blood record

Chapter 30

[Ticket ticket~~~ If you haven't collected it, please collect it as soon as possible]

Following the order of the man in the red e armor, the other four law enforcement teams shot immediately, just like a violent storm. How terrifying it would be for four masters with five levels of blood coagulation to shoot together. Uber's face was horrified, and he was caught in an instant It was too suppressed to make a move.


The four law enforcement teams showed no mercy at all, and slapped Uber's body fiercely, bleeding Uber's chest, and even a beating heart could be seen from inside.


Uber seemed to be in disbelief that he was killed just like that, his eyes widened, but his heart was damaged, even a fifth-level blood coagulation expert would die.

Uber died, and the young man seemed to be petrified, looking at the armored man in the lead, his tone softened: "Please, don't kill me, don't kill me, my father is Xuan Allah, he will give you Lots of blood crystals, lots of treasures, don't kill me..."

"Anyone who disturbs the order in Hualong City and does it privately, the law enforcement team has the right to detain him. If he dares to resist, he will be killed on the spot and die!"

The law enforcement team in the red armor stretched out their hand, and the finger was so fast that they couldn't see the shadow clearly. In the end, they saw a horrible blood on the young man's forehead, and blood was continuously gushing out from it. His face was pale, and his eyes His eyes slowly fell down, already dead.


Some people around were not aware of the situation, so they all gasped. This young man is the son of the master, a master, he is definitely high and belongs to the top people, but even so, it can't stop these five indifferent The law enforcement team killed the young man.

Yang Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked the people next to him: "Who are these five law enforcement teams? Why don't they even seem to be afraid of the Lord?"

Next to him, a middle-aged man with four blood coagulation levels looked Yang Yi up and down, and said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "Looking at you, this should be the first time you have come to Hualong City, right?"

Yang nodded. Not only was he coming to Hualong City for the first time, but it was even the first time he came to the outside world from Qingyang Mansion.

The middle-aged man nodded, with a trace of awe in his eyes and said: "Huh, what is a master? Do you know the law enforcement team? Even if the master dares to do something in the city and dare to resist the law enforcement team Law enforcement, that is also to be killed on the spot. This team is the most common red-e law enforcement team, on top of which there are black-e law enforcement teams and gold-e law enforcement teams. The black-e law enforcement teams are all composed of experts at the seventh level There is only one team in the Golden E law enforcement team, but in that team, all of them are Jindan masters of the ninth level of blood coagulation, and they maintain the stability of the entire Hualong City. And these law enforcement teams are appointed by Hualong Palace Yes, in other words, these law enforcement teams are all from Hualong Palace, so what is the son of a lord?"

Yang Yi was secretly surprised, he didn't expect that there would be such a terrifying power in Hualong City, even the super masters of the ninth level of blood coagulation were sent out to form a law enforcement team.

You know, the Nine Layers of Blood Coagulation should have a very high status even in Hualong Palace, but if you think about it carefully, it should be so.The Dragon Transformation Contest is only held once every hundred years, and it is the competition for selecting disciples in the Dragon Transformation Palace. The law enforcement team doesn't know how chaotic it will be.

Yang Yi also finally understood why those seemingly arrogant and domineering lords and palace lords were all respectful and respectful when watching the Red E law enforcement team, and did not dare to show the slightest arrogance.This young man must have come here for the first time, and he didn't know the horror of the law enforcement team, otherwise he would not dare to use his father to suppress the law enforcement team if he was killed.

The corpses on the ground have been cleaned up, and the surrounding people have gradually dispersed. There are not many such things in Hualong City. If people who don't know violate the rules here, the consequences will be to be killed by emotion.

The sun was quite high, and the entire Hualong City seemed a little hot and dry. When Yang raised his eyes, he saw a large-scale restaurant.

As soon as Yang walked into the restaurant, he was about to order some food and drink, but his ears twitched slightly, and suddenly he heard a loud voice: "Joke, this is a restaurant, it is a resting place, and we are still there first, but why should we let you go?" shall we go?"

The sound was upstairs, and there were already a crowd of people under the stairs, all of whom seemed to be discussing loudly.

Then there was another calm male voice saying: "Everyone is here to watch the Dragon Transformation Competition in the Dragon Transformation City, you should pay attention to first come, first served. Boss, we will eat at this table today, and we still paid for the meal , if it’s not enough, let’s say, we can still afford a meal!”

Yang Yi trembled, but a smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth. The voice was so familiar, he had already guessed it. [

"I didn't expect to meet them here, but they seem to be in a little trouble?"

Yang Yi murmured, then walked to the second floor, hid in the crowd, and watched carefully.

Sure enough, the man and the woman were Liu Yun brothers and sisters who traveled together with Yang Yi.

At this time, on the entire second floor, there were only brothers and sisters Liu Yun and a few young masters who seemed to be very particular.

Liu Yun sat on the table with a heavy face. Although he handled things peacefully, he couldn't be moved when he was bullied by others.

A rather wealthy man among these young masters frowned, with a hint of ferocity in his eyes and said: "Hmph, do you know who we are? This is Lord Guangyuan's eldest son, this time he is here to participate The Dragon Contest is something that you two casual cultivators can compare to. If it wasn't for this Dragon Transformation City, if you did what you did just now, I would have already cut you to pieces. Hmph, don't Do not eat the toast and eat the fine wine!"

A fierce look flashed across Liu Yun's face, and his whole body was trembling slightly. A cultivator naturally has a stream of blood

"Hmph, so what if you are the lord? Can the lord bully others? Besides, we have already paid, so we will eat here!" Liu Yun said coldly.

In this world of monks, the weak are indeed preyed upon by the strong, and the strong can bully others.Although the reality is cruel, but this Liu Yun seems to have a heart of justice, he is the kind of persevering person, nine of the ten monks are black-hearted, full of bad water.This Liu Yun was obviously an exception, and even Yang Yi couldn't think of what kind of environment would create a person like Liu Yun, and he could successfully cultivate to the fourth level of blood coagulation.

The rather rich young man's face darkened, he suddenly smiled coldly, and threw out a large pile of blood crystals from his hand, and said coldly: "This is 1000 yuan blood crystals, and it's for the meal you just paid for." Dozens of times, hold the blood crystal, get lost, the second floor has been taken over by us!"

Looking at the pile of blood crystals on the ground, the expressions on the faces of Liu Yun brothers and sisters kept changing, and they gritted their teeth.

When the brother and sister were in a dilemma, a high-pitched voice suddenly appeared: "Oh? Can you drive people away if you have money? Well, boss, I have [-] blood crystal bags on the second floor. The idlers and others are fine." Get out!"

The sudden appearance of this sound surprised everyone, but the Liu brothers and sisters were a little surprised. Seeing the figure slowly walking up, there was a smile on their faces. ! ~!

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