blood record

Chapter 318 Invisible Sword

Chapter 310: Shaped Sword

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There was a trace of shock on Feng Tianqi's face. He never thought that Yang Yi's exertion of strength would be so terrifying, and he actually let Yang Yi make the first move. He was really pretending too much.

The so-called strike first is the best, and then you suffer disaster, although this Feng Tianqi regretted it a lot, but at this moment, he couldn't allow him to regret it. A golden light flashed on his body, and then a sharp aura rose up, and it turned out to be surrounded by nine golden swords Beside him, there was a sharp sword energy shining.

This is the inheritance of the Nine Swords of the Nine Swords School, Ning Wujian is the Eight Swords, and this Feng Tianqi is the Nine Swords. [

"Nine swords kill the sky, kill!"

A gleam flashed in Feng Tianqi's eyes, and his figure kept retreating, but the nine swords around him quickly formed a sword formation, concentrated the sword energy at one point, and slashed fiercely towards Yang Yi .

This is the power of the sword array. Once formed, its strength can be multiplied several times, and it is extremely terrifying. This sword energy as thick as an arm is unbelievably powerful. Yang Yi's protective qi was cut by it. And it even cut to Yang Yi's arm.

But this sword was nothing more than that, most of Yang Yi's power had been offset, the power that really hit Yang Yi's hand was nothing at all, it didn't even break the skin.

The sword energy dissipated, but Yang Yi's figure didn't even stay for a moment, and still blasted towards Feng Tianqi, the terrifying power seemed to destroy everything.

"Hmph, Feng Tianqi is at a disadvantage right now, I'm afraid he won't be able to turn himself around. Such a master, if he takes the first step, he will take the lead, and if he takes the lead, he will almost win. , I thought I was strong, but I didn't expect Yang to be so powerful all the time, and now he fled in embarrassment, but became the laughing stock of everyone."

"That's right, Feng Tianqi pretends to be a wolf with a big tail. He is just a master of Mahayana, but he pretends to be an aura like a top person. In fact, he is not worth mentioning in the eyes of those real masters."

"Let's not talk about those real masters, even against Yang Yi, he seems to be stretched, and he loses every step of the way. Hmph, this is just what he did."

"Feng Tianqi also asked Yang Yi to strike first, while Yang Yi was not so hypocritical, he was upright, he shot immediately, and a single strike would determine the outcome. Such a person is a real monk, which is in stark contrast to Feng Tianqi. Besides. As far as reputation is concerned, the current Yang Yi has a great reputation, he has already beheaded several masters of the sky, he is better than Feng Tianqi."

"Feng Tianqi is asking for trouble."

"Hmph, Feng Tianqi hasn't used the shape sword yet, once he does, Yang Yi will be defeated. Could it be that Yang Yi can resist the shape sword?"

"What's the shape sword? Yang Yi hasn't displayed the map of the Milky Way. If he had used the map of the Milky Way, Feng Tianqi would have died a long time ago. How could he have a chance to use the shape sword?"

The disciples of these various sects were talking about it, but what was surprising was that most of the disciples had a good impression of Yang Yi, which made Yang Yi somewhat puzzled.

In fact, these monks are not real geniuses. Most of them are incarnations. They are not geniuses, but they are definitely not the ones with poor qualifications. They hope to get an adventure and then go straight to the sky and become a powerful figure.

But there are too few people like that, only Yang Yi was born in the sky, and more importantly, Yang Yi was just an aborigine on the Water Blue Planet at the beginning. The difference was extreme, but Yang Yi relied on various adventures and hard work to practice, and finally became an all-powerful figure.

So it is normal for Yang Yi to be appreciated by many disciples.

On the other hand, Guan Fengtianqi is different. Fengtianqi has been treated as a genius disciple since he appeared, and even since he entered the Nine Swords School. All resources are given priority, all magic weapons are given priority, and all cultivation methods are given priority. Choice, even the master is a priority.

No matter how you look at it, Feng Tianqi is a genius who has separated from many disciples.

Geniuses are destined to be envied or even envied. In the end, they will develop into disgust. Yang Yi represents the hope of these ordinary disciples. As long as they have adventures and work hard, they may also reach the level of Yang Yi. That's the difference. [

Feng Tianqi has been the pride of heaven since he was a child, he has never been ridiculed like this before, his face is heavy, and the anger in his heart is faintly going to explode his chest.

"Okay, okay, okay! Yang Yi, you asked for it yourself, you are doomed today!"

Feng Tianqi exudes a strong murderous intent all over his body, although his figure is still retreating, but at this time he is not only retreating, but is gathering strength, preparing to use the means of killing Yang Yi with one blow.

Yang Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, but then he stopped, and stood quietly in the field, sneering: "Is it your sword of form that you rely on? Yang stands here without moving, looking at your What can the sword of form do to me?"

