blood record

Chapter 280 The Old Thing

"Catch you and let the headmaster deal with it!"

Yang's big hand grabbed forward, and the terrifying power turned into a big hand, which was about to capture the primordial spirit of the fourth elder.

The face of the fourth elder changed, and he screamed at the top of his voice: "Yang Yi, you dare to murder Elder Tongtian, this will be regarded as a serious crime of treason, how dare you treason?"

The Fourth Elder is only the Yuanshen at this time. Although he still has some strength, he only has [-]% to [-]% of it. How can he resist Yang Yi's ferocious power? He keeps retreating. He knows that once caught by Yang Yi, Whether it is life or death is up to him. [

Yang Yi ignored it completely, and said coldly: "I didn't say I wanted to kill you, I just wanted to capture your soul and hand it over to the head teacher!"

The huge palm fiercely enveloped the four elders.

At this time, in the depths of Hualong Palace, there are still some Tongtian elders watching all this. They didn't want to fight at first, but seeing Yang Yi's method, which was to capture the fourth elder, they couldn't help but sink. He said coldly: "Yang Yi is really bold and reckless. Even if the fourth elder has gone too far, it is not his turn to deal with it. He simply despises me and the elder Tongtian. If you don't kill this Yang Yi today How can he put us Tongtian elders in his eyes in the future?"

"That's right, no matter how wrong the Fourth Elder is, it's still not his turn to deal with it. Let's go there now and kill this son's prestige, lest he think he is the best in the world and ruin the wind."

"Yes, Yang Yi is too arrogant, he has to be forgiving and forgiving, too much limelight is not a good thing."

These Tongtian elders are usually on good terms with the fourth elders, and many of them are optimistic about Shen Tianyou, and even support Shen Tianyou. Seeing Yang Yi's popularity, they are ready to suppress him.

Of course, this also involves the majesty of the Tongtian master. Since ancient times, the majesty of Tongtian has not been allowed to be profane or desecrated. A disciple who is transformed into a form can smash the body of the Tongtian master, and even capture the soul. Contempt for the majesty of Elder Tongtian?

So one by one they flew out.


A ray of light suddenly flew from the sky and instantly blocked the fourth elder. Yang Yi grabbed the palm of his hand fiercely and scratched the ray of light, but the fourth elder had already been rescued.

"whoosh whoosh"

Three old men suddenly appeared in the void, Yang Qian recognized all these three old men, they were the third elder, the fifth elder and the seventh elder.

"It was the third elder, the fifth elder and the seventh elder who made the move. These elders are usually on good terms with the fourth elder. This time, Yang Yi may be in danger."

"The shape-changing disciple challenged Tongtian, and even smashed the body of Tongtian master, forcing his soul to escape. Such a record is enough to make his reputation spread to the entire Tianhe Starfield. But Yang Yi made an inch of it, and even wanted to To capture the primordial spirit of the Fourth Elder, this has already violated the taboo of these Tongtian Elders, it is counterproductive, Yang Yi is afraid that he will be punished this time."

"That's right, Yang Yi's limelight has been exhausted, and enough is enough. After all, the Fourth Elder is a master of the sky, but Yang Yi actually wanted to capture the Fourth Elder's primordial spirit. This has already made the three elders unable to tolerate it anymore. Let's attack together." , Yang Yi's prestige just now might turn into flowing water, and he will be severely punished by the three elders."

After seeing the three elders appearing to rescue the fourth elder, many disciples vaguely understood the reason, because Yang Yi's limelight was too much, and he had already touched the bottom line of the elder Tongtian.

After all, to capture a majestic Elder Tongtian and bring him to the head teacher, this is simply more uncomfortable than killing this Elder Tongtian.

Yang Yi raised his eyebrows and looked at the three elders with a sparkle in his eyes.

Feng Yiyi stepped forward and said in a low voice: "Yang Yi, these elders usually support Shen Tianyou. Originally, they might be afraid that you have the support of the elder Changshengtian behind you, but you just asked Capturing the primordial spirit of the four elders has already touched their bottom line, so enough is enough!" [

"Touched their bottom line? What a joke, Mr. Yang wants to see what they can do to me? Hmph, this group of Tongtian elders, they support Shen Tianyou, they are enemies with me. If this is the case, it's fine, they condone The subordinates surrounded your mansion, and even robbed Dan of the fourth elder's aggressive behavior just now, they turned a deaf ear to it, but now they have touched the bottom line?"

Yang Yi sneered, Yang Yi had already discovered the three elders, but they didn't stop the fourth elder when he wanted to capture Yan Zhenzhen, and they didn't stop the fourth elder when he wanted to take Feng Yiyi's Dan by force. .Seeing that Yang Yi wanted to capture the primordial spirits of the four elders, but they wanted to stop them, Yang Yi sneered faintly in his heart, only looking at these three masters, despite the thousands of eyes on him, he remained unchanged.

The third elder looked at Yang Yi, and said with a sneer: "Yang Yi, as a disciple, you dare to offend, wound the fourth elder, and even capture the soul of the fourth elder. We have tolerated it again and again just now, but now you Get worse, are you going to betray me, Hualong Palace?"

