blood record

Chapter 324 Feng Shui takes turns

Chapter 320: Feng Shui Turns

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Of course, it is not only the disciples of Hualong Palace who have not left, just now there are disciples of Nine Swords School who have not left, they just left.

A Hualong Palace disciple standing beside Yang Yi asked in a low voice: "Senior Brother Yang, are we going directly back to Hualong Palace now?"

Yang Yi sneered and said: "Going back to Hualong Palace, how monotonous is that? Isn't my Hualong Palace and Nine Swordsmen are sworn enemies? Now that we have met, how can we let them go, naturally we will take them all together." [

Hearing Yang Yi's words, although the disciples behind him were numb from the shock, they still felt their hearts surge. They didn't doubt Yang Yi's strength at all. Yang Yi had already proved his strength just now.

"Senior Brother Yang, you are right. These disciples of the Nine Swords School used to laugh at our Hualong Palace a lot, heh heh, since we met this time, let them know that our Hualong Palace is also Not to be trifled with."

These disciples of Hualong Palace are following Yang Yi wholeheartedly now, and almost have blind worship for Yang Yi, as if there is nothing they dare not do where Yang Yi is around.Now they want to rob and kill the masters of the Nine Swords School. They didn't even dare to think about such a thing before. You must know that the Nine Swords School sent three masters who reach the sky this time.

"But Senior Brother Yang, I'm afraid the Nine Swordsmen have gone too far now, can we catch up?"

One of the disciples asked cautiously.

Yang Yi sneered and said: "It is only when they go far that we can start, otherwise it will be difficult for the Jiuding Sect to do so. But you let me know that Yang has already made a mark on a disciple of the Nine Swords. No matter how far they go, it won’t help if someone’s Tianhe star map travels through space, even if they escape to the ends of the earth, they still can’t escape from Yang’s grasp!”

"That's right, as expected, Senior Brother Yang Yi thought everything through!"

One of the Hualong Palace disciples said that these Hualong Palace disciples were selected by Yang Yi himself, each of them is an elite disciple of Hualong Palace, this time Yang Yi has completely convinced them with his performance, When they return to Hualong Palace in the future, these disciples will be able to influence more disciples, and then Yang Yi's position in Hualong Palace will be very stable.At that time, even if Shen Tianyou came back again, as long as he did not exceed Yang Yi's strength, then there was nothing to worry about, and he would not be able to threaten Yang Yi at all.

Thinking of this, Yang Yi said: "Yang's imprint is getting weaker and weaker, and the Nine Swordsmen must have gone far enough, we will chase now!"

Yang Yi directly used the Tianhe star map to engulf the disciples of the Hualong Palace, and directly started to use the Tianhe star map to travel through space. With Yang Yi's silk mark on the disciples of the Nine Swords, it is simply impossible to find the people of the Nine Swords. easy.


With the appearance of bursts of space ripples, the Tianhe star map disappeared in a flash, and it shuttled into the space, and the entire huge square of the Jiuding Cult returned to the tranquility of the past.

At this time in the void, some of the Nine Swords Sect's lineages were flying fast. Whether it was the Nine Swords Sect's disciples or the elders, they all had sullen faces and extremely heavy hearts.

The three masters in the front are the elders of the Nine Swords Sect. Their faces are heavy, and their hearts are also heavy. They never thought that this time they came to the Jiuding Sect to participate in the Taiyi Taoist's birthday party. Even Feng Tianqi died, this was a loss they couldn't bear.

Feng Tianqi has been appointed by many elders of the Nine Swords Sect as the future master of the Nine Swords Sect, but now, Feng Tianqi is dead, and he still died at the hands of the disciples of the sworn enemy, Hualong Palace.The future of the Nine Swords Sect is so worthless. They can imagine what kind of punishment they will suffer after returning to the Nine Swords Sect.

If it's just punishment, it's fine, they are the elders of Tongtian after all, they are the pillars of the faction, no matter how big the loss is, the punishment won't hurt so much.What made them feel the most pain was that their face was almost lost.

At the moment of Feng Tianqi's death, they were powerless and could only watch Feng Tianqi die. It was not because of the rules of the Nine Cauldron Sect, but because Yang Yi was too terrifying, so terrifying that they all had lingering fears. Going out to rescue rashly may cost their lives, so they dare not rescue them, which has become a shame in their hearts.

The majestic Tongtian master was shocked and frightened by a transformational junior. If this is said, they will all be ridiculed.