When these words were spoken, the people in the entire square were in an uproar, and the bursts of discussion even set off a storm.

"This Yang Yi really has such courage, can he resist the shape sword?"

"Yang Yi is definitely not a reckless person. He didn't just come here like this, but he made such a request after fighting with Feng Tianqi. There will be no more fear."

"That's right, just now Feng Tianqi was blindly confident, but Yang Yi came to the conclusion after actual combat. He is not afraid of Feng Tianqi's sword at all."

"If Yang Yi can really withstand the Xingjian, I'm afraid Feng Tianqi will lose face today, and I'm afraid he won't have the face to show himself in front of people again in the future."

"Let's see, maybe the Milky Way star map also has some magical power?"

"That's right, we've forgotten this. The Milky Way Star Map is a semi-immortal treasure, and it's a treasure that suppresses the entire Milky Way Starfield. It must have some magical ability. Maybe it's because of this ability that Yang Qian is not afraid of Feng Tianqi's appearance." sword."

Feng Tianqi's face became even more gloomy, as if water was about to drip out, his chest was filled with exhausted anger, and there were bursts of cold murderous intent in his eyes.

"Yang Yi, you are indeed formidable. I, Feng Tianqi, don't have many people who praise me, Feng Tianqi, in terms of cultivation or strategy, but you are one of them. But as you said, it's better to act first. You gave up this time." When you have a chance, it will be the moment you die. Perhaps, if you don’t give up and chase Fengmou fiercely, you may still have a slight chance of winning, but now, it is your stupidity that has ruined your chance.”

Feng Tianqi's eyes flashed with a sense of murderous intent, and suddenly a fierce sword intent emanated from his whole body, as if he was planning a shocking blow.

But Yang Yi sneered and said: "You are the real stupid person, and Yang has figured out all the details about you, but Yang just wants to see how terrifying the famous Xingjian of the Nine Swords Sect is. , you were already dead just now."

"The mouth is powerful, hum, the shape sword, kill!"

As soon as Feng Tianqi's words fell, the void was suddenly filled with fierce sword intent. This sword intent seemed to cut through the sky, and it was impossible to find where the real sword was, as if it was everywhere. The shape of the sword is average.

Feng Tianqi suddenly erupted with such a terrifying power, it was completely different from when he dealt with Zhou Zishan before, it was several times stronger than the Xingjian used against Zhou Zishan, this is Feng Tianqi's real power, no wonder He was so arrogant before, he did have the capital to be arrogant.

This sword cuts out, even if it is a master of the sky, it will be cut by the sword!

Those cultivators who were full of cynicism towards Feng Tianqi just now were also silent, but the entire Nine Swords Sect disciples cheered and jumped for joy. They already knew Feng Tianqi's terror, and the elders even said that they were no match for him. Now he has finally displayed his strongest method, proved his own strength, and even made Nine Swords famous.

"Nine Swords Sect's shape sword is really miraculous. I didn't expect that Feng Tianqi could really cultivate to this level. Now Yang Yi is in danger."

"If Yang Yi hadn't let Feng Tianqi off just now, I'm afraid he wouldn't be in danger this time."

"The battle between masters is like this, one wrong step, one wrong step, this time Feng Tianqi is destined to become famous in the entire Milky Way Starfield."

At this time, Di Tian, ​​the head teacher of the Jiuding Sect on the high platform, also had a serious face. He whispered to Taiyi Taoist next to him: "Elder Taishang, the shape sword of the Nine Swords Sect is really powerful. It has been tens of thousands of years old." No one has succeeded in cultivation, I never thought that this Feng Tianqi would be able to cultivate successfully, and this son would even have great determination to achieve the second level of Tongtian in one fell swoop, the future is really limitless."

Daoist Taiyi's eyes flashed with unpredictable light, and he suddenly said: "Master, who do you think will win this time?"

Di Tian was stunned for a moment, and looked at the exhausted sword energy below, it seemed as if it was about to tear the sky apart, such a terrifying sword energy, even a sky expert could not resist it, let alone a transformation expert.So he shook his head slightly and said: "It's already obvious, Feng Tianqi casts the sword of form, and he is already doomed to win."

Taoist Taiyi turned his head, with a calm expression on his face, he shook his head slightly and said, "The old man thought that this Yang Yi would win, if Feng Tianqi is a peerless genius, then this Yang Yi is no longer a genius." to describe."

"Yang Yi? He just has the Milky Way Star Map, but even if he displays the Milky Way Star Map now, it's already too late."

Di Tian still didn't seem to see anything unique about Yang Yi, Feng Tianqi unleashed his physical sword at an almost extreme speed, so fast that it was too late for Yang Yi to activate the Tianhe Star Chart. ! ~!

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