blood record

Chapter 299 Rescue

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Bi Luo closed her eyes slightly, as if communicating something.

After a long while, Bi Luo's eyes opened sharply, with a sharp light shining in his eyes, and he said coldly: "Sure enough, it is the Ji Dao Sect, and it is not an ordinary master, it is Long Hua, one of the five great guardian elders of the Ji Dao Sect He personally led the masters to wipe out all the masters in my Yaochi Palace. But he never thought that this Yaochi Palace is actually a huge formation, and only the past generations of my Yaochi Palace can control it. "

This Yaochi Palace is very old, it is rumored that it was built by Tianhe Xingjun for the founder of the Yaochi Palace, it is not surprising that it has all kinds of magic. [

Yang Yi said in a low voice: "The five great guardian elders? It is rumored that Long Hua's cultivation has reached the peak of the fifth level of the sky. He is so powerful. I didn't expect that even he would be dispatched. This time, the Ji Dao Sect is really going to be wiped out. Yaochi Palace is gone. Bi Luo, what do you want to do now?"

Bi Luo's eyes narrowed slightly, murderous intent flickered all over his body, and he said coldly: "Since the Ji Dao Sect has already torn its face, it's okay, my master was seriously injured by the three old immortals of the Ji Dao Sect, This time I will let them pay back their debts with blood! And this time, it is not entirely a bad thing, at least, the conservative forces in Yaochi Palace have completely shattered their hopes. From now on, I can monopolize the power of Yaochi Palace and form an alliance with Hualong Palace No one will object to that.”

After Bi Luo finished speaking, he looked at Yang Yiyi slightly: "Yang Yi, I still need your help this time. Many masters in my Yaochi Palace are controlled by the masters of Jidao Sect. I will give you some permissions, so that you can check all the situation in the Yaochi Palace, and when I confront Longhua, I will rescue all the masters of the Yaochi Palace who are controlled by the Jidao Sect."

Yang nodded a little, he knew that Bi Luo had a scepter of radiance, so he didn't need to be afraid of Long Hua, so he nodded and said, "Of course there is no problem. The master of Ji Dao Sect is suitable for the Tianhe Star Chart to restore!"

Bi Luo then stretched out his hand to touch Yang Yi's forehead, and immediately, Yang Yi seemed to be able to see the situation in the entire Yaochi Palace.

"Okay, then I'll go and restrain Longhua first!" Bi Luo then tore apart the space, and traveled through the space in an instant.

Yang Yi is still familiar with this feeling, the feeling of holding the entire Yaochi Palace in his hands is wonderful.

"Huh? Wan Ziqing, Wan Zilin, and Elder Fu Yuanxia are all trapped in the formation!"

Yang Yi suddenly saw Fu Yuanxia and the others trapped in the formation, so his figure flashed and flew towards the upper floor of Yaochi Palace.


Yang Yi came to the room where Fu Yuanxia and the others were imprisoned. There, there was actually a Tongtian master guarding it. It seemed that Ji Daozong also valued these Tongtian elders in Yaochi Palace.

This celestial master remained motionless, sitting cross-legged on the ground, with bursts of terrifying aura shining all over his body. There were no other disciples of the Ji Dao Sect around this celestial master. .

There was a trace of murderous intent in Yang Yi's eyes, and he flew out without hiding his figure.


The master of heaven opened his eyes suddenly, and his whole body was like a huge mountain, and the terrifying momentum rose instantly.

When he saw Yang Yi in front of him, there was a strange light in the eyes of this master of heaven, and he said coldly: "You are Yang Yi? You actually appeared here, haha, there is a way to heaven if you don't go, hell you go Come in, I heard that you killed brother Zhenyi by despicable means, hum, today the elder will capture you and dedicate it to the head teacher to avenge brother Zhenyi!"

Now Yang Yi's reputation is too great. Ji Daozong already knew that Yang Yi possessed the Milky Way Star Map, and knew that it was Yang Yi who killed Shinichi. He had already set a heavy reward for Yang Yi. Killing Yang Yi or capturing Yang Yi will give unimaginable rewards.

Murderous intent flashed in Yang Yi's eyes, and he said coldly: "Idiot, since you know that even Shinichi died in Yang's hands, you still dare to step forward, you really don't know what to do, die for me!"

Yang Yi's dharma body suddenly burst out with terrifying power, and the bursts of power continuously shook the void, and the entire Yaochi Palace seemed to be shaken. [

Elder Tongtian of the Jidao Sect on the opposite side laughed loudly: "Haha, isn't it just relying on the Tianhe star map? Junior, you are simply too arrogant, brother Shinichi can't deal with you, and was attacked by your sinner, today I will let you I know, I know, the difference between Tongtian and Transformation, the extreme magic fist!"

Seeing that Yang Yi's strength was approaching the limit of Tongtian, the Tongtian elder didn't panic, and directly unleashed the Jidao Divine Fist. The surging power was even more ferocious than Shinichi. It's no wonder that this Tongtian master So confident.

There was a hint of disdain in Yang's eyes, he hadn't displayed his indestructible strength yet, and shouted: "Nine Palace Phantom!"

Beside Yang Yi, sixteen shadows appeared in an instant, and these afterimages overlapped again. Yang Yi's strength immediately increased by sixteen times, and he was instantly comparable to a master at the top of the first layer of Tongtian.


The two huge forces collided fiercely, and the elder Tongtian showed a hint of shock on his face, and quickly took a few steps back.

"Sure enough, there are some tricks, and it can hit sixteen times the strength. Could it be the martial arts of Tianhe Xingjun? Okay, this old man accepts this set of martial arts. Haha, boy, die!"

The eyes of this elder Tongtian flashed with naked greed, and he flew forward again, like a mountain. This time, his strength increased again, and it was more than twice as powerful as before.

This is his true strength. The punch just now was just his temptation. This Elder Tongtian looks rough, but in fact he has a more delicate mind. It was only then that he broke out his full strength.

This force was like an ocean and abyss, terrifying, and quickly enveloped Yang Yi in it.

Yang Yi's eyes flashed a hint of ridicule, his whole body faintly exuded the light of golden e, and under the light of golden e, there was actually a faint flame burning.

This is a unique method of the direct witch clan, summoning the spiritual fire between heaven and earth. This kind of flame is more powerful than the real fire of Samadhi. Once it burns, it will never die.

"Hmph, don't break your body, Nine Palace Phantom, die for me!"

Yang Zhouzhou's body was full of golden light, and his whole body was like a ball of flame, which suddenly exploded and ruthlessly killed this master of heaven.

"What? How could you have such a powerful force?"

When this sky-reaching master looked at the surging, almost limitless power approaching the sky-reaching double sun and moon realm, his heart was shocked, and he felt a strong danger faintly in his heart. ! ~!

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