blood record

Chapter 274

Looking forward, the red e's satin seems to add a little more

Yang Yi felt extremely comfortable and hearty, and the people under him were tactful, condescending, and joyous. This is a master of the four realms of heaven.

At this moment, Yaochi Gongzhang's whole body was blushing, dripping with sweat, her mind seemed to be filled with desire, and she wanted to keep seeking.


Suddenly, the whole space was trembling, which quickly surprised Yang Yi and Yaochi Gong.

"Not good, the Milky Way Star Map will not be able to resist it!"

Yaochi Gongzhang was also completely awake at this time, strands of pure yin power from her body entered Yang Yi's body, and then Yang Yi's pure yang breath entered her body, this is the mutual aid of yin and yang, obviously a Double cultivation secret method.

Yaochi Gongzhang's whole body domain was completely released, and her injuries were slowly recovering from the double cultivation just now, and she could clearly feel that the original sealed power in her body had now been broken, strands of mystery The artistic conception quickly entered her mind.


She seemed to comprehend the mysteries of the world in a trance.


Yang Yi could clearly feel that the Yaochi Gongzhang below him exuded a powerful aura, and its domain became more and more terrifying. At the end, there was a sudden transformation, and the domain expanded several times rapidly, almost reaching the upper limit. Thousands of miles, covering everything.

In this field, Yang Yi seems to be able to feel a great restraint, as if he has arrived in another world, as if this place has its own unique rules.

Yes, a trace of rules is bred here, and this is the mystery of the world.

As for the rules, Yang Yi had just seen the broken rules and knew how powerful the rules are, but now there is a hint of rules in the domain of Yaochi Gongzhang. Although the rules are too weak, rules are rules after all, and they are still rules. Freshman rules.

In other words, this is no longer a field, but a world!

The transformation of a domain into a world requires rules. With rules, the world will be tough and complete.

Perhaps, this world will become more and more perfect when one becomes an immortal or even reaches a higher level. When the rules of the world can reach the rules of this world in the future, it will be no different from this world.


Yang Yi and Yaochi Gong separated their palms abruptly, and Yaochi Gong's proud figure was instantly wrapped in red silk, making her look even more charming.

"Is this the world?"

Yaochi Gongzhang carefully felt the faint light emanating from his body. This is the real world, and it contains a trace of rules. Only rules can support the world.

She felt that the power of the current world was many times stronger than the previous domain, almost a qualitative change. [

Moreover, in her body, the master's seal has been opened, and as long as the time is right, she will be able to comprehend the sixth level of emptiness, or even the seventh level of creation.Of course, Master's seal only gave her a chance to comprehend these mysteries, and it was not like the world could help her reach this level.

But this is also very scary. If there is such a chance and fortune, there will be a great chance to cultivate into the realm of creation.

"Have you become a world master?"

Yang Yi felt that the Yaochi palace palm in front of him was completely different from the inside out, it seemed that even he felt the trembling feeling.

Yaochi Gongzhang nodded and said: "That's right, I have already cultivated the world, and this is also due to your contribution!"

No matter how high the cultivation level of Yaochi Palace is, she is still a woman. Once she and Yang Yishuang, after Xiu, she even changed her address, no longer called "this seat", but "I".

"Then can you deal with the shining scepter outside?"

"Naturally, I still want to subdue it. With the power of the radiant scepter, I don't know how strong my strength will be!"

Yaochi Gongzhang was about to fly out of the Tianhe Star Map, but a sound transmission came from Yang Qian's ear: "My name is Bi Luo!"

"Bi Luo?"

Yang Yi muttered silently, this is the name of this respected faction.

Outside, the scepter of brilliance shone with terrifying light all over its body, and the surging brilliance filled the whole world. The Tianhe star map is almost riddled with holes. As long as it is the last time, the Tianhe star map will be completely destroyed. collapse.

"Tianhe star map, in the name of light, the verdict!"

The scepter of radiance moved forward again, like a real god, adjudicating the world, and Tianhe Star Chart seemed to know that it was about to collapse completely under this scepter, so it also let out bursts of whimpering.


When the radiant scepter was tapped, the surging force almost tore apart the space, and the battered Tianhe star map was determined to be irresistible.


Suddenly, a sound resounded in the void, just the word "condensation" seemed to have infinite magic power, and the radiant scepter couldn't fall down at this point.


Two people flew out from the Tianhe star map, they were Bi Luo and Yang Yi, the masters of the Yaochi Palace, and at this moment, Bi Luo's slender finger lightly touched the scepter of radiance. His scepter froze just like that, and it couldn't fall down no matter what.

