blood record

Chapter 5 Moonfall Bow

"Yang Yi, come out quickly, there are distinguished guests coming

Hearing this sound, Yang Yi's face showed a strange feeling. This sound is so familiar. To be precise, Yang Yi is too familiar. The disgust of the voice master.

"Forget it, I'll take a look too, what is it like to make Liu San so disgusted by the owner of this body?"

Liu San is the owner of the castle for miles around. Ever since Yang Yi's dead ghost father died, Liu San has been thinking about his family's ideas. It seems that this Liu San also knows that the dead ghost father left behind a The treasure box, he has been harassing Yang Yi because of this treasure box.

As soon as Yang walked out, his eyes narrowed slightly. He saw that Liu San did not come alone, but brought several people with him. Among them was a man who looked like a noble son. It seemed that Liu San was still afraid of this noble son. [

Seeing Yang Yi coming out, Liu San saw a subtle glint flashing in his eyes, and immediately stepped forward, puffed up his chest, and said arrogantly: "Yang Yi, you have to thank the lord of this castle today, The owner of this castle sees that Yang Shan, a charming woman of your family, is suffering with you in this poor mountain valley, so he brought the third son here. If it is suitable, the third son will take your Yang Shan as his concubine. This is God It's a great thing, the third son is the beloved son of the master of Qingyang Mansion, if Yang Shan follows the third son, he will naturally enjoy endless glory and wealth!"

Yang Yi was also slightly shocked in his heart. In his memory, this was the first time he saw such a big person.Young Master of the Qingyang Mansion, this is definitely a big shot. You must know that Liu San, who looks a bit wretched, is also a Fortress Lord. He is in charge of hundreds of people, and the Qingyang Mansion is in charge of The place with a radius of hundreds of miles is the real big shot.

This is not to be considered, and since he is the palace master, he is at least the fifth level of blood coagulation, which is a realm that many people will never be able to cultivate in a lifetime. Yuan has increased greatly, and his strength has increased several times. He is a real master.

The person who looks like a noble son is the third son, he said indifferently: "Go and get your sister out and show it to me, if it really suits me, the benefits will naturally come to you!"

Yang Yi was a martial arts master in his previous life, he had never seen any important person before, and he would not flatter him, he only had an expression on his face, and he didn't answer or leave.

The young master's face darkened slightly, but his face immediately turned cold, and he said coldly: "What? Could it be that I can't see your sister when I come to your poor mountain valley in person?"

While talking, I suddenly heard Liu San excitedly say: "Third Young Master, this is Yang Shan. How is it? Third Young Master, are you satisfied?"

It turned out that Yang Shan had already walked out for some unknown reason.

When the third son saw Yang Shan's elegant and refined appearance, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he showed a trace of filth, hey hey smiled: "Okay, okay, okay! I am very satisfied, Yang Yi, right? The young master will treat your younger sister well, she will soon become the 360th concubine of the young master, she is really wonderful! Wonderful!"

The third son immediately got off his horse and walked towards Yang Shan, Yang Yi stood in front of Yang Shan calmly.

The third son's eyes flashed fiercely, and he sneered, "What? Still want to protect your sister? Let me tell you, there is no one who can escape from the woman I have my eyes on. My son, I am in a good mood today, don't b Young master kills!"

Behind the third son, the two servants flew out to block Yang Yi's face, the four layers of aura in their bodies pressed down on Yang Yi's body like a boulder.

Yang's face was ashen, and he watched Yang Shan being caught by the third son.

"elder brother……"

Yang Shan was grabbed by the third young master, hugged onto the horse, and walked away in a short while, only faint and shrill cries could be heard.

"How to do?"

Yang Yi's face was ashen. Although Yang Shan was not his biological sister, neither the original owner of the body nor the current Yang Yi could be relieved. Yang Yi knew very well that Yang Shan fell into the hands of the third son, Bai Yuanchen. What will happen.

Yang Yi frantically searched his memory, his thoughts changed rapidly, and he was thinking of various ways.

"If they want to go out of the mountain, they have to go through Jue Ming Valley. There is only one passage there, which is a good place to ambush. If they want to save Yang Shan, that is the best place!" [

A smoldering look flashed across Yang Yi's face, he hurried into the room, and dragged out a long black box from under the bed.

Yang Yi opened the box, and there was a longbow glowing with gold lying quietly in the box. This bow was left by Yang Yi's dead father, and it could be said to be the only valuable thing.

This bow has a name outside, it is called Moonfall Bow, which means that as long as it is strong, it can bring down the moon.Although it is exaggerated, this moonfall bow is indeed a good bow. The body of the bow is made of high-quality wood that has been around for a hundred years, and the string is made of the most precious cowhide soaked in water for three years. Better than all the bows Yang Yi had seen in his previous life.

This moonset bow has two hundred steps, which is powerful and heavy.In Yang Yi's memory, he still remembers that the dead ghost father often boasted that he killed a master with four layers of blood coagulation with this bow, even the original Yang Yi didn't believe it.

The original Yang Yi, besides hunting wild beasts every day to refine blood and practicing as much as possible, was practicing the only martial skill Nine Sons Link left by the dead ghost father. Complement each other.

Although the current Yang Yi has not actually practiced this set of martial arts, but with the control of his master, he will definitely make better use of this longbow than the original Yang Yi.

There are many mountains in Qingyang Mansion, especially the place where Yang Yi is, there are even more mountains, one after another.

There was a figure flying through the forest at high speed, vigorous and fast, only a shadow could be seen faintly, and then disappeared.

"They have fast horses, and I can't catch up with them in terms of speed. However, taking the main road requires a lot of detours, shuttles through the mountains and forests, and can directly reach the Valley of Death. You must drive ahead of them and plan an ambush in advance, maybe I have a slight chance of winning!"

This person is naturally Yang Yi. In his memory, he has been hunting in this mountain forest all year round, so he is naturally familiar with everything here, knowing that if he shuttles through this mountain forest, he can directly reach Jueming Valley.

"dong dong"

The blood in Yang Yi's body is rushing, his heart is beating powerfully, and it is constantly sending power to all parts of his body. Now he has run desperately for dozens of miles, but he only feels a little short of breath. This is all because he has reached He possesses the second level of blood coagulation, and his physical strength is strong. In addition, as a martial arts master, his control over power has been unparalleled. Naturally, he will use the most strength to achieve the greatest goal. ! ~!

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