blood record

Chapter 273

In the Tianhe star map, Yang's face was heavy. Although he had just taken advantage of the unique environment here, he had a deeper understanding of the curse technique and peeped into the rules, but this kind of comprehension is only the comprehension of the soul, and the power of the curse technique cannot be improved much. , it can't hold the radiant scepter for a long time at all, at most it will only last for a few breaths.

"The space has been blocked by the radiant scepter, and I can't use it to travel through the space, so I can only escape from the passage!"

Yang Yi quickly displayed the Tianhe Star Chart and flew out of the passage.


The radiant scepter outside tore apart the cursed hand again. Seeing that the Tianhe Star Chart was about to fly away, the scepter lengthened rapidly and moved forward fiercely.


As soon as the starlight in the entire Tianhe star map goes dark, it seems that the space is about to collapse. Like the semi-celestial treasures like the Tianhe star map, even the masters of the triple space shifting realm and even the quadruple domain realm have to exert all their power , Slowly consume the power of Tianhe Star Chart, and can only be subdued in the end.

But now, this scepter of radiance almost broke the Tianhe Star Chart, which is enough to prove how terrifying the current scepter of radiance is, and the Tianhe Star Chart is no match for it at all.

The scepter of brilliance is becoming more and more fierce now. Each scepter gathers the terrifying power of light. When the scepter is tapped, even the space will be shattered.

Once the Tianhe star map is broken, Yang Yi and Yaochi Gongzhang are doomed!

Yang Yi looked at Yaochi Gongzhang and she was already injured, even the domain was seriously injured, it is hard to say whether she can condense the domain now.

Yao Chi Gong's face was pale, but at this moment, she was thinking back to the words of her master before he died: "Bi Luo, if you meet that noble man, the only way to follow him is to practice with him. As a master, I have spent my whole life His cultivation base has entered into your body, only by cultivating with him, the seal of being a teacher will be lifted, and you can comprehend the mystery of the five-level world master of Tongtian, and transform all the domains into the world. My Yaochi Palace The future is in your hands, Bi Luo, I put all my hopes on you for my teacher... save my Yao Chi Palace!"

The master's dying words were vivid in his memory, but Bi Luofa forgot that it was the master who brought her up, who took her as an apprentice, and cultivated to reach the sky in just a few thousand years.She couldn't even forget that her master was beaten half to death by the master of Ji Dao Sect, and came back with only half life left, and poured all the essence of cultivation into Bi Luo's body.It was the master who made her, and the only way to preserve the Yaochi Palace is to find the noble person that the master prophesied.

Bi Luo looked at Yang Yi in the starlight. This man who only had a transformed body possessed such a treasure as the Milky Way star map, and he was also a witch clan that had long since disappeared. All of this did not show the luck that Yang Yifa imagined. This man , is the noble person who can bring hope to Yaochi Palace according to the master's prophecy.

And at this moment, it is already extremely critical, only if she immediately breaks through to the main realm of the five-layered world, and transforms the domain into a world, can she stop the fierce power of the scepter of radiance, and even subdue the scepter of radiance.

But if you want to break through to the fifth level of the sky, you have to practice with the man in front of you and let the master's seal be broken. Only in this way can you hope to understand the mysteries of the fifth level of the sky and the mysteries of the world.


The fierce power of the glorious scepter outside is getting stronger and stronger, and the entire Milky Way Star Chart is almost unable to resist.

Murderous intent flashed in Yang's eyes. He still has another way, which is to break the boat and let the Tianhe star map self-destruct. This kind of half-celestial treasure self-destruct, even the master of the fifth level of the sky, even the world will be torn apart, let alone this The scepter of brilliance is gone, I am afraid that it will be seriously injured immediately, and even can take advantage of the mechanism to subdue the scepter of brilliance.

But Yang Yi will do this only when he has no choice but to do so. Without the Tianhe Star Map, I am afraid that the Ji Dao Sect's refined Ji Dao Map will soon be completed and truly replace the Tianhe Star Map. At that time, Yang Yi will not be able to escape the extreme Daozong's pursuit.

"When it's a last resort, Yang will explode the Tianhe star map, and then I will ask the palm to take Yang through the space immediately and escape from here!" Yang Yi said to Yaochi Gongzhang behind him.

Seeing that the aura of the Tianhe Star Chart was getting dimmer, Yang Yi knew that the Tianhe Star Chart couldn't resist it for long.

Yaochi Gongzhang didn't respond for a long time, Yang Yi frowned and turned around. [

Yao Chi Gong's palm clenched his silver teeth, and said in a low voice: "Actually, there is another way!"

Yang Yi's heart moved, and he said, "Oh? What else can I do?"

Yang Yi would be delighted if he didn't have to self-explode the Tianhe Star Map. The power of the Tianhe Star Map is far more than this, just because it hasn't been fully restored.

A blush rose on the face of Yaochi Palace's palm, as if she had made up her mind, she said in a low voice, "Double cultivation with me!"

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, he was stunned, he couldn't believe that these words came from the palm of this high and mighty Yaochi Palace.

