blood record

Chapter 298 Elder Longhua

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"Master, what should we do now? Isn't it dangerous for the teacher to come back?"

Wan Ziqing seemed a little anxious.

Fu Yuanxia's eyes showed a hint of resentment, she shook her head slightly, looked at the runes around her and said, "Now we can only wait, this room is surrounded by a large formation, and with my strength, it is impossible to break through the formation. I just hope that I will be in charge of teaching auspicious people and celestial phenomena, and I hope that the plot of Ji Dao Sect will not be allowed to succeed!" [

Now Fu Yuanxia can only hope that the Yaochi Palace will be in charge of the teacher to find out the opportunity, and not be succeeded by the people of the Jidao Sect.

In a mysterious room in the Great Hall of Yaochi, there are many strange masters, all of them are shining with powerful power to reach the sky.

Among them, the leader is dressed in white, and the power of the world is shining all over his body. He is a world master who has reached the fifth level and comprehended the secrets of the world.

"Elder Longhua, the ups and downs of Yaochi Palace have been controlled by us, and those who dare to resist have been eliminated!"

A Mahayana master with a murderous look on his face suddenly said.

"Well, well done, but don't play tricks, let those peripheral disciples pay close attention to the movement of Yaochi Palace, and kill all the remaining disciples, you know?"

Elder Longhua's calm and breezy tone revealed a palpitating murderous intent.

"Yes, the disciple will definitely do it!"

This Mahayana disciple couldn't help shivering, appearing extremely fearful.

Elder Longhua is one of the five great guardian elders of the Jidao Sect. The five elders are the most powerful existence in the Jidao Sect except the three elders of the Jidao and the head teacher. Every elder has comprehended the mysteries of the world, and they are all above the world master The presence.The expansion of the Jidao Sect is under the control of the five elders who protect the Dharma when the three elders of the Jidao retreat all the year round.

These five guardian elders can be said to be the most core existence of Ji Dao Sect, and this time to deal with Yaochi Palace, Elder Longhua, one of the five guardian elders, was used, which is already inevitable.

"Long Hua, I didn't expect you Ji Dao Sect to be so despicable and shameless, to sneak attack on my Yaochi Palace when the head teacher is away. Hmph, only the Ji Dao Sect can do such a thing."

Suddenly, there was a cold snort in the huge room.

Looking at the sound, it turned out to be three old women. These three old women were all trapped in a large formation, and the primordial spirits on their bodies seemed to be sealed.

These are the three Supreme Elders of Yaochi Palace, all of whom have comprehended the mysteries of space, and are powerful existences of the Heaven-reaching Triple Sky Shifting Realm, but under Longhua's overwhelming strength, none of them can escape.

Long Hua turned around and looked coldly at the three Supreme Elders of Yaochi Palace, without getting angry, he said in a flat tone, "Teacher? It's just a junior who has cultivated to the Domain Realm by passing on the skills, you still rely on her Are you keeping the Yaochi Palace? Hmph, this time, your Yaochi Palace disappointed me too much. The headmaster originally kept you, but he just wanted to get the original power left behind by Tianhe Xingjun in your Yaochi Palace. But I didn't expect that you would give Yang Yi, the boy who was against my Ji Dao Sect, so that the Tianhe Star Map has now recovered a lot, and the Ji Dao Map refined by the three elders of my Ji Dao Sect has been affected. Hmph, no Without the original power left by Tianhe Xingjun, what is the use of your Yaochi Palace? And your head teacher Bi Luo, this elder is waiting for her here, and I want to capture her personally so that you can give up too."

The attack on Yaochi Palace was launched this time, and the entire Yaochi Palace was controlled at a speed that would destroy everything. It was an order personally handed down by the three great elders of the Jidao Sect. Sensitive, Yang Qian's Tianhe star map recovered rapidly, absorbing the original power like a wind and clouds, they naturally knew it best.With these three cultivation bases, Old Antique, who reached the realm of terror, knew what was going on in an instant. Except for Yang Yi who got the original power left by Tianhe Xingjun in Yaochi Palace, there would definitely be no other huge power that could make Tianhe The star chart recovered so much in an instant.

It can be said that the Tianhe Star Chart has recovered so quickly and completely defeated the arrangement of the Jidao Sect, and the Yaochi Palace will naturally suffer from the thunder and anger of the Jidao Sect.

Long Hua turned around, stretched out his hand a little in the void, and then bursts of spatial ripples began to appear in the entire void. [


A picture appeared in the void, and the figures in the picture were full of noble aura.

"Teacher, Yaochi Palace has been fully controlled by our Ji Dao Sect now." Elder Longhua said with a somewhat respectful expression, this man with a noble aura shining all over his body is the Ji Dao Sect's head teacher Ji Daozi.

Ji Daozi nodded slightly, and said with an expression: "Very good, have you found Bi Luo, the palm of Yaochi Palace?"

Long Hua shook his head slightly and said, "Master, no one in the entire Yaochi Palace knows of Bi Luo's whereabouts, but I have already arranged it. As soon as Bi Luo returns to Yaochi Palace, he will definitely be caught."

Ji Daozi nodded slightly and said: "Very good, but if we want to capture her alive, she has the skills taught to her by the former head of Yaochi Palace in her body, I can pass it on to the young talents of my Ji Dao Sect, let her cultivate For leaps and bounds."

Long Hua's heart trembled, and he said respectfully: "I will obey the orders of the head teacher."

The picture in the void disappeared immediately, and Elder Longhua's eyes kept flickering, ordering to go on, all the disciples of Jidao Sect were hidden in the dark.


In front of the Great Hall of Yaochi, there was a slight ripple in the space, and then a figure walked out of the space in an instant, it was Bi Luo who had rushed all the way back.

Bi Luo frowned slightly, looked around, but felt a little weird, this Yaochi hall was a little abnormally quiet.

"Did something happen?"

Bi Luo immediately flew into the palace of Yaochi, and just after flying in, Bi Luo immediately looked sympathetic, and said in a low voice: "No, maybe something happened to my Yaochi Palace."


Yang came out of the Tianhe star map in an instant, looked around with sharp eyes, frowned and said, "What happened? It's just a little quiet, I didn't find anything wrong."

Bi Luo smiled coldly: "As the head teacher of Yaochi Palace, I can naturally feel the guardian formation of my Yaochi Palace, but when I tried to communicate with the formation just now, I found that the guardian formation of my Yaochi Palace was broken Hmph, only when the Yaochi Palace is in the most danger, the three elders will activate the guardian formation, but now even the guardian formation is broken, which shows that my Yaochi Palace is likely to be controlled by the master .”

Yang Yi's thoughts turned sharply, his eyes sparkled, and he said in a low voice: "A master who can break through the guardian formation of Yaochi Palace may not even be able to achieve the fourth level of realm, could it be that the master of Ji Dao Sect has come? "

Yang immediately thought of the Jidao Sect. In the Tianhe Star Region, only the Jidao Sect has such power. ! ~!

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