blood record

Chapter 319

Chapter 310

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At this moment, Yang Zhouzhou's body was full of golden light, a faint layer of flame appeared on his body, and a wild and ancient atmosphere appeared, his whole body became extremely strong, as if every inch of his body They all have the terrifying power to destroy everything.

This is Yang Yi pushing his indestructibility to the extreme. [

A roar that seemed to come from ancient times came from Yang Yi's mouth, and the flames around him seemed to grow bigger, and Yang Yi's whole body was wrapped in the flames, as if the flames between heaven and earth were summoned at this moment. Yang Yi's side.


A sharp sword qi slashed down from Yang Yi's back. This shaped sword is famous for its shape, and it is impossible to know where the sword came from. It can be said that it is impossible to guard against. If you cut it apart, you can't resist even if you don't break your body.

A trace of blood flowed down, but with a flash of golden light on Yang Zhou's body, the blood was taken back into his body again.This is the magic of Yang Yi's unbreakable body, the shape sword is indeed powerful, it can kill the masters of the sky, that's because those masters of the sky are far less powerful than Yang Yi's golden body of the witch clan.Yang Yi's original golden body of the Wu Clan could only withstand the power of transformation, but after fusing the eyes of the undead body directly connected to the Wu Clan, Yang Yi was already able to withstand the attack of the first-level master of the Tongtian, that's why he was here. One sword is safe and sound.This is also the reason why Yang Yi dared to let Feng Tianqi use his sword.


The golden light on Yang Zhou's body gradually dissipated, and he stood safely in the field, exuding a domineering aura all over his body, and said coldly: "A small shaped sword is nothing more than a trick, how dare you kill Yang? "

Feng Tianqi changed his mind, his eyes showed horror, and he murmured in a low voice: "How can it be possible to resist the Xingjian, it is impossible, absolutely impossible, once the Xingjian is released, even the masters of the sky will be beheaded , not to mention that you are a shape master?"

The disciples below were also shocked, discussing one after another.

"What happened to Yang Yi's golden light just now? Why is his body so terrifying?"

"Yang Yi's body can withstand even the shape sword, it's really unbelievable, I'm afraid it's some kind of secret method that specializes in body training."

"That burst of golden light and flames is probably the key. Yang Yi doesn't know what secret technique he has cultivated to be able to not be afraid of the Xingjian. You must know that when the Xingjian is cut down, the power is so powerful that even the best masters in the sky are afraid of it." Yang Yi was able to resist the endless power, it is really unbelievable."

"Haha, I have already said that the arrogant Feng Tianqi will be defeated in the end, and now it is exactly what I expected before."

"In any case, Feng Tianqi and Yang Yi are both peerless geniuses. In the past tens of thousands of years, there has never been an existence that can kill the existence of the Heaven-reaching Realm in the Transfiguration Realm. Why did they suddenly appear now? Two, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon, I'm afraid the Milky Way Starfield will not be peaceful."

Many monks still kept calm, they faintly felt a little strange, generally speaking, geniuses such as blowouts also appeared from time to time, that was not the era when most of the monks in the world fell, as the saying goes Heroes, and only in such a mixed and changed place will there be people with great luck.

However, those masters who reach the sky are worried about these things, and the rest of the disciples only need to practice hard, and strengthening their strength is the right way.

On the high platform, the head teacher of the Jiuding Sect opened his mouth slightly, looked at Taoist Taiyi with some doubts, and sighed slightly: "It is still the elder Taishang who is sure, this Yang Yi is unfathomable, I am afraid Feng Tianqi is going to be devastated."

The power of the shape sword is indeed earth-shattering. If it were not for Yang Yi, Feng Tianqi would be a peerless genius, the most dazzling existence, but now, all these honors have been wiped out.

Taoist Taiyi looked at Feng Tianqi, shook his head slightly and said, "Teacher, you still guessed wrong, Feng Tianqi will not be discouraged, all he has is anger, and anger can give him strength, not to mention , His most powerful time has yet to come."

"When was the strongest?" [

Ditian obviously hasn't figured it out yet. Although he is a master of the Seventh Layer Creation Realm and can create life from nothingness, he can't reach the level of Taoist Taiyi, who can grasp the key points of some things and calculate some future things. , Such a method is almost the method of a fairy.

Yang Yi looked at Feng Tianqi indifferently, stretched out his huge hand, as if he was carrying a small chicken, grabbed Feng Tianqi in his hand, and said with a sneer: "You know what? Your clumsy performance just now In my eyes, you are as naive as a child playing house, you are an ant, no matter how much you jump around, you can’t change your fate of being an ant, now I can kill you a hundred times at any time."

Feng Tianqi's eyes were filled with suppressable anger, he never thought that he would end up like this after cultivating the sword, he was almost powerless to resist, and only then did he realize how weak his strength was.

"I am the one destined by destiny. I have unimaginable luck. I have always been strong when I meet the strong. Yang Yi, this is yours to me. Even if it is difficult to be promoted to the second level of Tongtian in the future, I will take it today." You crushed your bones to ashes, so as to eliminate the great hatred in my heart."

After Feng Tianqi finished speaking, he became extremely devout, and then the power in his body burst out suddenly, his will was so vast that it seemed to extend into the void in the dark.


Feng Tianqi yelled fiercely, a ferocious force erupted from his body, this force was unimaginably ferocious, even Yang Yi couldn't hold it all at once, making Feng Tianqi rush out.

Feng Tianqi, who was freed, exuded a powerful aura all over his body, and strands of power began to change, transforming into an even more terrifying power that reaches the sky.

Yang Yi could even clearly feel that the barrier between heaven and earth in Feng Tianqi's body was being broken inch by inch, and that Feng Tianqi had been directly promoted to the realm of reaching the sky right here.

"What? This Feng Tianqi was directly promoted to Tongtian?"

"Promoted to Tongtian, it's just like this? It's really incredible, Feng Tianqi is really what he said, he is born with great luck, and when he meets the strong, he will be strong."

"Feng Tianqi can step into the Heaven-reaching Realm at any time, but he wants to accumulate enough so that he can be promoted to the Sun-Moon Realm of the Second Heaven-reaching Realm in one fell swoop, but now he can't care much about it."

"Directly promoted to the second level of Tongtian? This Feng Tianqi is really terrifying."

Amidst the envy of these disciples, Feng Tianqi had already broken the barrier between heaven and earth, and was quickly promoted to become a master of the sky. ! ~!

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