But the words have already been spoken, Yaochi Gongzhang is not an ordinary worldly person, and there are not so many worldly etiquettes, his face instantly returned to normal and he said: "You and this seat, dual cultivation, not only is good for you, but also can make this seat immediately Break through the bottleneck, comprehend the mysteries of the world, transform the domain into the world, and cultivate into the main realm of the five realms."

The lord of the world, the lord of the world, is transformed from a domain into a world. Although the power of a domain is powerful, it is far less than the power of the world. Once a domain transforms into a world, its power will be more than a hundred times greater?

The Radiant Scepter is so fierce now, but it can never escape the shroud of the world, so it is extremely difficult for monks to transform the domain into the world, let alone at this time?

The world master didn't mean to say that he could comprehend it, Yang Yi's eyes flashed with jing, as if he was thinking about Yaochi Gongzhang's intention.

Yaochi Gongzhang also let go of his mentality at this time, and continued: "I know you don't believe it, but the fact is true. I could have killed you and taken your Tianhe star map, but I didn't do it, except In addition to your identity as a witch, it is because you are the noble person predicted by my master. My master is the master of the previous generation, and my cultivation has reached the extreme level of the seven-fold creation of the heavens. Step by step, the master refused to bury the foundation of the sect, so he was secretly injured by the master of the Jidao sect."

Yaochi Palace paused, and continued: "Ji Dao Sect thought that the master was dead, but he didn't expect that the master used a secret technique, fled back to the palace quietly, and forcibly beat all the cultivation bases in his body. Entering the body of this seat, it is because of this that this seat was able to cultivate to the domain level so quickly. Master is good at innate calculations, and from the dark, there will be noble people coming in the future. Combining various characteristics, this noble person is You, the master has sealed the power of this seat, and only by practicing with you can the seal be lifted. At that time, this seat can immediately comprehend the mysteries of the world and be promoted to the fifth level of the sky. All these crises will be eliminated. It can be lifted."

Yang Yi's eyes flickered, this was suspected to be the secret of Yaochi Palace.Heaven-reaching Seventh Layer of Creation Realm, this is an extremely powerful existence that can already create life from nothing, a master of Seventh Layer of Creation Realm sealed the essence of his whole body in the palm of Yaochi Palace, it is no wonder that Yaochi Palace is not green and yellow, on the contrary It is this palm that outshines others and has a superb cultivation base. It turns out that it is because of this reason.

Yang Yisheng was cautious, but he didn't find anything wrong, at least, Yaochi Gongzhang's words were sincere, and now, Yaochi Gongzhang didn't need to lie to him anymore.

Yang Yi couldn't comprehend such things as measuring the future, so he naturally knew the mystery.


The Tianhe Star Chart was shocked again, and Yang Yi already felt that the internal array of the Tianhe Star Chart seemed to be broken. If it happened a few more times, the Tianhe Star Chart would be completely shattered.

"Okay, since that's the case, what fear does Yang have to solve this life-and-death crisis?"

Yang Yi didn't hesitate anymore, he laughed loudly, his whole body flickered, and he came to Yaochi Gongzhang's side in an instant, hugging this noble woman with his big hands.

Yaochi Gongzhang is an extremely beautiful woman, any woman Yang Yi has ever seen is not as beautiful as her, and the dignified Yaochi Gongzhang's noble temperament is even more unique.

But she was in Yang Yi's hands at this time, her face was flushed, and she was no different from an ordinary woman.

Yang Yi also twitched his index finger, his heart was as hard as iron, although he would not be affected by it, but at this moment he couldn't restrain his desire, wantonly releasing the essence of his body, the desire filled his mind.


Yang Yi gently stroked his skin as thin as creamy fat, where it was soft and fragrant, very comfortable.

Yaochi Gong's face was blushing, and he felt hot and dry all over his body, and there was also a refreshing feeling in the French language.She flipped her hands slightly, a piece of red silk appeared in her hand, she threw it violently into the air, and the piece of red silk began to rotate rapidly, faintly wrapping Yang Yi and her in it.

At this time, Yang Yi's consciousness no longer controls his body, and despite the primitive desire released by his body in the palm of Yaochi Palace, this kind of spiritual flow is the sublimation of life, a kind of yin, yang, and peaceful truth slowly emerges Yang Yi's mind flowed, making his primordial spirit more complete.

Those groans made people feel hopeless, even though Yang Yi's consciousness no longer controlled his body, he could still feel all kinds of sensations in his body constantly impacting his consciousness, making his mind sway.

It's really powerful, even though I have survived the catastrophe of my heart, but at this moment, my mind and spirit are faintly affected, and it seems that I am about to be controlled by it.But I have the Heart Sutra of Controlling Demons, which is just used to enhance the power of the Heart Sutra of Controlling Demons! "

Yang Yi activated the formula of the Heart Sutra of Controlling Demons, and the trace of demons in his body disappeared instantly, controlled by the Heart Sutra of Controlling Demons, and immediately transformed into power, making the power of the Heart Sutra of Controlling Demons even stronger. ! ~!

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