blood record

Chapter 279

Yang Yi's eyes turned cold, but he took a sharp step forward, and said coldly: "Fourth Elder, Yang hasn't settled with you yet, and you're going to do it first, so let Yang take a look, you What kind of means does Elder Tongtian have?"

Yang Yi's provocation this time made the somewhat hesitant Fourth Elder immediately become murderous again, and said with a sneer, "Okay, okay, okay! Since you want to seek death today, then this elder will fulfill you and die for me!"

The Fourth Elder is also a palm, this palm contains his heavenly power, this heavenly power is the baptism of the master's own strength when he breaks the barrier between heaven and earth, it is a more advanced kind of power.

Heaven-reaching masters do not have Dharma Bodies. Their Dharma Bodies have been completely broken and transformed into even more terrifying powers of reaching heaven. [

Beast, die for me! "

This palm is all made up of the power of the sky, so powerful that it simply shakes the world. The fourth elder has already used all his strength, and it is true that he wants to kill Yang Yi with a single palm.

"Hmph, just this bit of strength? It's nothing short of skillful, get the hell out of here!"

The clothes on Yang Zhou's body made a whistling sound. Facing the overwhelming blow, he stretched out his big hand without the slightest fear. The dharma body in his body moved rapidly, and terrifying power gathered in his hand.


The huge power also went away, and there was a golden light in his hand. His dharma body strength was already close to that of a master of the sky, and coupled with the power of the direct witch clan, he completely reached the first level of heaven and earth. peak.

Such a terrifying force was like a storm, flying fiercely towards the palm of the Fourth Elder.


Two huge palms collided together and exploded, but Yang Yi's strength was obviously more terrifying, he even directly broke the fourth elder's palm, and flew towards the fourth elder quickly, flying like lightning, extremely fast.


This sound was so clear that it resounded in everyone's ears. The face of the Fourth Elder was immediately red and swollen, and his whole body was shot flying and fell into the distance.

Slapping a Tongtian elder away with a slap, everyone's eyeballs almost fell out. This is simply unimaginable, and the Tongtian elder slapped Yang Yi away.

But the fact is in front of your eyes, this scene seems to be frozen, and all the disciples who saw this scene will forever record this scene in their minds, and will never forget it.

"I slapped the fourth elder, am I right?"

"The Fourth Elder was indeed slapped away by Yang Yi. It was just a slap, so what level of cultivation has Yang Yi reached? Could it be that he is also a master of the sky while pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?"

"No, Yang Yi's cultivation is real. He is the primordial spirit, and his power is not a more powerful force that reaches the sky. It's just that his power is so powerful that we can't imagine it. How does his Dharma Body cultivate? How could it accommodate such a powerful force?"

"No matter how powerful a transformation master is, he can't surpass Tongtian. This is a hidden rule. Yang Yi's dharma body strength is indeed close to Tongtian, but not surpassing Tongtian. He can fly four times with a single slap. Elder, the horror has something to do with the golden light on his hand."

"The fourth elder was slapped flying, and he is still a transformation disciple, I'm afraid he will go crazy now."

"It is my fortune to have such a peerless demon talent appear in Hualong Palace, but now it seems that it is a blessing or a curse, I really can't tell."

"The proud son of heaven, that's all I can say. It is rumored that Shinichi of the Jidao sect challenged the master of the sky when he transformed into form, and he was evenly matched with the master of the sky. Although he was defeated in the end, he was also supported by the master of the sky. Admit it. But in the Tianhe Star Region, I have never seen a person who can defeat a master of the sky in the Transformation Realm, this Yang Yi is really terrifying."

"If Yang Yi doesn't die young, I'm afraid that he will have a bright future in the future, and maybe he will become my hope of Hualong Palace."

"Originally, I thought that Shen Tianyou had cultivated into the realm of reaching the sky, and there would no longer be a fight between Yang Yi and Shen Tianyou, but now it seems that it is not that simple. This Yang Yi really cannot be guessed by common sense. He and Shen Tianyou In between, I'm afraid it will become even more intense."

"Look, the fourth elder was slapped flying. Although he was not injured, he was humiliated like never before. I'm afraid he will go crazy."

These people talked a lot, they were all overwhelmed by Yang Yi's peerless demeanor.

With a slap on the Flying Sky Master, no matter how powerful the Transformation Master is, he would not dare to say that, Tong Tian, ​​that is a shaped moat, a chasm that cannot be crossed.

Yan Zhenzhen and Feng Yiyi, who were behind Yang Yi, had dull expressions on their faces. Looking at the scene in front of them, they couldn't believe it. They looked at each other, and they could see the shock in each other's eyes.

