blood record

Chapter 330 The Body of Mysterious Yin

Chapter 330 The Body of Xuanyin

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While Yang Yi was practicing meditation, a disciple flew over from the foot of the mountain, and he hurriedly said to Yang Yi: "Senior Brother Li Hong, it's not good, Senior Sister Li Huan is being surrounded by Yuan Zhong and others, saying that she is going to be cruel." Humiliate Senior Sister Li Huan severely."

Yang Yi frowned. He knew that Li Huan was Li Hong's younger sister. She didn't talk to Li Hong very much on weekdays, and she was with another genius, Xia Bing, in the Nine Swords Sect.

In Li Hong's eyes, Xia Bing is also a bit advanced. He usually doesn't want to mess with Xia Bing, but this time Li Huan is in trouble, Yang Yi can't ignore it, otherwise his identity as Li Hong will be exposed. . [

So he said coldly: "Li Huan is in trouble, hmph, I'm afraid that Xia Bing is in trouble."

Hearing what Li Hong said, the man looked a little embarrassed, but Li Hong continued, "Take me there!"

The man was overjoyed, and hurriedly took Yang Yi to fly to a separate courtyard. Outside that courtyard, in an open space, several male disciples surrounded three female monks inside.

Among them is a woman who is as cold as ice, that is Xia Bing, and another woman with a serious face who is struggling to support her is Li Huan.

Surrounding them were five male monks, among them a man wearing a blue robe seemed to be the leader of these monks, his eyes were arrogant, and his aura around him was huge, faintly bigger than Li Hong's aura , let Yang Yi secretly startled.

So Yang Yi's consciousness instantly entered the Tianhe star map, and asked Li Hong: "Li Hong, who is this man?"

"His name is Chen Yuan. He was the one who fought with Feng Tianqi for the position of the chief disciple. He is also a peerless genius. His cultivation level is second only to Feng Tianqi. This time he went to congratulate Taoist Taiyi on his birthday. name, but he and Feng Tianqi were at odds, so he didn't go, but let him take advantage of it."

Yang Yi could tell that Li Hong didn't have a good impression of Chen Yuan.

"Is it second only to Feng Tianqi? It seems that he is one of the disciples who fought most fiercely this time."

Yang Yi knew that Feng Tianqi died this time, and the fierce fighting among these disciples had reached the point of raging fire, but those masters turned a blind eye, as if they didn't see it. This is the peculiarity of the Nine Swords School, they are sword cultivators, so fighting is not prohibited, as long as there are no killers.Therefore, once the disciples of the Nine Swords School fight, they are almost afraid of it.

That Chen Yuan said coldly: "Xia Bing, just because you also want to fight with Chen? You are looking for a dead end. If you double cultivate with Chen, maybe you can be spared, otherwise you will be gone in the Nine Swords Sect from now on." s position."

That frosty woman is Xia Bing. She looked at Chen Yuan coldly and said: "I didn't even agree to Feng Tianqi, let alone you? The tiger is not here, the monkey is called the king, you and Feng Tian Compared with Qi, it is simply too far behind."

"What? Hmph, no matter how genius Feng Tianqi is, isn't he dead? You need to know that a mountain is higher than a mountain. It is because of his arrogance that he provoked Yang Yi, who is even more evil than him. What kind of shit genius? Aren’t you dead? Xia Bing, don’t act like you are arrogant in front of me. Hmph, Feng Tianqi pretends to be a villain, and I, Chen Yuan, don’t care about that. If I double cultivate, I will be able to break through to the realm of Tongtian immediately. It is ridiculous that Feng Tianqi, if he puts down a little bit and uses some means to double cultivate with you, I am afraid that he has already become a master of the second level of Tongtian. The position of supreme sect is easy to come by, how could he be beheaded by that Yang Yi, how stupid! Xia Bing, don't you look at the current situation of the faction, hmph, what Elder Tongtian wants is for us disciples to advance bravely, To meet my Nine Swords School's emergencies, why would I care about you, even if you refuse, you will not be able to escape today, haha!"

There was a smug smile on Chen Yuan's face.

"Despicable, shameful, Chen Yuan, I must tell my lord father about this!" Li Huan said suddenly.

"Despicable? Shame? Hmph, Li Huan, when I reach the sky, I will also be a master of the sky, what can your father do to me? And you, don't be ignorant, otherwise even if your father is the elder of the sky, don't be a monster! "

Chen Yuan's face is grim at this time, he is an ambitious person, in order to achieve his goal, he will do anything at all.

Li Huan seemed a little scared, with a livid face and stopped talking.

Yang Yi hid aside, with a strange look on his face, looking at the frosty Xia Bing in surprise, he muttered: "The body of Xuanyin, I never thought there would be such a legendary body of Xuanyin in life. .It is rumored that the body of Xuanyin has infinite benefits, and those who cultivate with it can gain a lot of power, even if it is to hit the sky, it will be of great help. "[

Yang Yi's eyes flickered, and he was a little surprised that someone actually possessed such a legendary physique.

"Really? It's a pity, you haven't reached the sky yet!"

At this moment, an indifferent voice came from the void.

"Who?" Chen Yuan was taken aback, but when he saw Yang Yi appearing, he couldn't help but sneered and said, "Li Hong? Haha, it turned out to be you trash. Everyone is dead and you are not dead yet. But you should feel lucky to be alive for a waste like you, and you dare to come out to meddle in other people's affairs, it seems that the last lesson was not enough."

As soon as Yang Yi's heart moved, he immediately knew why Li Hong had a faint dislike for this Chen Yuan. It seemed that this Chen Yuan had probably dealt with Li Hong before, and with Li Hong's strength, he was no match for this Chen Yuan at all.

"Chen Yuan, this matter has no part for you, if you don't leave, I will let you taste what it was like last time."

Yang Yi said coldly: "Chen Yuan, I don't know that Shibie will look at you with admiration for three days. This time I got the panacea bestowed by the head teacher, my cultivation has deepened, and I have some understanding in the way of swordsmanship. Hmph, who is higher and who is lower?" Not sure yet!"

Chen Yuan laughed loudly as if he had just met Yang Yi: "Haha, a waste is a waste, and a waste can never become a genius. Even if the head teacher gave you a panacea, so what? I'll give you such a waste to swallow." , It’s simply reckless, since you want to humiliate yourself, then die for me!”

A sword light flew out of Chen Yuan's body in an instant, this sword light was so agile, like a golden snake, it stabbed at Yang Yi viciously very quickly.

If it was outside, Yang would be able to suppress him with a backhand, but now he can't be too conspicuous here, so he also unleashed his long sword, with sword energy like a rainbow, and slashed fiercely at the sword light. ! ~!

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