blood record

Chapter 278 Who Dare To Touch My Woman?

Chapter 270 Who dares to touch my woman?

"Fourth Elder, what do you mean? Could it be that the disciple wants to take Elder Dan by force?" Feng Yiyi said holding back his anger.

"Hmph, this elder is collecting it on behalf of the faction. You can quickly take out the Dingfeng Great Pill and turn it over to the faction, which can be regarded as a great contribution to the faction. Otherwise, this elder will come and collect it himself!" The fourth elder had a cold face. He smiled coldly.

The Fourth Elder Zhou's body shone with a terrifying aura, which made Feng Yiyi's heart tremble unceasingly. It seemed that her primordial spirit couldn't escape.

"What? Don't you want to turn it in? Could it be that you want to betray the faction?" The fourth elder took a step forward, and with a murderous look in his eyes, his hat was buttoned up even more, to the point of betraying the faction. [

Feng Yiyi knew that if she didn't release the Dingfeng Great Pellet today, the Fourth Elder might really want to do it. Although she felt resentful in her heart, she couldn't do anything about it, her face was livid.

At this moment, Yan Zhenzhen stood up and shouted loudly: "Fourth elder, you use your power to overwhelm others, and you use the name to try to steal the pill of the disciple of Hualong Palace. It is simply a bad wind. Now I will go to the depths of Hualong Palace. Report to the headmaster and make your crimes known to the public!"

The fourth elder's eyes turned cold, and he said coldly: "Bold, this elder is in charge of the teaching power, the management sect, you are a disciple, the elder, and I will commit the following crimes. It seems that I will not teach you a lesson. I am afraid that there will be a big disaster in the future. !"

The fourth elder stretched out his palm, and a terrifying force was brewing.

Yan Zhenzhen shouted loudly: "Fourth Elder, do you dare to do something? My father, Changshengtian, will definitely not let you go after he comes out."

"Don't worry, this elder only imprisoned you. When Brother Changshengtian comes out, he will definitely thank this elder for disciplined you!"

These four elders directly condensed a terrifying big hand, covered the world, and slapped down fiercely.This is the real power of the sky, and the surrounding wind can make whimpering sounds, showing its terrifying pressure.

This kind of power is simply impossible for shapeshifting masters to resist.

The whistling wind made people shudder, and the eyes of the three fifth-level transformation masters next to them all showed pride. The fourth elder made a move. Feng Yiyi and Yan Zhenzhen can do nothing today. up.

But at this moment, a sound that made them tremble in fear echoed in the void, rolling like thunder.

"Who dares to touch my wife!"

A frightening palm flew out of the void, and it also made a frightening sound. There was a shocking power shining on it, and its strength was as strong as that of a master of the sky.


The two palms collided, shaking the entire mountain, shaking constantly, as if it would collapse at any moment.

The fourth elder's face darkened, and his eyes shone brightly, as if to see through everything, he said loudly, "Who is it? Who dares to stop this elder from enforcing the law?"


From the void, a man in white clothes slowly walked out. He had normal features, but his face was sharp and angular, showing a sense of fortitude.Moreover, his eyes seem to contain the sun and the moon, which is unreasonable, and the whole body is shaking with a terrifying breath, a pair of eyes that seem to see but not see, shining with a frightening divine light.

As soon as this person appeared, the faces of some of the disciples below immediately turned pale, and the faces of the three proud transformation fifth-layer masters were even more ugly, and there was even a trace of fear in their eyes.

Both Yan Zhenzhen and Feng Yiyi were startled, but then they were overjoyed, this person finally came back, they had been waiting for his return, and finally returned at this most critical moment. [

"Fourth elder, you have such a great prestige. Are you the head teacher or the law enforcement elder? Even if you are law enforcement, it is not your turn to punish the disciples!"

Yang Yi directly volleyed down, and it was like a tangible ladder under his feet.

The fourth elder's eyes twitched slightly, and he seemed to think of something, and said coldly: "Yang Yi, so you are Yang Yi, and you dare to come back?"

In fact, Yang Yi had already returned, but he was hiding in the dark. He wanted to see how this farce would end, but he didn't expect that the Fourth Elder would do it directly.

He can imagine how Feng Yiyi and Yan Zhenzhen have struggled to support them these years.

Thinking of this, his eyes turned cold, he stared at the Fourth Elder, and said with a sneer: "What a joke, I, Yang Yi, am a disciple of Hualong Palace, can't I come back? Fourth Elder, you haven't answered my question just now, you Is it the law enforcement elder or the head teacher?"

Murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the fourth elder, and he said coldly: "Yang Yi, you are just a disciple, how dare you question this elder? This elder has been authorized by the head teacher to take charge of the entire Hualong Palace and manage disciples. Why not enforce the law?"

"In charge of Hualong Palace? What a joke, how many elders are in charge of teaching? If there are no ten, there are seven or eight. Like you, pretending to be a tiger, relying on your status as an elder who reaches the sky, wantonly oppresses the disciples, and even robs the disciples of magic pills You still dare to kill people to silence your mouth, what are you so worried about? Even if you go to the headmaster, you will be punished for mishandling it, and at least you will have to face the wall and meditate for a thousand years!"