"Betraying Hualong Palace? It's such a big hat, I, Yang Yi, can't bear it. The third elder, fifth elder, and seventh elder, when the fourth elder forcibly took my Hualong Palace disciple Dan, did you stop it? Just now the four When the elder wanted to capture my Hualong Palace disciple indiscriminately, did you come out to stop it? Yang fought hard with reason, but instead became worse, became a traitor instead?"

Yang Yi counterattacked casually like a cannonball, making the faces of the three elders extremely ugly.

The third elder was so angry that his mouth was heaving and his face was changing, and he said coldly: "Okay, what a sharp-tongued, eloquent and cunning disciple, you are an elder, you dare to be so arrogant when you commit crimes next time, it seems that you are relying on yourself You are powerful, and you are going to challenge the majesty of an elder like me. Hmph, the majesty of an elder Tongtian cannot be profaned, this elder wants to arrest you, abolish your cultivation personally, and let the head teacher deal with it!"

The three elders stared at Yang Yi fiercely with murderous intent in their eyes.

Yang's face darkened, and he sneered, "Abandoned Yang's cultivation? It seems that you often practice retreats in Hualong Palace. I'm afraid your mind will become confused and you will end up talking too much. Your final fate will be similar to that of the Fourth Elder. "

There was a sneer at the corner of the third elder's mouth, and he suddenly shouted to the fifth and seventh elders behind him: "Fifth elder, seventh elder, this son is too arrogant, let's capture him together and enforce the rules!"

The three elders united together, and even disregarded the slightest bit of etiquette and shame, and attacked Yang Yi together.

Yan Zhenzhen couldn't bear it any longer, and said loudly: "Third Elder, Fifth Elder, and Seventh Elder, you all acted recklessly and joined forces to deal with a disciple. When Father comes out, I will definitely report to Father!"

The third elder sneered and said, "Yan Zhenzhen, you don't need such an arrogant Taoist companion. I, Hualong Palace have many young talents. After disposing of this arrogant disciple who violated the rules, this elder will personally find you A young hero, but now? This disciple must be captured, even if Brother Changshengtian comes out to blame the elder in the future, the elder will be willing to accept the punishment!"

Obviously, these three elders often cooperate together, so they immediately formed an encirclement circle, enclosing Yang Yi inside, unable to escape.

Yang Yi's gaze remained the same, even though the three elders surrounded him, his whole body was filled with a powerful aura, as if he had the demeanor of a master in every move.

"You old bastards have become the elders of my Hualong Palace, which is simply a disgrace to my Hualong Palace. You are only jealous of talents, regardless of right and wrong, and openly rely on your status as elders to want my Hualong Palace. Disciple's murderous hands, since the head teacher didn't notice your treacherous intentions, then Yang will remove some of your cancers for my Hualong Palace, and promote my righteousness in Hualong Palace!"

Yang Yi's words made the mouths of the three Tongtian Elders smoke from their mouths.

Many shape-changing disciples below looked at Yang Yi dumbfounded. It seemed that Yang Yi's image in their minds had been raised a lot just now. This was not one Elder Tongtian, but three.

Yang Yi is the only one who dares to openly call Elder Tongtian an old man.

This was simply too shocking, and the ears of many disciples were buzzing.

"Crazy, this Yang Yi is simply crazy. Didn't he see the situation clearly? Now there are three elders of Tongtian, and if they use their words for a while, it may cause a catastrophe. Originally, these three elders were just about to be abolished." With his cultivation level, he has not planned to kill him, and now he is afraid that Yang Yi's body will be broken into thousands of pieces, and his bones will be smashed into ashes."

"'Old thing', this Yang Yi is simply too fierce, he dared to scold the three masters of Tongtian here, Elder Tongtian, that is a superior existence, when did he suffer such anger? Yang Yi felt refreshed, But it is estimated that no one can save him now."

"That's right, I'm afraid that the elder Changshengtian will not be able to keep him if he leaves the customs immediately. These three elders have already become really angry, and no one can stop them." [

"Hey, it's a pity that such a genius appeared in my Hualong Palace. It's a pity that he is too arrogant. I'm afraid he will fall soon. What a pity!"

Some people pity and some hate, but they are suspicious. Almost all the shape-changing disciples admire Yang Yi. Putting aside other things, facing the three elders of Tongtian, who would dare to call them old things?

Just for this point, no transformation disciple has the guts!

"Okay, okay, okay! Yang Yi, you really don't want to live anymore, you are so arrogant. Yan Zhenzhen, don't blame this elder for being merciless, your Taoist partner has already committed a heinous crime, even now Brother Changshengtian, even the headmaster, can't stop this elder from crushing him to ashes, two elders, do it!"

In an instant, the three Tongtian elders really made a move together, and when they made a move, it was a killer move. The terrifying power was like a mountain pressing down on Yang Yi, and they ruthlessly blasted at Yang Yi. ! ~!

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