"What? This is the power of the world? How can you have the power of the world?"

The glorious scepter has once traversed the world, and even the strong immortals have seen it, so it is natural that they are familiar with the power of this world. [

On Bi Luo's finger just now, there was a trace of world power shining.

"Why do you have the power of the world? Can't you see that this seat has transformed the domain into the world? You should be very aware of the horror of the power of the world, you should obediently submit to this seat!"

Bi Luo's cold and proud eyes flashed with an aura of poverty, and her fingers pointed towards the radiant scepter fiercely.


The terrifying power of the world directly flew the scepter of glory.

"Transformed the domain into the world? How is this possible? In the name of light, the verdict!"

The scepter of radiance seemed very shocked, and the whole scepter was once again surging with the power of light, and slashed down fiercely.


Bi Luo casually pointed, and the world around him quickly spread out, like a big net, quickly trapping the scepter of radiance, and the scepter of brilliance was restrained by waves of exhausted pressure.

If it is only the power of the field, the scepter of radiance can completely tear the power of these fields, but now it is the power of the world, which is many times stronger than the power of the field. Even the scepter of radiance can only When it exerts less than one-tenth of its power, it is simply impossible to resist the suppression of the power of the world.


The scepter of brilliance was still struggling continuously, releasing strands of bright power from it, and turning into bright gods one after another, but none of them were of any use. The power of the world was beyond imagination.

Bi Luo stepped forward. In her world, she was the ruler and possessed the supreme power.

"Glorious scepter, don't you surrender now? Could it be that you want to be wiped out of your soul?"

A huge force of the world gathered quickly, no matter how the glorious scepter struggled, it would not help.

The scepter of brilliance roared loudly: "I represent the light, I carry the power of light, I will not be controlled by anyone, the god of light, come down!"

The radiant scepter suddenly became bigger, and then it moved towards the void, and the bright power slowly gathered, and it turned into a faint outline of a giant. This giant held a giant axe, majestic, as if Like an unfavorable god of war, and with a palpitating aura shining all over his body, this is the legendary god who controls the light.

"Hmph, since you are so obsessed with not realizing it, then you can only kill your spirit!"

Bi Luo saw that the scepter of radiance was stubborn and was still resisting, so he mobilized the power of the world, and the god of light condensed by the scepter of radiance just resisted slightly, and collapsed in an instant.If a monk holds a scepter of radiance to condense the God of Light, it will be very terrifying and powerful, but now it is just a scepter of brilliance, and it cannot even exert one-tenth of its power.

The terrifying power of the world quickly enveloped the scepter of radiance, and began to invade into the scepter of radiance, preparing to obliterate the spiritual scepter.

This glorious scepter has been sealed for tens of thousands of years, and its spirit has reached a terrifying level. It no longer wants to use magic weapons, but wants to become a monk.

There are many examples of magic weapons becoming monks, and this glorious scepter also wants to do the same.

Generally speaking, a magic weapon needs a spirit so that it can truly exert its power, but if the spirit is too strong, it will even be wiped out.The spirit of this radiant scepter is too strong. Although the power of the radiant scepter may be reduced if it is wiped out, it will not hurt the bones. For at least a few hundred years, the radiant scepter can produce a new spirit

The spirit of the scepter of radiance was still struggling, and roared loudly: "You can't kill me, I've existed for tens of thousands of years, I know the secrets of numbers, I can exert the power of the scepter of radiance, you can't kill me... "

A gleam flashed in Bi Luo's eyes, and he said coldly: "Unfortunately, it's already too late, the power of the world, obliterate it!"

The billowing power of the world fiercely flew into the scepter of radiance, and quickly strangled the scepter's artifact spirit. Bi Luo naturally knew that keeping such a cunning artifact spirit was a disaster.

"No, no..."

The spirit of the radiant scepter was still struggling, and in the end, its breath became weaker and weaker, and it was completely suppressed by the power of the world.

"You want to obliterate me, it's not that easy, the scepter of glory, explode!"

The sound of the radiant scepter revealed madness. Immediately, the entire radiant scepter exuded terrifying power of light, expanding rapidly, and was about to explode immediately.

A gleam flashed in Bi Luo's eyes, and he sneered, "In this world, do you still want to blow yourself up? What a joke!"

In Bi Luo's world, she is the real controller, even if she explodes herself, she can completely suppress it.

The surging power of the world quickly obliterated the spirit of the weapon, and as the spirit of the scepter of radiance was quickly strangled, the whole scepter of radiance gradually returned to its original state, shining with a faint light, floating quietly in the void Among them, this half-immortal treasure is already the Lord's property! ! ~!

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