blood record

Chapter 302 The Art of Combining Strikes

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Longhua's demeanor changed slightly, and his world power became even more surging, as if Mount Tai was overwhelmed, as if he wanted to completely suppress Bi Luo's world.

A gleam flashed in Bi Luo's eyes, and he said loudly: "I am the head teacher of Yaochi Palace, and I sit in one side, how could I leave at this time?"

As soon as the words fell, there was a terrifying sound from outside, and then Yang Yi, Fu Yuanxia and others appeared in the sight of everyone. [

"Fu Yuanxia, ​​hurry up and help the head teacher eliminate these thieves from the Ji Dao Sect!"

Although the three Supreme Elders were sealed, they could speak freely, but around the three Supreme Elders, there were three cold-faced Ji Dao Sect Tongtian masters guarding them.

Yang Yi's eyes were fixed, watching the confrontation between Bi Luo and Long Hua in the void, he was obviously at a disadvantage, but there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and he wasn't too worried.

"Fu Yuanxia, ​​how could you escape?"

Suddenly, a sound of surprise came into Yang Yi's ears. Yang Yi looked, and it turned out to be Long Yuanyue and the second elder he met that day. Standing together, it is obvious that they have betrayed Yaochi Palace and joined Ji Dao Sect.

Fu Yuanxia's eyes shone with disgust, she sneered and said, "You two traitors, deceiving your master and destroying your ancestors, today I will clean up the households for my Yaochi Palace!"

"Hmph, looking for death, Fu Yuanxia, ​​who doesn't know that all the schools in the entire Tianhe Star Region will soon be unified, and all of them will belong to the Ji Dao Sect. Our Yaochi Palace is very old, but it is also very pedantic. If we belong to the Ji Dao Sect , with poor treasures and resources to cultivate, wouldn't it be much more free and easy than holding on to death and then disappearing.

"Hmph, a traitor is a traitor. You are deceiving your master and destroying your ancestors. Don't talk nonsense. The two of you usually target me everywhere. Now let's make a difference."


Several golden needles suddenly appeared in Fu Yuanxia's hand. These golden needles were densely packed, almost tens of thousands of them, which was extremely terrifying.Connected together, it seems to form a large formation, which has the aura of the peak of the top-grade magic weapon, and it is blessed with countless powers that reach the sky.

This is a combination magic weapon, the power of this combination magic weapon is extremely terrifying, once tens of thousands of golden needles are fired together, the power is almost impossible to stop, Yang Yi only then knew that Fu Yuanxia was able to suppress Long Yuanyue in Yaochi Palace before And the reason for the second elder.

This set of magic weapons is the strongest magic weapon Yang Yi has ever seen. It can almost reach the peak of the power of top-grade magic weapons, only slightly inferior to half-immortal treasures.

"Master is really murderous. Generally, the master will not use the Myriad Clouds Golden Needle if it is not a life-and-death crisis."

"That's right, this time the Third Martial Uncle and the Second Martial Uncle are unforgivable for betraying the master, and the master also wants to settle the grievances between them."

Wan Ziqing and Wan Zilin said one after another.

"Wanyun Golden Needle is indeed a treasure!"

Yang Yi watched the golden needles rush towards Long Yuanyue and the second elder, their power was astonishing, with such a powerful magic weapon, it would not be a problem for Fu Yuanxia to deal with those two masters.


In front of Yang Yi, three heaven-reaching masters suddenly flew over. These are all masters of the Ji Dao Sect. With their feet in all directions, there was a huge pressure faintly emanating from them, and they actually displayed a joint attack technique. [

The combination attack technique is extremely rare, and it can only be used if all three monks have practiced this combination attack technique. The three people Yang Yi met outside, including Bo Wanli, did not have this combination attack technique.

These three statues are all masters of the sky, and they used the technique of combined strikes, faintly blending their aura together, and suddenly, an aura comparable to the sun and moon realm pressed down on Yang Yi fiercely.

Yang Yi hurriedly took a few steps back, looking at the three of them in surprise, this terrifying momentum was something he couldn't resist.

But after all, this is not a real master of the sun and moon realm. Yang Yi suddenly seemed to be full of heroism, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit. Known as the God of War, at this moment, Yang Yi was also sent out with a fighting spirit, bursts of golden light emanating from his body, faintly confronting these three masters.

"Combined strike technique, Yang is lucky enough to see this set of combined strike technique, well, Yang will meet for a while to see if you can really match the masters of the sun and moon realm."

Yang Yi punched forward directly, the body power in his body rolled like a torrent, quickly entered Yang Yi's arm, and Yang Yi's arm rapidly swelled.