A trace of strangeness flashed in the fourth elder's eyes. He didn't expect that Yang Yi would be so difficult to deal with just after he came back. With these few words, he put on a few big hats on him, and he was neither allowed to enter nor retreat. reversed the situation.

The fourth elder laughed instead of being angry: "Okay, okay, okay! Yang Yi, what is your identity, you can also alarm the head teacher? Hmph, even if you are a tongue-twister today, there is nothing wrong with the sky pendant." Useful, this elder not only wants to punish Feng Yiyi, but also arrests you, a daring and venerable disciple."

Yang Yi laughed loudly: "Elder? Just kidding, I am a respectable person, Fourth Elder, are you worthy of my respect?"

"Are you worthy of my respect?"

This sentence rolled back into the ears of everyone in the void, and it can be said to have caused a sensation.

"Oh my god, is this Yang Yide going crazy? How dare he speak to the fourth elder like that, the fourth elder is a master of the sky."

"Yang Yi has always been arrogant, hmph, let's see how he dies this time!"

"No, there is a strong aura shining all over Yang Zhouzhou's body. He has cultivated a primordial spirit. Yes, it is a primordial spirit. It has only been a few years and he has cultivated into a primordial spirit. He is indeed a genius among geniuses."

"Even if you become a primordial spirit, so what? The fourth elder is a master of the sky. The gap between the transformation and the sky is even greater than the gap between the coagulation and the transformation. Even a hundred masters of the primordial spirit may not be able to deal with one." A master of the sky."

"Yang Yi has always been cautious. Although he seems arrogant, he is always arrogant every time. This time he treats the fourth elder like this, I am afraid that he has something to rely on."

"Anyway, this time Yang Yi returns to Hualong Palace, I'm afraid there will be another storm."

These disciples are all disciples of Hualong Palace, among them there are actually some powerful masters, these masters are those who have escaped from the seventh level of calamity, and have been retreating in the depths of Hualong Palace. Some shock.

Hualong Palace is indeed a little weak, but its real strength is not as simple as it seems on the surface. There are many seventh-level masters who are retreating, seeking to gather the primordial spirit. .

The Fourth Elder is even more smokey, he is a majestic elder who has always been respected by his disciples, even Feng Yiyi and Yan Zhenzhen, they were already looking for excuses to beat and punish them by the Fourth Elder, but they did not dare to treat him Evil words at each other, this is the majesty of a master of the sky. [

But now Yang Yi is disrespecting him in front of his disciples, which has made him feel murderous.

"Okay, Yang Yi, don't think that you can be disrespectful to this elder because you joined forces with a bandit venerable outside and killed the Tongtian master of Jidao Sect with despicable means. Today, this elder will completely kill you!" Even if you are an arrogant and conceited disciple like you, the elder will not hesitate to be punished by the head teacher when the time comes!"

The fourth elder exudes a strong murderous intent all over his body. He is the elder Tongtian. Although he can't kill the disciple casually, if he wants to kill the disciple forcibly, the head teacher will definitely punish him, but he will not really do it for a transformed disciple. To deal with a Tongtian elder, this is the difference in cultivation base and strength, which means the difference in status.

Feng Yiyi and Yan Zhenzhen saw Yang Yi coming back, they were both surprised and happy. The happy thing is that he finally returned, and he will have a backbone in the future, so they don’t have to work so hard like now. The surprised thing is that Yang Yi came back Then he confronted a Tongtian elder.

"Yang Yi, you're finally back, and you've even cultivated into a primordial spirit. You've really made rapid progress."

Feng Yiyi hurried forward, and continued: "However, although you have cultivated into a primordial spirit, you can't confront the Fourth Elder like this. He is getting very close to Shen Tianyou now, and I'm afraid it will be bad for you. You are acting like this now. Is it to give them a chance?"

Yan Zhenzhen also said: "Yang Yi, although my father is a master of the sun and moon realm at the second level of Tongtian, I dare not treat Elder Tongtian like this. Even if he is punished for this in the future, my father can do nothing. A master of Tongtian, Their majesty cannot be blasphemed, although these four elders are hateful, you can't be so tit for tat."

After Yan Zhenzhen finished speaking, he turned around and said to the Fourth Elder, "Fourth Elder, my father Changshengtian gave me a yu talisman, as long as I am in danger, I can crush it, no matter how busy my father is, He will come out to rescue him immediately. Hmph, I am willing to be punished by my father at that time, and I will also tell my father about the fact that you raped Senior Sister Dan and imprisoned me, let's see how you explain to him!"


The fourth elder hesitated. He looked at the yu talisman in Yan Zhenzhen's hand. He didn't know if it was real, but if it was real, he would be really difficult to explain when Chang Sheng Tian came out. The masters of the Sun Moon Realm are the real elders with real power in Hualong Palace, and if they angered Changshengtian, I'm afraid he, an elder, will have a hard time.

For a moment, the Fourth Elder also hesitated. ! ~!

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