blood record

Chapter 323 The Perverted Dharma Body

Chapter 320 The Perverted Dharma Body

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This is the real empowerment. This trace of "immortal" aura of heavenly power rolled down like a terrifying flood. Yang Yi's dharma body didn't even have time to refine and absorb it, and it was directly absorbed It was forced into it.

Indeed, it was forced in, as if Taoist Taiyi used terrifying power to squeeze Yang Yi's Dharma body in forcefully, making the inside of it tighter and making it gradually reach its limit.

Moreover, those heavenly powers tainted with a trace of "immortal" breath are like miraculous pills, even better than Yang Yi's original power, absorbed by his dharma body one after another, rapidly increasing his power. [

Yang Yi was very happy, but Taoist Taiyi, who was giving the empowerment, was complaining endlessly at this time. Although he was somewhat prepared, he was still shocked when he saw Yang Yi's terrifying dharma body.

Because this dharma body has far exceeded his understanding, it is almost a collection of a hundred Mahayana master dharma bodies, if such a dharma body is cultivated to the realm of reaching the sky and shattered at once, how powerful the power will be brought ?I'm afraid that as soon as Yang becomes Tongtian, he will immediately become the best in Tongtian, and he will be very competitive.

Such a strange talent and evildoer is rare in hundreds of millions of years.

Although Taoist Taiyi was surprised, he didn't panic too much. His strength was also in Yang Yifa's imagination, and he only lost less than one ten-thousandth of his strength just after the empowerment.

Seeing that Yang Yi's dharma body is still being compressed, like a long whale absorbing water, the power in Taoist Taiyi's hands is surging again. If it was a flood at the beginning, then it is surging now The sea was so incomparable that Yang Yi's dharma body was submerged in an instant.

Shrinking and shrinking, Yang Yi's dharma body was originally entrenched in the body and was a full hundred feet, but now it has been squeezed to a size of only about ten feet.

Ninety percent of the dharma bodies are gathered together, how terrifying it is. It can be said that Yang Yi's dharma body is the most compact now. Although the size looks small, but the power is even stronger, and he can reach Mahayana with just a little vomit. The limit of a master, the limit is close to the power of the sky.With such terrifying power, and the power gathered by the now compressed Dharma Body, even if Yang Yi were to exert the strongest power non-stop, attacking continuously for three days and three nights would not be able to completely consume the power.

This is the current Yang Yi, his dharma body has completely reached its limit, he can more clearly feel the terrifying mountain-like barrier of heaven and earth in his body, and he is now able to try to break it.

But Yang Yi stubbornly resisted this confusion. After fighting with Feng Tianqi, he also had an idea that he also wanted to be directly promoted to the second level of the sky-reaching sun-moon realm.

Otherwise, with his accumulation, even if the accumulation is enough, he can break his own barrier of heaven and earth and become a master of heaven, but at that time, it will be even more difficult to be promoted to the second level of the sun and the moon.


Suddenly, Yang Yi felt the power above his head disappear, and the golden light around him also gradually disappeared, revealing the figures of Yang Yi and Taoist Taiyi.

At this time Taoist Taiyi's face turned slightly pale. It seems that giving Yang Yi the empowerment also consumed a lot of vitality, but it was only vitality. He only needs to turn back the time and he can recover after ten years of practice, which is not considered at all. What.

Everyone turned their attention to Yang Yi, but the only change in Yang Yi at this time was that he was introverted. Almost all of his previous sharpness had been restrained, and he didn't show a little. If you don't know Yang Yi, you still think he is just an ordinary person That's all.

"What kind of benefits did this Yang Yi get? Taoist Taiyi's empowerment usually lasts only half an hour, but the empowerment for this Yang Yi lasted a full ten hours!"

"It took one hour for Zhenyi's empowerment at the beginning, and he let Zhenyi break the barrier of heaven and earth on the spot, and was promoted to reach the sky. Although Yang Yi also had some changes, he obviously didn't break the barrier of heaven and earth, but it took a full ten hours. How big is the limit?"

"A monstrosity deserves to be a monstrosity. It's so terrifying that it's overwhelming. Ten hours? With Taoist Taiyi's empowerment, I'm afraid that all ten gods have been promoted. This Yang Yi hasn't changed much. It's really abnormal."

"Look at Taoist Taiyi, his face is actually a little pale. Considering his existence with half a foot into the immortal, it is really too embarrassing for him to give empowerment to a shape-changing disciple. Incredible."

"Yang Yi didn't seem to have any obvious changes except for his introverted breath, but he actually received ten hours of empowerment from Taoist Taiyi. I'm afraid the strength in his body has reached the unimaginable level. Once he is promoted to Tongtian, then he should To what extent is it tyrannical?" [

"Pervert, Yang Yi is definitely a pervert that only appeared in hundreds of millions of years. Compared with him, Feng Tianqi and Zhou Zishan are still normal. This Yang Yi can no longer be described as a genius. He is a monster and a pervert."

