blood record

Chapter 300

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"What's going on outside? Why is there such a strong surge of vitality?"

Fu Yuanxia who was inside the room suddenly opened her eyes and looked outside vigilantly. Although the room was sealed by a powerful formation, such a powerful surge of vitality was still transmitted in, and she sensed it.

"Master, what's wrong?" [

Wan Ziqing and Wan Zilin both woke up, looking at the vigilant Vice Yuanxia with puzzled expressions on their faces, they didn't feel any vibration of vitality at all just now.

Fu Yuanxia whispered: "Just now there was a violent surge of vitality outside here."

"What? Master, did you feel wrong? We didn't sense any fluctuation of vitality." Wan Zilin frowned, she did not sense any fluctuation of vitality.

Fu Yuanxia stood up abruptly, with a dignified expression, and said in a deep voice: "You haven't cultivated to reach the sky yet, so you are not so sensitive to vitality, so you can't sense it. There must be someone fighting outside, and it is a battle between the masters of the sky. Is someone coming to rescue us?"

Wan Ziqing's heart moved, and he said with joy on his face: "Could it be that the elders of my Yaochi Palace escaped and came to save us specially?"

"How is this possible? The number of masters from the Ji Dao Sect this time may not be so easy to escape. I think the head teacher may have returned."

Wan Zilin said in a low voice.

Fu Yuanxia's expression was dignified, and she kept paying attention to the fluctuation of vitality outside, without saying a word.

But at this time outside, a sneer appeared on Yang Yi's face, and then the whole figure changed rapidly, and the terrifying power directly enveloped this heaven-reaching master of the Ji Dao Sect.

"Hmph, kid, I don't know why your strength is so strong, but you want to kill this elder, it's just wishful thinking!"

The power of this Elder Tongtian flickered all over his body, and he retreated back immediately, the speed was simply extremely fast.

Yang Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said in a deep voice, "I'm going to use you to sacrifice the magic weapon today, want to escape? It's already too late!"


The Tianhe Star Chart suddenly appeared beside Yang Yi, and then Yang Qian made a move, and the Tianhe Star Chart emitted slight space ripples, and entered the space in a flash.

"What? Space shuttle?"

The elder Tongtian's eyes were wide open, and extreme danger appeared in his mind, and he was about to take some action, but immediately a destructive force descended directly.

The Tianhe Star Map came out of the space almost instantly, and Yang Yi broke out with all his strength, shouting: "Measure the starlight array, die to me!"

The terrifying power of the formation instantly acted on the body of this master of heaven, his whole body froze slightly, Yang Yi's whole body shone with golden light, and his big hand slapped down fiercely.


The head of this Elder Tongtian exploded like mud in an instant, and Yang grabbed this Elder Tongtian into the Tianhe Star Map with one hand.

"Tianhe star map, refine!"

Entering the Tianhe star map, even the masters of the third level of Tongtian couldn't bear it, the rolling force of the formation quickly pierced the body and soul of this master of Tongtian, and screams came out from his mouth: " Yang Yi, this old man curses you to die badly, and curses the place where you will be buried, and the elders of my Ji Dao Sect will definitely tear you to pieces!"

Yang Yi sneered and said, "Do you think you know how to curse? You're dying so much nonsense."

The power of the big formation of Tianhe Star Chart instantly refined it, and a source of power was like a rolling torrent, constantly washing away at Tianhe Star Chart. The original power absorbed by the star map for several months.

Yang Yi checked it briefly, and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Although there was a lot of original power produced by refining this master of heaven, it was far from reaching the point where it could restore the Tianhe Star Chart to [-]%, or even [-]%. nothing.

"The Tianhe Star Chart now requires so much original power that it is simply unimaginable, and the effect of refining the first-level masters of Tongtian is no longer obvious."

Yang Yi thought secretly.

After clearing away this master of heaven, the whole Yaochi Hall shook. Yang Yi knew that the people of Ji Dao Sect might have noticed it, so he came directly to this room.

Although the big formation here is powerful, the big formation in Yang Yi's Tianhe star map is even more ferocious, not to mention that it is much easier to break the big formation from the outside, Yang Yi gathers his strength and directly blasts the big formation.


The huge force shattered the formation directly into a piece of iron


Tie was directly smashed by Yang Yi, and after entering the room, it turned out to be Fu Yuanxia, ​​Wan Ziqing and others.

"Yang Yi? Why are you here?"

Shock appeared on Wan Ziqing's face, but Fu Yuan Xiaguang seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly said: "Yang Yi, is the head teacher back?"

Yang nodded and said: "That's right, Headmaster Bi Luo has returned, and she asked Yang to save you."

Fu Yuanxia's expression changed and she said: "Not good, tell the head teacher quickly and let her go quickly, this place has been ambushed by the masters of the Ji Dao Sect, the head teacher will definitely be in danger."

