blood record

Chapter 3 The Baby in the Box

"It's getting late, it's time to go home!"

According to the memory in his mind, Yang Yi's home is at the foot of the mountain, but before he left, Yang Yi also buried the big man's body, so as not to be ruined by wild beasts.

Yang Yi's strength increased greatly, and he wanted to test his physical strength, so he didn't feel tired after running for more than ten miles. At this time, he could already see a simple thatched hut.

But at this moment, standing outside the house was this slim and graceful woman with exquisite facial features, she actually faintly resembled Lin Shan in her previous life.

After thinking about it for a while, Yang Yi found this piece of information in his memory. [

This woman, Yang Yi's younger sister, is a troublesome woman to be precise.A year ago, it was Yang Yi who saw the unconscious woman on the mountain. He didn't want to be troublesome at first, but when he saw a few wild beasts surrounding this woman, if he didn't care, this delicate woman would be killed. These beasts are a delicacy.

So Yang Yi saved the woman and became a younger sister in her family from then on, but the woman seemed to have been hurt in some way, her memory was messed up, and she even forgot her own name.

Yang Yihao re-named his newly recognized younger sister Yang Shan.

And Yang Shan is also a little weird, because everyone's blood has a trace of blood power, which is innate, and this blood can be cultivated to a high level.It is rumored that people are shaped by three powerful gods and demons with their own blood, namely the dragon, the phoenix, and the unicorn, so all people have blood with such magical powers more or less .

The thicker the blood, the easier it is to cultivate and become stronger, and even finally condense the powerful blood in his body, transform it into a form, summon the phantom of this blood, and obtain huge power. This is a powerful Shapeshifter.

Of course, ordinary people are people with very low blood concentration, so even if they practice for a lifetime, it is difficult to achieve higher achievements.

But after Yang brought Yang Shan back, he couldn't discover the blood power in Yang Shan's body, and he couldn't guide her to practice without discovering the power of blood, so Yang Shan could only be an ordinary person all his life.

Seeing Yang Yi came back, Yang Shan showed a trace of joy on her face and said, "I'm back so early today, you must be hungry. I just made a meal, hurry up and eat!"

Yang Yi has just cultivated into the second level of blood coagulation, and it is precisely to gather the power of the blood, so he needs a lot of nutritional supplements.Now his stomach was indeed hungry, and even though he was no longer polite, he quickly swallowed all the food on the table like a gulp, but he was only half full.

Yang Yi shook his head slightly, feeling that he was about to become a worthless person. The first three levels of blood coagulation are all extremely critical three levels. The most important thing is to condense the blood and strengthen the power of the blood, which requires accumulation.

This is the same as the martial masters in the previous life. Every martial master in the previous life had a huge appetite. After Yang Yixiu became a master, the appetite for each meal was frighteningly large. One meal could feed three or four ordinary people.

Of course, if powerful cultivators have all kinds of natural and earthly treasures in their homes, no matter how much they can eat, their bloodlines will always be much stronger than ordinary people. It is also much easier to go to a deeper level.

But looking at Yang Yi's simple thatched hut, he doesn't seem like someone who can afford geniuses and earthly treasures.

"I'm done eating, I'm going to go in and practice, don't go too far, it won't be safe here at a later time!"

After a few words of advice from Yang Yi, he entered the house. In his original memory, he had been with Yang Shan for a year. The original Yang Yi really felt that Yang Shan was his younger sister.

Back in the house, Yang Yi didn't practice right away, he started to sort out his memory, otherwise it would be troublesome for some information to pop up in his mind from time to time.

Gradually, it was as if a movie was playing in Yang Yi's mind, and it turned out that every bit of Yang Yi was presented in Yang Yi's mind.

Opening his eyes, Yang Yi got a memory from his memory, which turned out to be the only thing left by Yang Yi's ghost father.

Under the bed, Yang Yi took out a box, this box was actually embedded with a chain, with Yang Yi's current strength, this chain was really useless. [

After easily breaking the chain, the box can be opened.

As far as I can remember, the old ghost hid this box in the house as a treasure every day, and passed it on to Yang Yi before he died, and told him not to open it until he was at the third level of blood coagulation.The old Yang Yi was honest and never opened it, but now he is no longer the old Yang Yi.

The box was gradually opened, revealing a mysterious booklet wrapped in red silk.

"This is?"

Yang Yixin cautiously took out the red silk cloth from the box, such a tightly guarded thing must be unusual.The red silk was gradually opened, revealing the true face of the treasure inside, but what was wrapped in the red silk was a piece of golden paper.

There is only a picture of the Nine Palaces drawn on this paper, and there are many densely packed characters.

Yang Yi inspected it carefully, and his heart was shocked: "Immortal grade martial arts, Nine Palace Phantom!"

Just these few words have already set off a monstrous shock in Yang Yi's heart, but for nothing else, the word "immortal product" is enough to shock everyone.

Immortal-grade martial arts, that is the highest, many shape-changing masters do not have it, and even the legendary master who exists in the sky, it is rare to have immortal-grade martial arts. This immortal-grade martial arts is originally the legendary According to legend, the dead ghost father only mentioned it a little bit back then, and even doubted whether there were immortal martial arts in this world.

Immortal Grade Immortal Grade, it is rumored that it was passed down from the fairy world at the beginning. It is a martial skill created by the immortal. It has more terrifying power. Every immortal martial skill is extremely precious.

Yang Yi did not expect that what was contained in this box turned out to be the legendary immortal martial arts. This kind of shock was too great. Even though Yang Yi was a grand master in his previous life, he was used to the strong wind and saw many rare treasures. , but this is a martial skill used by the legendary immortal, and I still can't calm down for a long time.


After a long while, Yang Yi's mood gradually calmed down. He held this piece of paper in his hand, which was as thin as a cicada's wing, but it recorded the immortal martial arts that could make anyone crazy.

"An old saying goes, it's a misfortune for a boy to sit on a treasure mountain, not a blessing! This piece of paper must never be known to anyone, or even let it appear again. Where is the safest? Only in your own mind is the safest !"

In his previous life, Yang Yi had seen many storms caused by money and treasures, so he naturally knew what this immortal martial skill represented. ! ~!

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