Feng Yiyi calmed down after a while, with a trace of complicated expression in his eyes and murmured: "I didn't expect him to have grown to such a level. I thought that I had already cultivated to escape the robbery, and I had already narrowed the gap with him, but I didn't Thinking about it, the gap is getting bigger and bigger."

Feng Yiyi still wanted to compete with Yang Yi, at least to be close to Yang Yi in terms of strength, but after seeing him slap the Fourth Elder flying away, she knew that Yang Yi was no longer on the same level as her If she does it, she may not be able to hold her own in her entire life.

Damn, bastard, you are looking for death, do you know that?This elder wants to crush you today, at all costs! "

The fourth elder's hair was disheveled, and he flew up from the ground suddenly. The breath around him had already been shocked by anger, but there was a hint of tyranny.

Being slapped away with a slap, this kind of humiliation can make any master of the sky go crazy with anger. The fourth elder's heart is already full of hatred expressed by Fashu. He kept cursing Yang Yi, wishing to blow him up Ash.


Suddenly, a crutch shining with blue light appeared in the fourth elder's hand, exuding a terrifying aura, it was actually a top-rank peak magic weapon, and it was also a powerful magic weapon that had been blessed by the fourth elder several times.

Half Immortal Treasures are really rare. In the entire Tianhe Star Region, only the Tianhe Star Map and the Jiuding Sect's Qiankun Jiuding are Half Immortal Treasures, and even the Jidao Sect does not have immortal treasures.

It is precisely because the Jiuding Sect possesses the semi-immortal treasure of the Qiankun Jiuding that it can barely compete with the Jidao Sect.So even if it is a master of the sky, it has to use the top-grade magic weapon.

However, the high-grade magic weapons used by Tongtian masters are different. Tongtian masters can bless them with strength. Some magic weapons are of unique quality, and can withstand many times of power blessings. In the end, the strongest blow is even comparable to that of a half-immortal treasure. Hit, horror ratio.

This green crutch is the fourth elder's top-grade magic weapon. He has continuously blessed his strength, and now it has reached a terrifying situation. At least, it is stronger than Yang Yi's heavenly net and evil-suppressing copper bell.

"That is the fourth elder's Qing Ming staff. It is a talisman that the fourth elder has blessed for several years. He regards it as his life. Once he unleashes it, it will have the power to shatter the earth. It seems that the fourth elder is going to do his best."

"After using the Qing Ming Staff, the Fourth Elder hated Yang Yi to the bone, but it's no wonder that just now, Yang Yi slapped the Fourth Elder into the air. This is something no master of heaven can bear."

"Yang Yi doesn't know what method he has. He has long heard that he also has a high-grade magic weapon in his hand, but he doesn't have the power to bless it. I'm afraid it will be dangerous."

These masters are secretly peeping, and even some Tongtian elders are also checking. After all, the movement is too big, but these Tongtian elders are not convenient.Because if only one of the four elders makes a move, it can only be said to be a personal grievance, but if they also make a move together, the quality will be different. Yang Yi and Yan Zhenzhen have formed a Taoist couple, and Changshengtian is behind Yang Yi , which is also a huge deterrent. [

The Qing Ming staff flashed bursts of blue light, and indeed there was a powerful force, but Yang Yi dismissed it, waved his big hand, and said coldly: "Fourth elder, you are still stubborn, it seems to be true. I have to teach you some lessons before you will come to your senses. Anyway, this high-grade magic weapon must be your natal magic weapon, so I will treat it as your punishment and break it for me!"

Yang Yi's whole body seemed to grow taller, waves of ripples rippling towards the surroundings, these ripples were formed by an extremely powerful force.


In an instant, Yang Yi's figure turned into sixteen, and the Nine Palace Phantom was activated by Yang Yi, the figures quickly overlapped, and sixteen times the power burst out violently.


It was like a torrent of power, almost unstoppable, directly blasting towards the fourth elder.


The fourth elder's face was pale, he couldn't imagine that Yang Yi had become so terrifying, the power just now was not his strongest power, he felt an unparalleled power acting on the Qing Ming Staff, he This talisman that had accompanied him for several years shattered in an instant, and was directly smashed to pieces by the berserk force.

This is not over yet, how terrifying is Yang's sixteen times the power?It has simply surpassed the power of the first level of Tongtian, and has already reached the limit of the second level of Tongtian. The remaining power even directly acts on the body of the fourth elder, and his body collapses instantly, disappearing between heaven and earth.


The primordial spirit of the fourth elder escaped in an instant. He is the elder Tongtian after all, and he can still save his life in the most dangerous time.

Seeing his body collapse, and he was left with only one primordial spirit, the fourth elder no longer had any anger in his heart, but was afraid for a while. If he hadn't escaped quickly just now, even his primordial spirit would be ashamed now. Fly disappeared.

The Fourth Elder looked at Yang Yi, with bursts of coldness on his face! ~!

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