Yang Yi smiled slightly and said: "Elder Fu, don't worry, Headmaster Bi Luo knows everything here, she is sure to deal with the masters of Ji Dao Sect. Alright, let's go now and rescue some other elder disciples. "

These people came out quickly, seeing the terrifying and destructive power outside, they were all taken aback for a moment, Fu Yuanxia said hesitantly: "Young fellow Daoist Yang, just now I felt a strong surge of vitality outside, could it be..."

Yang nodded and said, "Just now there was an Elder Tongtian from Jidao Sect guarding here, but I have already killed him."

Yang Yi's understated tone shocked Wan Zilin and the others even more. They didn't know Yang Yi's performance in Yaochi Palace in the past, but Fu Yuanxia nodded slightly. [

"Huh? The masters of the Ji Dao Sect are here. Good guy, they are the three elders who reach the sky. This Ji Dao Sect is indeed the largest sect in the Tianhe Star Region. Just this master of the Tongtian Sect is unmatched by other sects."

Yang Yi suddenly said that he was endowed by Bi Luo with some abilities in the Yaochi Temple, he could see the characters and scenes in the Yaochi Temple clearly, so he saw three masters flying towards them.


Just as Fu Yuanxia wanted to ask Yang Yi how she knew, she immediately saw three masters flying out in front of her, and her face sank.

"Bo Wanli, Yuan Yizong, and Xia Haigan are indeed masters of the Jidao Sect. I didn't expect that your Jidao Sect is so despicable that you attack all your allies." When Fu Yuanxia saw these three people, her expression became emoji Yin sank, she knew these three masters.

The three heavenly masters did not answer, but looked at Yang Yi, and Bo Wanli among them said, "Yang Yi, I didn't expect you to dare to come here. It took a lot of work, now my Ji Dao Sect is looking for you in an all-round way, and the head teacher will be very happy if you are caught, and when the time comes to reward you with treasures, we may not be promoted to the Sun Moon Realm."

The eyes of these three masters looking at Yang Yi are full of greed. In the most wanted list of Ji Dao Sect, it is suspected that Yang Yi ranks very high, No.3. Once caught, Ji Dao Sect will reward him unimaginably rewards.

"Oh? An idiot said the same thing just now, but now he has become the nourishment of Yang's magic weapon."

Yang Yi stared at the three of them coldly.

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense, kill!"

Bo Wanli and Yuan Yizong both fiercely used their means to kill Yang Yi, while Xia Haiqian let out a smirk and shot at Fu Yuanxia.

The rolling force directly crushed Wan Ziqing and Wan Zilin's faces, and they felt a sense of help all over their bodies. This is the three masters attacking together, how terrifying is their power?It is no exaggeration to say that it is earth-shattering.

Yang Zhouzhou flashed golden light fiercely, and laughed loudly: "Okay, there are three stupid pigs again. Since you all sent them up, Yang will accept it reluctantly. Jiugong Phantom, kill!"

Facing the two heaven-reaching masters, Yang Yi was not afraid at all, his dharma body was shaken, and huge power surged out, sixteen times the power burst out in an instant, almost approaching the power of the sky-reaching double sun-moon realm.

"bang bang"

With two loud bangs, Yang Yi and the two masters of the sky each took a few steps back, and Bo Wanli and Yuan Yizong showed shock on their faces.

"I didn't expect this kid to have some tricks, no need to hide it, just use the strongest trick, kill!"

With a flash of golden light in Bo Wanli's hand, a terrifying small mountain peak appeared. Although it is small, it exudes bursts of gravity.

Moreover, there are bursts of strong heaven-reaching power on it. Obviously, this top-grade magic weapon has been blessed with countless heaven-reaching powers by Bo Wanli, and its power is extraordinary.

A golden ring also appeared in Yuan Yizong's hand, which was about the size of Zhang Xu, and it was also filled with huge power that reached the sky, and it was also a magic weapon that he blessed with several powers that reached the sky.

"Han Tianfeng, kill!"

"Small five-element ring, forbidden!"

Once the two magical treasures blessed with heaven-reaching power are used, their power is unimaginable. If they hit Yang Yi quickly, no matter how strong Yang Yi's body is, he might be seriously injured.

Yang Yi's eyes flickered strangely, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then his figure, like a ghost, turned into a puff of smoke, and unexpectedly slipped into the Tianhe Star Chart.

"Tianhe star map, space shuttle!"

Yang Yi displayed the Tianhe star map, and circles of space ripples began to appear, and then the Tianhe star map disappeared into the void in a flash.


The Hantian Peak, which has been flying thousands of miles away, hit the ground violently, shaking the entire Yaochi Palace, and Yuan Yizong's small five-element ring was also shining continuously, a little confused, but the place where Yang Yi was at this time was empty . ! ~!

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