher immediately.

"It's really God's help. I'm in a dangerous situation now, but if I can restore the Milky Way Star Chart, I'm afraid there will be unexpected abilities. When the time comes, my strength will increase greatly, so I don't have to be so afraid."

Yang Yi couldn't bear it any longer, and immediately displayed the Milky Way Star Map, which transformed into a hundreds of zhang in the void.

"Tianhe Star Map, swallow it to your heart's content!"

Yang Yi's eyes flickered, and he immediately pointed at the Tianhe star chart. In an instant, the entire Tianhe star chart exuded a huge suction force.


Countless original crystals were absorbed into the Tianhe star map and dissolved into the purest source power. Yang Yi also instantly entered the Tianhe star map, feeling the earth-shaking changes of the Tianhe star map.

The exhausted original crystals were refined one after another, and the Tianhe Star Chart recovered faster and faster.

"Such a huge source of power is just right for me to attack the realm of the primordial spirit!"

Yang Yi's heart moved, and he immediately released his Dharma body, and began to recklessly absorb the original power. Originally, Yang Yi's Dharma body could no longer absorb it, but now Yang Yi was desperate to absorb it, taking hundreds of meters of Dharma body away. They were about to explode.

Yang Yi mastered the whole process, and when he was sure that the Dharma Body could no longer be refined, he prepared to stop.

No matter how Yang Yi devoured the original power, no matter how powerful his dharma body was, there was not a trace of condensing the primordial spirit in his dharma body.

Yang Yi knew that his accumulation was too huge, if he wanted to be promoted to Yuanshen, he was afraid that he would be envied by the heavens, and he would suffer endless hardships. Even the bottleneck was stronger than other cultivators who knew how many times.But as it is now, no matter how he thinks, he can't condense the primordial spirit, which is really inconceivable. ! ~!

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