blood record

Chapter 334 Soul Vanilla

Yang Yi learned from Dongfang Sheng's memory that Dongfang Sheng wanted other people to attract the Heavenly Moat Beast for him, and then kill the Heavenly Moat Beast.

However, from Dongfang Sheng's memory, there is no figure of the Scorpio Beast. He bought the news of the Scorpio Beast from a mysterious person, and he didn't know that the Scorpio Beast would look so terrifying. If he knew, Dongfang Sheng Not so confident.

Killing the Scorpio Beast?What a joke, I am afraid that such a huge moat beast, even if it is trying its best, it can only be counted as tickling the other party.

Yang Yi could even guess why someone would sell the news of the Heavenly Moat Beast to Dongfang Sheng. With such a colossal monster, it would be impossible to kill the Heavenly Moat Beast, let alone get the inside of the Heavenly Moat Beast. Dan.

Fan Tianxiang also exclaimed: "Is this the Heavenly Moat Beast? How can it be so huge? How long has this Heavenly Moat Beast lived?" [

These ancient alien species really cannot be guessed by common sense. Generally speaking, the longer the alien beast lives, the bigger the body. Incredible.

Moreover, according to legend, in ancient times there was a kind of swallowing sky beast, which was unbelievably big. When it woke up, it would devour the world. The sun, moon and stars would be swallowed by it. It is really unbelievable. Compared with it, the Scorpio Beast is much inferior.

But the Sky Swallowing Beast has long been a legendary existence, and this Heavenly Moat Beast appeared alive in front of everyone.

"What should I do? With such a huge body, I'm afraid you can't deal with even Muyi, right?"

Yang Yi's face was a little dark, he had put in so much effort, but he didn't expect such a situation, returning empty-handed was not the result Yang Yi wanted, his heart was hardened, and he said coldly: "Anyway, Mu has to give it a try, otherwise Mu will feel unwilling to return home empty-handed."

Facing such a huge and terrifying Scorpio Beast, Yang Yi immediately flew down without a trace of fear, ready to strike.

Huang Wenqing, who had been silent all this time, smiled mysteriously at this moment: "Wait a minute, Fellow Daoist Mu, in fact, it's not that difficult to get the inner alchemy of this Heavenly Moat Beast."

Yang Yi stopped immediately, his eyes flickering, and he said to Huang Wenqing, "Oh? Could it be that Fellow Daoist Huang has a solution?"

Huang Wenqing seemed to be full of confidence, nodded his head and said: "Actually, Huang has already made preparations. The Scorpio Beast is an ancient alien species. It is so huge that it is not a master of the sky. It is impossible to deal with this Scorpio Beast. But this time we It's not to kill this Heavenly Moat Beast, but just to get its inner alchemy. Huang has already configured countless soul herbs in advance. Smell the fragrance of Daohun vanilla, and the Heavenly Moat Beast will spit out the inner alchemy to absorb the fragrance."

"Oh? Is there really such a strange thing?"

Yang Yi stopped immediately, if there really was such a fetish, then he would have a great chance to get the inner alchemy of the Heavenly Moat Beast this time.

Huang Wenqing smiled slightly, and immediately turned it from his hand, only to see a white eel appeared in his hand like a lotus, and it also exuded a faint fragrance.


Suddenly, the Scorpio Beast below also seemed to find this faint scent, and shook violently.

Huang Wenqing hastily put away the soul herb and said: "The Scorpio Beast made a movement as soon as it smelled it, and what's more, Huang has not only one plant, but hundreds of them. Neidan."

Yang nodded a little and said: "Okay then, ask Fellow Daoist Huang to quickly take out the soul herb, and let this beast spit out the inner alchemy. In the future, Mu will refine the Tongtian Pill, and Daoist Mu will definitely have a share."

However, Huang Wenqing hesitated for a moment, his eyes flickered with brilliance, he smiled slightly, and said to Yang Yi: "Actually, it's not that simple, this inner alchemy was cultivated with Tianzhu Beast Life, although the inner alchemy is taken out It won't kill it, but it's enough to hurt its vitality. Once its inner alchemy is taken, it will be furious. Once this terrifying giant beast is furious, fellow Taoist Mu has great powers and many methods, so I'm afraid it won't be hurt , but the few of us will be in danger. Huang still thinks that Fellow Daoist Mu will go to resist the Heavenly Moat Beast for a while, and after Huang gets the inner alchemy, Fellow Daoist Mu can also follow, how about it?"

Yang Yi knew that this Huang Wenqing was very scheming and very difficult to deal with.

Fan Tianxiang immediately sent a voice transmission: "Mu Yi, you must not be fooled by him. This Huang Wenqing is treacherous and cunning, and is very difficult to deal with. He asked you to resist the Scorpio Beast. He has no good intentions at all. He got the inner alchemy , I am afraid that you will run away immediately, and you will be entangled by the Scorpio Beast again, and then he will get a huge wealth, a whole inner alchemy can refine at least ten Tongtian Pills, and he will enjoy it alone." [

Yang Yi also said via voice transmission: "Hmph, how can I not know his tricks? But I guess he has a special method, or his speed is so fast that I can't catch up to him, or He thought that the Moat Beast could put me to death. What a joke, how could I be tricked by him, I have already made arrangements, don't worry, he can't escape."

As soon as Yang finished speaking, he looked at Huang Wenqing, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, just follow what Huang Daoyou said! But Huang Daoyou Mu said ugly things first, if Huang Daoyou has other thoughts, hehe, then don't blame me. Mu is very cruel."

Huang Wenqing forced a smile and said, "Friend Mu, just don't worry."

Yang nodded a little and said: "Okay, then ask Fellow Daoist Huang to take out the soul vanilla."

A white light flashed in Huang Wenqing's hand, and soul herbs began to appear one after another. Hundreds of them were connected together and surrounded together, which was really beautiful.

The fragrance was very rich and abnormal, Yang Yi felt a little refreshed when he smelled it, the Scorpio Beast in the sea of ​​clouds vibrated violently, its huge body writhed continuously, and its huge eyes also looked at Soul Vanilla .


The Tianzhu Beast really started to move. Its huge body stretches for tens of thousands of miles, rising and falling in the entire sea of ​​clouds, as if a giant mountain range came alive. fly away.

Huge monsters like the Scorpio Beast are absolutely dominant in this sea of ​​clouds. Any strange beast is afraid of it. Normally, these strange beasts would dare to live beside it if there is no movement, but now, with such a big movement, even if it is The Mahayana-level alien beasts all fled away one after another.

Countless clouds and mists were scattered by the Scorpio Beast, and its huge mouth sucked in a little, and the clouds and mists of hundreds of miles were sucked up by it, which is really shocking. ! ~!

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