blood record

Chapter 4 3 Young Master

A flash of light flashed in Yang's eyes, and he immediately recorded the nine palaces and the densely packed characters on this piece of paper in his mind one by one.

These petite characters seem to be few, but they seem to have a lot of changes in conjunction with the nine palaces map. Yang Yi tried his best to memorize it, and before he knew it, it was already dawn.


Suddenly, Yang Yiqing breathed out, his eyes were bloodshot, he looked very tired, but his expression was full of excitement.

"Okay, I finally wrote it down, no matter how precious this piece of paper is, it must be destroyed!" [

Yang threw this strange-looking piece of paper straight into the fire without any nostalgia. He knew that once this piece of paper was seen by others, there would be no way for him to survive. Boy holding treasure, is it a disaster or not? blessing.

Jin E's paper was completely burned to ashes in a short while in the raging fire. Only then did Yang Yi's tense expression relax slightly. too big.

"The Phantom of the Nine Palaces can only practice at the third level of blood coagulation."

Yang Yi seemed to be insane, his mind was full of various cultivation formulas of the Nine Palace Phantom, finally he couldn't help being puzzled, Yang Yi tried to practice, but just after trying, the surging blood in his body seemed to be exhausted His mental strength seemed to be exhausted in an instant.

"Cultivating this immortal martial skill consumes so much energy and blood power, no wonder you can only practice it at the third level of blood coagulation!"

Yang Yi was secretly horrified, he stopped practicing, not to mention that the phantom of the Nine Palaces is very complicated, even if it is not complicated, he will be exhausted after just practicing for a while, how can he practice under such circumstances?

So Yang Yi had to put away his heart and stop practicing Jiugong Phantom.

I took out a few bottles of pure white porcelain bottles from my arms, opened the caps, and a burst of fragrance wafted out, making people feel refreshed as soon as they smelled it.

Yang Yi's eyes flickered slightly, he stretched out his hand, and poured out a light yellow pill from the porcelain bottle, which smelled very refreshing and made people salivate.

"This should be the elixir used by monks. Every elixir, even the lowest elixir, is precious. Eating one elixir can replace many days of penance. Treasure is even stronger, it is an indispensable thing on the road of cultivation!"

Looking at this yellow pill, Yang Yi was very excited. With these pills, his hope of breaking through to the third level of blood coagulation greatly increased. Although he couldn't practice Jiugong Phantom, Yang Yi still wanted to practice impatiently. To the third level of coagulation, so that you can practice the legendary immortal martial arts as soon as possible.

On the rugged mountain road, there are several men galloping on horseback at this time, the leader is a young man, wearing a gorgeous robe with sharp eyes, exuding aura, with a feeling of madness, and next to him is a young man. The middle-aged man in his forties looked at the young man with eyes full of flattery.

"Third Young Master, the one I introduced to you this time is definitely a beauty that is second to none, but her elder brother is a troublesome one. Although his cultivation level is very low and he only has the first level of blood coagulation, he is also a ruthless character. fear……"

Before the middle-aged man finished speaking, the young man called the third son waved his hand violently, and said condescendingly: "Master Liu, who would dare to disobey the woman I want? If there is any disobedience , kill it!"

The calm tone revealed Senhan's domineering aura, which made Castle Master Liu tremble.

This area of ​​hundreds of miles is under the jurisdiction of Qingyang Mansion, and above Qingyang Mansion there is a Xuanfeng Hundred Mansion, a high-ranking lord who has at least seven levels of blood coagulation and governs a hundred palace lords.

As for the entire continent, I don't know how many of these masters are appointed by Hualong Palace, the overlord of the entire continent.

This third son is the third son of the master of Qingyang Mansion, named Bai Yuanchen, and he has also cultivated to the third level of blood coagulation, which gathers blood in the veins. There are 360 ​​four women, even if they sleep with one every day, it will take nearly a year, which shows how good this person is.

Master Liu is just the next master of the Qingyang Mansion. In order to please him, he led this eccentric third son to the area under his jurisdiction to engage in shady activities. [

"Third Young Master, it's that thatched cottage over there. If you want to discuss it with that woman's elder brother, if he is acquainted, the Third Young Master's reward will certainly not be less..."

Before the Lord Liu could finish his words, he was interrupted by the third son who stretched out his hand.

"Master Liu, don't be so troublesome. My son wants a woman, so there is no such trouble. The area is hundreds of miles away, and it is all my father's territory. Who dares not to follow? Huh, stop talking, go to see this woman People say that if it suits my son's taste, she will be accepted as my son's 360th fifth house. If not, her brother, whoever is her, will be killed. If she dares to disobey my master's wishes, she will have to die! "

The fierce gleam in the eyes of the third son made Fortress Liu dare not say much, and then the group of people walked towards the thatched cottage.

Yang Yi had already swallowed a soybean pill at this time. As soon as the pill entered his stomach, it turned into a stream of heat, which quickly flowed into the blood, and the surging force broke out completely, making Yang Yi's blood turn hot. Get more powerful and pure.

Ordinary people only have one drop of jng blood in their body, and this jng blood is the essence of the blood in the whole body. Rich people can eat some natural treasures, and these treasures will strengthen their physique, which is actually increasing their jng blood.

And the jng blood in the body of a monk who cultivates blood will also increase with the deepening of the realm, and his jng blood will increase by one drop for every increase in a realm. The jng blood will continue to increase, reaching a terrifying situation, some are still triple blood coagulation, but those who have accumulated a lot of blood have three drops of jng blood in their bodies, which is far beyond the same level, but five drops, or even six drops.

Every time a drop of blood is added, the power it erupts will double.

At present, Yang Yi has already cultivated to the second level of blood coagulation, and two drops of jng blood have condensed in his body, and these two drops of jng blood are abnormally pure, which is also related to his refinement of Xia Yue and Zi Qingying's jng blood Great relationship.

Yang Yi was just about to take advantage of the fact that the power of the pill hadn't been dispelled, and continue to practice, when suddenly his ears trembled slightly, his eyes flashed, he felt some movement outside, and then he raised his head to look outside. ! ~!

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