blood record

Chapter 301 World Collision

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Both magic weapons hit the empty space, Bo Wanli and Yuan Yizong were shocked, and said loudly: "No, it's space shuttle!"

They hurriedly made preparations, brought back all the magic weapons, and looked around vigilantly.

But at this moment, there was a scream from the side, and they hurriedly looked, but it was Xia Haigan who had fought with Fu Yuanxia, ​​whose body was caught by Yang Yi, and half of his head fell off, Yuanshen still wanted to desperately He struggled to break free, but he couldn't break free. Yang Yi threw him directly into the Tianhe Star Map, and was instantly refined into a rolling source of power. [

Just now Yang Yi shuttled through the space and unexpectedly appeared behind Xia Haiqian. Xia Haigan, who was in the middle of a battle with Fu Yuanxia, ​​could not have expected that Yang Yi would suddenly appear behind him and be directly killed by Yang Yi.

Seeing Xia Haiqian die instantly, Bo Wanli and Yuan Yizong felt a chill in their hearts, and then they thought carefully about masters such as Kamikaze and Shinichi. All of Zong's top-reaching masters died in Yang Yi's hands.

"The Tianhe Star Map can actually travel through space, we are not opponents, let's go!"

Bo Wanli said in a low voice, he was about to retreat immediately, but Yang Yi would not allow him to do so, and said coldly: "Want to leave? Unfortunately, it is already too late!"


The Tianhe Star Chart shuttled through the space again, and appeared behind the two of them in an instant. Yang Yi unleashed the Jidao Divine Fist, pushing the strength of his body to the limit, and his strength climbed again. Thanks to the blessing, the current Yang Yi is already comparable to a master of the second level of the sky and the moon.


Yang Yi's fist shone with a golden brilliance, and within this brilliance was faintly mixed with traces of flames, making it impossible to detect.

This punch contained terrifying power, it immediately knocked Bo Wanli and Yuan Yizong into the air, and even Qi Fabao let out a sobbing sound, they couldn't resist Yang Yi's ferocity at all.

"What is this? The primordial spirit is actually burning the primordial spirit."

Bo Wanli was horrified to find that there was a pale flame burning on their bodies. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it. This flame is extremely terrifying. Not only the body, but also the soul seems to be burning.

This is the heaven and earth spirit fire controlled by Yang Yi with the power of the direct lineage of the witch clan. Back then, Zhu Rong's ancestral witch could use the heaven and earth spirit fire to burn countless immortals. Although Yang Yi hadn't reached the point of burning immortals, under the sneak attack, It is still possible to make these two masters of heaven suffer a little.


Yang Yi stretched out his hand and grabbed Bo Wanli and Yuan Yizong. Now that they were both burned by the spiritual fire of heaven and earth, they couldn't resist Yang Yi at all. The terrifying force directly smashed his body to pieces. With a scream, he was thrown into Yang Yi's Tianhe star map, and was instantly refined into pure original power.

From the appearance of these three masters to being refined by Yang Yi directly, it only took a moment, which made people dazzled.

Wan Ziqing and Wan Zilin looked at Yang Yi as if they were looking at a monster. Yang Yi is only a Mahayana cultivation base now, but killing a master of the sky is as easy as killing a dog. This is simply a peerless evildoer.

Fu Yuanxia's eyes were also staring straight, she had only now truly understood Yang Yi's true strength, and she would be skeptical if she were to face these three masters.

With a flash of light in Yang Yi's hand, Heaven Guarding Peak and Small Five Elements Ring appeared in his hand. These two high-grade magic weapons were refined by Bo Wanli and Yuan Yizong for several years, and their power to reach the sky is stronger than that of Suppressing Evil. Copper bells are much stronger, and they are two rare treasures.

Yang Yi sank a little, and said to Wan Ziqing and Wan Zilin: "You two are very dangerous here, these two magic weapons are for your self-defense!"


Han Tianfeng flew to Wan Ziqing, while Xiao Wuxinghuan flew to Wan Zilin.

These two magic weapons are precious treasures, which made Wan Ziqing and Wan Zilin very excited, but Fu Yuanxia said seriously: "Young Daoist Yang, these two magic weapons are too precious."

Yang Yi waved his hand slightly and said: "It's nothing, they are just two high-grade magic weapons. Now there are still many masters of Ji Dao Sect, so magic weapons are naturally inexhaustible."

Hearing Yang Yi's words, Fu Yuanxia couldn't help but smile wryly. In Yang's eyes, those masters of the sky were the treasure house of movement, but how could ordinary monks treat the masters of the sky as objects.

"Okay, now let's hurry to the top floor of Yaochi Palace and meet Bi Luozhang, and there are many other elders of Yaochi Palace imprisoned there."

Yang Yi was able to see everything in Yaochi Palace, so he naturally knew where the masters of Yaochi Palace were imprisoned.

At this time, he had already seen that Bi Luo had appeared on the top floor of the Yao Chi Palace, confronting Long Hua.

In the main hall on the top floor, it is very spacious, there are many masters inside, and many masters from Yaochi Palace are imprisoned, and Long Hua personally guards them.