That's not to mention, the golden light on Yang Yi's arm was shining, and he displayed unbreakable strength, reaching the peak strength of the first layer of heaven in an instant.

"Extreme Dao Divine Fist!"

With one voice, the three of them punched fiercely, and the huge force also condensed into one, like a pillar, and slammed towards Yang Yi viciously.This combined attack technique is simply extremely ferocious, the three of them united together already faintly possess the power of a sun-moon realm master, this combined attack technique is not simply one plus one equals two.

"Extreme Dao Divine Fist? Yang will do it too!"

Yang Qian also displayed the Jidao Divine Fist in an instant, his physical strength reached the limit in an instant, and his strength increased again.


The two of them collided, and the whole hall seemed to shake for a while, the three masters didn't move at all, but Yang Yi's figure flew out suddenly, his arm broke instantly, and cracks appeared on his arm, shocking.

But this punch, Yang Yi lost, that kind of force was simply not something he could resist with that punch just now.

If it was an ordinary master, perhaps this punch would be severely injured, but the golden light on Yang Zhou's body continued to shine, and under the golden light, his arm slowly began to recover, and the cracks were quickly repaired.

This is the horror of not breaking the body, what's more, Yang Yi swallowed and refined an undead eye, and his golden body already has a trace of the special recovery power of the undead, which is even more terrifying.

This punch didn't hurt Yang Yi's root at all.

A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the three masters, often under the joint attack of the three of them, no matter how strong the masters are, as long as they have not cultivated to the sun and moon state, they will definitely not be able to withstand their punches. Even a high-grade magic weapon with the power of the sky can't resist it.

But seeing Yang Yi quickly recovered from his injuries, his eyes could not help but freeze, and he stared at Yang Yi firmly.

The golden light on Yang Zhou's body became more and more intense, and the fighting spirit in his body became more and more intense. Suddenly, there was a long and loud howl from his mouth, his body seemed to be raised a few inches abruptly, and his whole body was as if It swelled up, made a crackling sound, and became more burly.

These are the phenomena that Yang Yiyi's golden body of the Wu clan has pushed to the extreme. He wants to really fight these three masters who reach the sky.

"The joint attack technique of the three masters of you is indeed wonderful, but it can't hurt Yang. Now, let's see if you can resist Yang's punch." [

Yang Yi's whole body seemed to be extremely heavy, and he made a "booming" sound when walking in the hall, just like a giant.

"Phantom of the Nine Palaces!"

Intense golden light shone all over Yang Zhou's body, but in an instant, these golden lights split into sixteen as if phantoms appeared.


The sixteen phantoms overlapped for an instant, and at the same time, an earth-shattering force burst out suddenly.

"You also received Yang's fist, the extreme magic fist!"

Jidao Shenquan can increase the limit of a monk's body strength. How terrifying Yang Yi's body is, it has been lifted to the limit in an instant. In addition, Jiugong Phantom has sixteen times the strength, which is even more shocking. And coupled with the strength that does not break the body, in terms of pure strength, it is already comparable to the strength of the second level of the sun and the moon.

Seeing such surging power, even Long Hua, who was constantly competing with the world in the void, froze slightly. He clearly felt that the three masters couldn't resist this blow.

At this time, the expressions of the three masters of Ji Dao Sect changed, feeling Yang Yi's surging power, sweeping towards him with absolutely overwhelming force, they wanted to destroy everything and destroy everything.

The three of them also immediately mobilized their huge strength, and the combined strike technique of the three of them was urged to the extreme, forming a huge fist faintly in the void, slamming against Yang Yi's power fiercely.


The collision of two shocking forces is terrifying, and the lingering waves are spreading in all directions. With such lingering waves, ten mountains might be destroyed. If it weren't for this Yaochi Palace, it would not be a mortal thing. I'm afraid it would have been ashes by now Annihilated.

Yang Yi's figure remained motionless, like a god. Among the two forces, Yang Yi's power was too powerful, directly tearing apart the power of these three masters, and the remaining power ruthlessly blasted at the three. Respect the master.

Such a terrifying power could destroy them in an instant, and for a moment, they all felt the breath of death.

"Elder Long, save us."

The three masters uttered sharp shouts, their faces pale.

Long Huagui's eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly stretched out his left hand, pointing towards the three elders.


Around the bodies of the three elders, a layer of faint light suddenly appeared, filled with the power of the world. Yang Yi's huge power blasted on it, and it spread out like waves, which did not cause any damage to the three masters. s damage.

Yang Yi knew that this was the power of the world. With his current power, even if Long Hua only used insignificant power, he could not deal with the terrifying power of the world. The difference in the nature of power represented a gap that could not be bridged. ! ~!

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