blood record

Chapter 331

Chapter 330

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Yang Yi's swordsmanship is not very good, but Yang Yi's strength is too strong. This sword energy is like a rainbow, with a power to cut through everything.


The huge power shakes the two long swords. Although Yang Yicai used 150% of his power, his [-]% power is terrifying. His power is almost equivalent to [-] Mahayana masters, and [-]% is four to five Mahayana masters. His power is quite terrifying. Although this Chen Yuan is a genius, he is far inferior to Feng Tianqi, and his power is at most equivalent to three Mahayana masters. [

So this collision directly knocked Chen Yuan's flying sword into the air, and Yang Yi's sword energy flew towards the surging.

Chen Yuan's face turned pale, and then Yuanshen immediately flew out and cast a palm, which offset Yang Yi's residual momentum, but when he raised his head to look at Yang Yi, his gaze was different, and he became more shocked.

"How is it possible? How did your strength become so powerful?" Chen Yuan looked at Yang Yi again. He couldn't believe that the defeated general he just defeated a few days ago became so powerful in a short period of time. of terror.

Yang Yi put on a haughty expression at this time and said: "Idiot, I told you a long time ago, I will be admiring you for three days, I got the panacea of ​​the head teacher, and after refining, my strength has greatly increased, and it is only natural to defeat you. Aren't you a genius? Do you want to do it again?"

Chen Yuan's face was serious, he had already tested it just now, and Yang Yi's strength was indeed much stronger than him, if he fought again, he might be humiliated by his family, so he said coldly: "Hmph, Li Hong, don't be too happy Too much to go, let's go!"

Chen Yuan took the crowd and left quickly.

Li Huan's eyes flashed with divine light, and she said in disbelief: "Brother, when did you become so powerful? Even Chen Yuan was scared away by you? Could it be that you have really taken the panacea rewarded by the head teacher and your strength has improved greatly?" gone?"

Yang Yi glanced at Li Huan coldly, and said softly: "Li Huan, go back with me, and I will give you to my father. I believe that with what you have done today, you will be imprisoned for at least 200 years and face the wall." thought about it."

As soon as Li Cong was mentioned, Li Huan became honest, she didn't want to be imprisoned for 200 years.

At this time, Yang didn't even look at Xia Bing, and walked out with Li Huan directly.

Li Huan asked a little strangely: "Brother, did you really get hurt by Sister Xia Bing? Poor, last time you confessed to the sidelines by Sister Xia Bing, it was really embarrassing in front of everyone. If I hadn't, I wouldn't have been able to take it anymore. But that was all in the past." You, big brother, you can defeat Chen Yuan, now is different from the past, I believe Xia Bing will treat you differently."

Before Yang Yi could speak, Xia Bing behind him said indifferently: "Li Hong, I have something to tell you!"

"Oh, brother, this is Miss Xia Bing calling you in person. Judging from the experience that I have been with Miss Xia Bing for so long, she must have a different feeling for you, otherwise she would not talk to anyone. Brother, Take your chance."

Not to mention Li Huan's chattering in his ear, just now Yang Yi heard a cryptic sound transmission: "You are not Li Hong, if you don't want to be exposed, come with me."

This sound transmission is exactly the sound transmission of Xia Bing behind him, so Yang Yi couldn't help being surprised.

But Yang Yi's expression was calm, and he said to Li Huan: "You go back first, if I don't see you after I return to the mansion, then you can wait to explain to father what happened today."

Li Huan stomped her feet angrily, but it didn't work, Yang Yi and Xia Bing flew directly into the void.


The two came to a courtyard, this was Xia Bing's courtyard, it looked very quiet, and there were no people there. [

There are some restrictions set up outside this courtyard, and if anyone breaks in, they will be alerted immediately.

Xia Bing waved his hand slightly, and these restrictions disappeared in an instant, then he glanced at Yang Yi lightly, and walked into the room.

Yang Yi's eyes were flickering, and murderous intent was brewing on his body. He was not afraid of any ambush. If Xia Bing really wanted to expose his identity, he could tell some Tongtian elders in secret. Yang Yi brought him to his courtyard again.


Inside the house, there is a simple decoration, but there are still some decorations that can show that this is a woman's room, and there are bursts of fragrance in the room.

But Yang Yi was obviously not interested in observing the room, he just looked at Xia Bing coldly, and said coldly: "Senior sister Xia, what is the purpose of you bringing Li here?"

Xia Bing glanced at Yang Yi indifferently, and said in a low voice: "You are not Li Hong!"

Yang Yi was not surprised, his face looked very calm, he gave a dry laugh, and said coldly: "What a joke, Li has so many elders watching in the conference hall, can't they see Li's true nature?" Fake? Besides, if Li is fake, then who is Li?"