Long Hua had already felt the surge of vitality that erupted from the Yao Chi Temple just now, and just as he was about to send experts there, suddenly his eyes narrowed slightly, and then he saw traces of space ripples appearing in the void.

This is a master who is shuttling through the space, Long Hua's eyes flashed a ray of light, his big hand gently pointed towards that space, and shouted in his mouth: "Seal!"

As the voice fell, a series of terrifying world power instantly blocked that space.

But in an instant, the power of these worlds shattered one after another, and a terrifying force erupted directly, and a noble figure walked out of the space in an instant.

"Elder Longhua, the five guardian elders are really extraordinary. They are so proficient in using the power of the world, I feel a little ashamed of myself!"

The figure walking out of the space is exactly Bi Luo, she is also a master of the five-fold realm master, so naturally she is not afraid of Longhua's space blockade.

"Teacher, the teacher has cultivated into the master realm of the fifth level and comprehended the secrets of the world! Now my Yaochi Palace is saved."

The suppressed three elders of Yaochi Palace were overjoyed and looked at Bi Luo in surprise.

Long Hua narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Bi Luo, and said coldly: "You are Bi Luo? I never thought you could cultivate to the master level of the fifth level. It seems that this elder underestimated you."

Although Long Hua was a little surprised by Bi Luo's current cultivation level, but there was an expression on his face, he just looked at Bi Luo coldly, his eyes sparkling with jungkook.

"Elder Longhua, I didn't know that the elders were coming, but why did they control all the elders of my Yaochi Palace, and even slaughtered my Yaochi Palace's disciples. Is this the attitude of the Jidao Sect towards allies?"

Bi Luo didn't make a move immediately, but looked at Long Hua with sharp eyes.

Long Hua sneered and said, "Allies? Fellow Daoist Bi Luo is wrong, it should be said that your Yaochi Palace is attached to my Ji Dao Sect. But this matter was personally issued by the three elders, so it must be that Fellow Daoist Bi Luo made an exception. What happened made the Supreme Elder angry. Yaochi Palace is destined to be destroyed, but if Fellow Daoist Bi Luo is willing to sincerely join my Ji Dao Sect, I believe that with the current cultivation of Bi Luo, he is enough to become the No. 6 Elder Dharma Protector, and it can also save the masters of Yaochi Palace. How about fellow Daoist Bi Luo think about it?" [

"No. 6 Elder Dharma Protector? I'm afraid that Elder Long will be disappointed. This seat is the head teacher of Yaochi Palace. The disciple who holds my Yaochi Palace's number in his hand is to inherit the tens of thousands of years of my Yaochi Palace. How can he be so noble? Zong's guardian elder?"

The power of the world flickered all over Bi Luo, exuding a huge aura, displaying her formidable strength.She knew that if she was still at the domain level, Longhua would not even want to talk nonsense, and would just grab her.

There was a flash of light in Longhua's eyes, and a murderous intent flashed around him, and he said coldly: "Since Fellow Daoist Bi Luo is unwilling, then this elder will carry out the order of the Supreme Elder, and capture Fellow Daoist Bi Luo!"


Long Hua stepped forward directly, his feet seemed to contain a mighty force, and the entire Yaochi Palace was shaking constantly, as if it was about to collapse at any moment.

A world suddenly emanated from Longhua's body, and the power of the world rushed towards Bi Luo like a raging flood.

A gleam flashed in Bi Luo's eyes, and it was also the first time she faced a world lord master of the fifth level. With a gleam in her eyes, her world also radiated out, colliding fiercely with Longhua's world.


The collision of world power, each world has its own unique atmosphere, and the two worlds are incompatible.The world master's master is basically a competition in the world. It seems ordinary, but it is a dangerous competition.

At the point where the two worlds collide, the space is directly twisted to pieces, and the billowing world power repels the opponent's world power one after another.

Relatively speaking, Bi Luo's world has just been formed after all, and it is far less solid than Long Hua's world, so she is gradually at a disadvantage, and her face is a little pale.

A slight smile appeared on Long Hua's face, and he said lightly: "It seems that the world of Fellow Daoist Bi Luo has just been condensed, and it hasn't run smoothly yet."

As time went by, Longhua's world almost squeezed Bi Luo's world by a small half, gaining the upper hand.

The world is fundamental to the masters of the world. The two masters of the world are competing for the power of the world. Once the world collapses, the masters of the world will also be wiped out.

Long Hua directly competed in the world, his experience is so sophisticated, he has already seen that Bi Luo's world has just been condensed, and will be completely suppressed by his world.

"Teacher, go quickly. As long as you are fine, the inheritance of my Yaochi Palace will not be broken. Go quickly and leave a legacy for my Yaochi Palace!"

The three Supreme Elders of Yao Chi Palace saw that Bi Luo was not Long Hua's opponent, so they shouted loudly.

Although Long Hua could suppress an expert like Bi Luo, it was almost impossible to kill her. As long as Bi Luo wanted to leave, no one here could stop her. ! ~!

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