"Yang Yi's son is really terrifying. After returning to the faction, we must tell the head teacher that Hualong Palace is now a big trend, and it has joined forces with Yaochi Palace. It is no longer comparable to my Nine Swords School. "[

"That's right, that's all for this matter. Feng Tianqi is also dead when he dies. A dead genius is not a genius, which means that he is not a real genius. At best, he is just a flash in the pan. Cultivation. The most important thing now is to deal with the threat of Hualong Palace and Yaochi Palace. Hualong Palace is my Nine Swords Sect's sworn enemy, irreconcilable for generations. Once it grows stronger, our Nine Swords Sect will bear the brunt. We must advise Zhang to make a decision as soon as possible, it is better to take refuge in the Ji Dao Sect now than in the future, and now is the time when the Ji Dao Sect employs people, so my Nine Swords Sect will have more weight in the Ji Dao Sect."

"That's right, the Nine Cauldron Sect is at the end of its strength and has no strength at all. Except for the Taoist Taiyi who is still holding on, they have no geniuses worth fighting for. Wait until the three elders of the Jidao are truly refined to the extreme." After Daotu, Taoist Taiyi can be trapped, hmph, when the time comes, the Nine Cauldron Sect will be completely destroyed."

"Yes, this time I have to go back and warn the palm. If you don't make a decision, you will have a bitter fruit in the future when Hualong Palace grows stronger."

These three elders have already started planning, waiting to go back and let go of their responsibilities, making big things small and trivial, exaggerating the threat of Hualong Palace, and when they vote for Jidao Sect, it will be easy to destroy Hualong Palace.

And in this way, no one will mention Feng Tianqi again, so no one will reveal their shame.

But at this moment, a burst of cold voices suddenly came from all directions: "Hmph, you guys have a good plan!"

This burst of sound seemed to appear in all directions, which made the three masters nervous. They hurriedly looked around and shouted: "Who is sneaking around, if you don't come out again, don't blame us for being rude."

"Oh? You're welcome? What can you three trash do?"

Following the sound of this sound, in front of many disciples of the Nine Swords Sect, a burst of space ripples suddenly appeared, and then a huge picture scroll appeared instantly, with bursts of starlight shining on it, turning into disciples one after another.

It was the Hualong Palace group who were brought by the Tianhe Star Chart to travel through the space. A man headed by them looked at the three elders of the Nine Swords Sect coldly, with a look of disdain.

"Yang Yi!"

One of the elders of Tongtian changed his face, and shouted with a vigilant light in his eyes.

The disciples of the Nine Swords Sect were also moved. After all, just now, they were still proud of Feng Tianqi, but it was this cold and arrogant person who broke their pride and killed the mighty Feng Tianqi. An indelible impression was made on their minds.

"Yang Yi, why is he here?"

"Yang Yi came through space, does he still want to rob and kill us?"

"Killing? Yang Yi doesn't have the courage, after all, we have just attended the birthday celebration from the Jiuding Sect. Isn't he sweeping the face of the Jiuding Sect by doing this?"

"The face of the Jiuding Sect? Now it is not the same as before. Now the elephant will appear, and the Jidao Sect is watching. The Jiuding Sect is already unable to take care of itself. At that time, there will be a lot of heroes competing for the throne. It will be a chaotic situation. How can the Jiuding Sect at this time Don’t care so much? Besides, it’s still some distance away from the Nine Cauldrons Sect, so how would the Nine Cauldrons Sect know?”

"That's right, now that the Nine Cauldron Sect is too busy to take care of itself, it will never turn against Yang Yi because of this matter. Behind Yang Yi, there is not only the Hualong Palace, but also the Yaochi Palace, and there is even this virtual palace." Misty Tianhe Xingjun, now Yang Yi is basically a key figure in the Tianhe Starfield, holding the Tianhe Star Map, he will be blessed by the poor luck of the Tianhe Starfield, a fierce enemy."

"Those major events are beyond our control. Now if Yang Yi really has evil intentions, how can we resist?"

"Could it be that our three Tongtian elders can't resist a Yang Yi? After all, he hasn't become Tongtian yet."

"Hmph, I know, even Yang Yi who has not been empowered, relying on the Tianhe star map, it is not difficult to deal with the three elders of Tongtian. What's more, he has not yet been empowered by Taoist Taiyi, and he has reached the limit of his body. How terrifying it is, no one knows."

These Hualong Palace disciples talked a lot, and they all revealed a trace of worry intentionally [

Now that Yang Yi suddenly appeared in front of many disciples of the Nine Swords Sect, blocking their way, the meaning couldn't be more obvious. The faces of the three Tongtian elders sank, but they still controlled their emotions, and said in a deep voice : "Yang Yi, what exactly do you want?"

Yang Yi rolled his eyes and said with a sneer, "You can't tell what Yang wants to do? You are really idiots! Naturally, I came to kill you, so why don't I escort you?"

The disciples of Hualong Palace all burst into laughter. They have never been so relieved like today. In the past, the Nine Swords School had the upper hand, and it was always the Nine Swords School's disciples who laughed wildly.Now for 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, Feng Shui has taken turns, and today it is finally the turn of the Hualong Palace disciples to be elated, and for a while, they all feel high-spirited. ! ~!

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