These disciples were discussing secretly, looking at Yang Yi's back, they all felt a little unbelievable. After all, Yang Yi was only in the Transformation Realm, and it seemed too unbelievable for a master like Taoist Taiyi to empower him for ten hours. .

Yang Yi ignored the surprise of these disciples, but bowed to Taoist Taiyi. He bowed sincerely. This time, he spent a lot of effort and privately took out hundreds of bottles of Dingfeng Great Pill and a To be able to obtain this empowerment with a Heaven-reaching Pill, all his sacrifices are worth it.Otherwise, with his cultivation speed, no matter how fast it is, it will take ten years to reach the limit.

Ten years is enough for many things to happen, this one saves Yang Yi ten years of hard work, in this extraordinary period, it is simply too worthwhile.

"Okay, fellow daoists, the old man is a bit tired too, this meeting is over, please come back, fellow daoists!"

Taoist Taiyi waved his hand, and then his whole body turned into a ray of light and flew into the inner hall of Jiuding Sect.

The disciples and elders of the various sects also began to disperse, turning into a ray of light and flying into the void.

The head teacher of the Jiuding Sect, Emperor Tianshen, moved, and turned into a ray of light and flew towards the inner hall. He appeared in front of Taoist Taiyi in an instant, looked at Taoist Taiyi in surprise, and said, "Elder Taishang, why are you Consuming so much vitality? No matter how powerful Yang Yi is, he is nothing more than a changeling junior."

The eyes of Taoist Taiyi flickered, and he said in a low voice: "Yang Yi, you should not be underestimated. Even the old man underestimates him. He is a peerless genius that is rarely seen in hundreds of millions of years. If he can reach the sky, The final achievement, I am afraid that even this old man will be hard to match."

Hearing that Taoist Taiyi praised Yang Yi so highly, Di Tian frowned and said, "How is it possible? No matter how genius Yang Yi is, can he still cultivate into an immortal?"

Becoming an immortal is definitely not a trivial matter, because in the Milky Way Starfield, I am afraid that no one can cultivate into an immortal except for the Tianhe Xingjun back then. But the other half of the foot, I don't know when it will wait, maybe it will never be able to step into the fairyland.

Taoist Taiyi smiled bitterly and said: "Perhaps, if it is in the Tianhe Star Region who is most likely to step into the fairyland, it may be Yang Yi. Do you know what the old man saw when he gave Yang Yi the empowerment?"

"See what? Is it the Milky Way star map?"

Taoist Taiyi shook his head slightly, and then his eyes flickered and said: "It's the dharma body. The old man saw a dharma body that was unimaginable, almost equivalent to the dharma body of a hundred Mahayana masters. This is just what the old man saw. At that time, it was equivalent to the dharmakaya of a hundred Mahayana masters, but now after the empowerment of the old man, it is probably equivalent to the dharmakaya of 150 Mahayana masters."

"What? The dharmakaya equivalent to 150 Mahayana masters? This... this is really unbelievable. How did this Yang Yi cultivate?"

Ditian couldn't help showing his shocking wonder. He couldn't imagine what kind of encounter it was that allowed Yang Yi to cultivate such a terrifying dharma body. You must know that although the master of Tongtian doesn't have a dharma body, this dharma body is the key to being promoted to Tongtian. The stronger the dharma body, the stronger the power obtained when the dharma body is broken when promoted to Tongtian, and the easier it is to break the barrier between heaven and earth.Moreover, the power of these shattered dharma bodies will also nourish the primordial spirit, making some masters who have just been promoted to the realm of reaching the sky extremely powerful.

In other words, the strength of the Dharma Body is absolutely related to the strength of the power of the Empress Dowager.

Taoist Taiyi shook his head slightly and said: "So this is Yang Yi's horror. Compared with these, the Tianhe star chart he got is nothing. The original power in the Tianhe star chart can only speed up his speed. The speed of cultivation, but it must not allow him to cultivate such a terrifying dharma body, he must have other encounters that dharma imagined."

With murderous intent in Di Tian's eyes, he said in a low voice, "Then the elder still let him go?"

Taoist Taiyi looked at the void, and said with a strange smile: "Let Ji Daozong have a headache about this matter, besides, it will take a long time for him to grow up, and no one can tell what will happen in the middle!"

Even so, Di Tian couldn't help being a little shocked in his heart. In his eyes, Yang Yi, a small transformed cultivator, was like an ant, who could be crushed to death easily.But this ant now possesses a power that even surprised him.

The spacious square of the Jiuding Sect is now completely empty, monks from various sects fly away one after another, and now only a group of people from Hualong Palace are left. They haven't left yet, and they all look at the leader, Yang Yi. [

Now Yang Yi is their backbone, if Yang Yi doesn't move, they won't move either, this is the prestige that Yang Yi has gradually built up. ! ~!

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