Xia Bing remained calm, and said in a deep voice: "I don't know who you are? But you are definitely not Li Hong. Although you have the means to hide the probes of the head teacher and many elders, you will never be able to replace Li Hong. Hong, your eyes betray you."


"That's right, eyes, no matter how much a person changes, how advanced his cultivation is, his eyes will not change. When you dealt with Chen Yuan, the confident eyes that burst out from the intent sword are definitely not something that Li Hong can possess Only people like Feng Tianqi have such confident eyes, and your eyes are more domineering than Feng Tianqi's, so you are not Li Hong."

Yang Yi quietly listened to Xia Bing's explanation, his eyes became colder and colder, and at the end, there was a hint of murderous intent, and he said in a low voice: "Eye? Can such illusory things be used as evidence? Hmph, you Who will believe it?"

"No one needs to believe it. It is enough for some elders and even the headmaster to have doubts. A fake is a fake. No matter how pretending it is, it will show its feet."

Yang Yi couldn't bear it any longer at this time, the murderous intent around him was violently aroused, the huge murderous intent could even suffocate a monk with a poor cultivation base, he sneered: "Since you have already found out, you don't tell those Tongtian Elder, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

At this time, Xia Bing showed a smile on his face and said: "Afraid? Why not? Since you can sneak into the Nine Swords School and change into Li Hong's appearance, then you must have plans, and the plans are not small. Otherwise, I would not have taken such a big risk. You killed me now, but I am afraid that you will be exposed. You may have a way to escape, but it will be difficult to sneak in, and your goal has not been achieved. Are you willing?"

Yang Qian sneered and said, "Of course I'm not reconciled, but compared to the danger of being exposed, even if I don't get what I want, it's nothing."

"You are Yang Yi, I don't know if what I said is right?"

Xia Bing said suddenly.

Yang Yi was not surprised, because if combined with the recent rumors, Yang Yi killed all his disciples, but Li Hong was the only one who survived. If Li Hong is fake at this time, even fools know that Li Hong is most likely to be Yang Yi. one.

"Yes, since you have already guessed it, you naturally know Yang's methods. Even Feng Tianqi was beheaded by Yang. What means do you think you can escape?"

Yang Qian did not hide his murderous intent at all, and locked Xia Bing firmly, as long as she made any changes, Yang Yi would kill her with a thunderbolt.

Xia Bing shook his head slightly and said, "I didn't mean to expose you, what good would it do me to expose you?" [

"Then what do you want? Let me give you a magic weapon?"

Xia Bing shook his head slightly and said: "A piece of Heaven-reaching Pill, help me become a master of Heaven-reaching!"

It is no secret that Yang Yi owns the Heaven-reaching Pill. There is no impenetrable wall in the world. Yang Yi gave away a Heaven-reaching Pill so generously. Naturally, the news that he owns many Heaven-reaching Pills will be leaked.

Yang Yi sneered and said: "A grain of the Heaven-reaching Pill, and you will help you become a master of the sky, you are really proud!"

Yang Qian naturally knew the value of a Heaven-reaching Pill, and naturally it was impossible to give it away for nothing. Besides, if he didn't get the Tianzhu, wouldn't he lose a Heaven-reaching Pill in vain? It's enough for a sky-reaching master to lose his fortune.

Xia Bing smiled slightly, feeling a little bit like a smile, she stretched out her pale fingers, tapped the table lightly, and said lightly: "Of course it is impossible to give a pill of heaven, but if you want to What if I can help you? Is it worth this pill?"

Yang Yi's eyes moved, he looked at Xia Bing, although he had also reached the realm of the Nine Great Vehicles of Transformation, but without the Tongtian Pill, perhaps this Xia Bing would never be able to achieve the realm of Tongtian.

"What can you help Yang? Do you know what Yang is here for?"

Xia Bing smiled slightly and said: "I have been in Nine Swords School for many years, and I know Nine Swords School well. I believe I can help you with what you want to do."

After reaching this point, Yang Yi asked, "Okay, if you really have the means, it's nothing to give you a Heaven-reaching Pill. Yang came here to support the fragments of the Tianzhu?"

"A fragment of the Tianzhu? A mysterious treasure in the Supreme Elder's Mansion?" Xia Bing suddenly said in shock.

"Huh? You also know the fragments of Tianzhu? Yes, the fragments of Tianzhu are in Song Zuming's mansion, but he is a master of the seventh heaven. There is no way to get the fragments of the pillar supporting the sky, if you have a way, a piece of heaven-reaching pill Yang will do what he says."

Yang Yi looked at Xia Bing with piercing eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"Feng Tianqi occasionally mentioned the fragments of the pillar supporting the sky. The Supreme Elder has been staying in the mansion all the time, not taking a single step. Even the head teacher will not easily disturb the Supreme Elder. I'm afraid there will be some difficulty."

Xia Bing also shook his head slightly. After all, this kind of thing is indeed somewhat difficult. ! ~!

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