blood record

Chapter 29

[Rooting everyone's tickets~~~]

Yang Yi took off the Yueluo Bow from his back, and stroked the bow gently.

The scene of him being forced by the old man to practice the Jiuzi serial martial arts was constantly flashing in his mind. Looking back on those little things now, it seems like it was still yesterday, and the corner of Yang Yi's mouth gradually raised a smile. .


In an instant, Yang Yi pulled up the Moonfall Bow, drawing the string like a full moon, his fingers flew quickly, and six long arrows flew out in an instant. [

"bang bang bang"

These six long arrows pierced through the hard board, flew outside, and even entered half of the bluestone board on the ground, showing the terrifying power that appeared to Yang Yiqi.

Yang Yi lowered his head and murmured to himself: "Old man, did you see that now I can shoot six in a row, and the four in a row that you were proud of back then is nothing..."

This set of nine-zi chain is the only martial skill of the old man. It is really powerful when combined with the falling bow of the last month, and it is also very simple to practice. You only need to master a strong force.

If Yang Yi condenses six drops, or even seven or eight drops of blood, then the strength will continue to increase, and it will not be a problem for the nine masters to perform this set of martial arts at the highest level.

"It's a pity that the old man is gone. Otherwise, with so much blood pill, the old man will definitely be able to be promoted to the third level of blood coagulation, or even higher!"

In Yang Yi's heart, the most important person is naturally the old man who raised him, and no one can replace him.


Yang Yi exhaled lightly, his eyes became resolute in an instant, he held his breath, but he shook his body and displayed the Nine Palaces Phantom.

"swish swish"

In the room, four phantoms appeared out of thin air. These four figures were exactly the same. They all shook their heads slightly at the same time, and then disappeared, leaving only Yang Yi's real body.

"It still doesn't work. The further you go, the more difficult it is for Jiugong Phantom to go further. The highest state of Jiugong Phantom is to cast 81 [-] phantoms, which can be distinguished by people, and the power is amazing. But now, I can only cast two phantoms. Two or four phantoms!"

Yang Yi shook his head slightly, Jiugong Phantom is an immortal martial skill, and every time he is promoted, its power will be earth-shattering, but now he can only practice two, two or four phantoms, and the next level is three, three, nine A phantom, I'm afraid it can't be cultivated unless it reaches the fifth level of blood coagulation.

Immediately, Yang Yi stopped caring about Jiugong Phantom, he stood up, moved his body slightly, and made a "crackling" sound all over his body.

He also stayed in the room for three full days, motionless, until he finally condensed the fifth drop of jng blood before getting up.

"This Hualong City is the only city under the Hualong Palace. There are dragons and snakes mixed together, and there are all kinds of masters. This is an extremely complicated place. It is rare to come to such a place. You have to get familiar with it. Let's see how the Dragon Transformation Competition was held?"

Yang Yi made up his mind, drove away and walked towards the street.

There were people coming and going on the street, and the roiling flow of people seemed to be even more than the previous few days.As the day of the Dragon Transformation Competition approaches, more monks will come here from all over the place.

Most of the monks are traveling together, the road is not peaceful, Yang Yi has encountered several groups of robbers and murderers, if he goes alone, it is very dangerous. [

Of course, there were also people who came alone, but most of these people possessed special skills or had something to rely on, otherwise they definitely would not have arrived here safely.

There are also some people with much bigger backgrounds. These people are the sons of those palace masters, who are personally escorted by the palace masters. Most of these palace masters are at the fifth level of blood coagulation or even the sixth level of blood coagulation. It seems that this happens only once every hundred years. They didn't want to miss the grand event, and some of the geniuses, even those who had cultivated to the fifth and sixth levels of blood coagulation, did not dare to underestimate them.

There are even more powerful existences, those sons of the lord. These people are surrounded by the protection of the fifth level of blood coagulation, and even the protection of the sixth level. Naturally, they are safe and sound along the way. These people spend a lot of money on the street. Thousands of blood crystals are often bought directly for magical things, which makes ordinary casual cultivators envious.

This is the gap, the gap that has been there since birth.

Yang Yi glanced slightly, and found many masters. Of course, no matter how flamboyant these domineering lords are, when facing a group of guards in red armor, they are respectful, just like a mouse seeing a cat. They didn't dare to show off.

At this moment, Yang Yi suddenly heard a sound beside him, and an expert at the fifth level of blood coagulation directly grabbed one of the old men who was selling some pills.

The old man remained motionless, letting the five-fold blood coagulation master grab him.

A young man came out from behind with a heavy face, took out dozens of bottles of pills in his hand and said coldly: "Okay, okay, it's so brave to have tricked me, you know who I am What? You are looking for death, you are looking for death!"

This young man did not know when he bought dozens of bottles of pills and took them back, only to find that more than half of the pills inside were fake, probably this man is used to being domineering, how could he bear this tone, and immediately came with the guards , found this old man who sold him a fake.

People who can drive the fifth level of blood coagulation masters have extraordinary identities.

With a sudden flash of the man's body, he rushed to the front of the old man and slapped him hard.


The old man's arm was broken in an instant, and the old man let out a miserable cry, trying to struggle hard, but he was only at the fourth level of blood coagulation, how could he break free from the grasp of the fifth level of blood coagulation master.

" dare to fight here? No matter who you are, you are dead, you are dead, haha!" The old man whose arm was broken laughed instead of anger, with a hint of mockery on his face.

The young man's face turned cold, and he became angry from embarrassment, and shouted: "Bastard, really bastard, do you know? My father is Xuan Zhenzhu, and I am my father's tenth son. How dare you deceive me?" On the head, the old birthday star eats arsenic and is impatient to live!"

The old man didn't feel frightened, but laughed louder and louder: "Haha, you are dead. Since your father is the Lord, didn't he tell you where this place is? Haha, you will die soon Damn, haha!"

The young man's face darkened, and he sneered and said, "Okay, okay, let's see what you can do to kill me, Uber, kill him!"

The old man called Uber clenched his hands into claws, grinned grinningly, and then slapped down hard.

But at this moment, suddenly a red shadow rushed in quickly, blocked Uber's attack with a fierce punch, and said with a cold face: "Who dares to fight in Hualong City?"


Another four red figures came over. These people were all dressed in uniform red armor, their faces were cold, but what was awe-inspiring was their cultivation, all of them were experts at the fifth level of blood coagulation .

"Who are you? My son's father is the master, this old thief dares to deceive me, I want him to die!" The young man saw these four blood coagulation experts, but he didn't feel scared at all, and said arrogantly . [

The red e-armor didn't talk too much nonsense, and said coldly: "If you dare to do something in Hualong City, the law enforcement team will capture it on the spot!"

The other four people flew over immediately, trying to catch the young man.

The young man's face paled slightly, and he shouted: "Uber, help, help, who are you? Dare to capture this son, and when my father Xuan Zhenzhu comes, you will all die!"

Uber next to him yelled: "Put down my son!" Immediately, the whole person was like a dragon, and immediately used martial arts to save the young man.

The leader of the Red E Armor only spat out a few words from his mouth coldly: "Defy the law enforcement team's law enforcement, shoot and kill!"

A few short words, but colder than ice, the eyes of the people around showed a trace of inexplicable panic and trembled slightly, obviously extremely afraid of these law enforcement teams wearing red e-armors. ! ~!

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