blood record

Chapter 335 Reappearance of the Hand of Corrosion


The body of the Scorpio Beast is really like a moat, and it cannot be crossed. Its head is raised high, like a giant mountain, and Yang Yi and others are like ants under it.

The soul vanilla in Huang Wenqing's hand had exuded a strong aroma at this time, which made Tianzhu Beast Mine intoxicated.

This soul vanilla is the favorite of the Tianzhu beast. Whenever the soul vanilla emits fragrance, the Tianzhu beast will spit out the inner alchemy to refine these aromas into the inner alchemy, which is of great benefit to the Tianzhu beast.

The huge Heavenly Moat Beast opened its mouth and let out a breath, Huang Wenqing said to Yang Yi: "Friend Mu, pay attention, the Heavenly Moat Beast is about to spit out the inner alchemy."

Yang Qian also watched the Heavenly Moat Beast closely. After a while, the Heavenly Moat Beast spit out a mouthful of turbid air continuously, like clouds and mist, which was very miraculous.

Finally, a huge inner alchemy was spit out by the Tianzhu beast, exuding a faint yellow light, extremely beautiful, this inner alchemy is the essence of the Tianzhu beast, it will spit out when it meets the soul vanilla.

Seeing this inner alchemy, everyone's hearts have been raised, and now is the most critical time.

A light flashed in Huang Wenqing's eyes, and he shouted, "Okay, let's do it now!"


Huang Wen's Qing's speed soared to the extreme, and with a big hand, he easily caught the inner alchemy of the Scorpio Beast.


This one seemed to have touched the reverse scale of the Scorpio Beast, and the entire giant Scorpio Beast uttered a terrifying roar, and its huge body began to swing rapidly, covering hundreds of miles.

Such a gigantic monster is simply earth-shattering when it moves. Yang Yi slightly looked at this huge beast of the sky, and watched Huang Wenqing flying to the back quickly, followed by Fan Tianxiang and Bai Xue. Yang Yi knew that it was It's time for him to stop.


Yang Yi exhaled lightly, and immediately his whole body was shining with powerful power, his body was shining with golden light, and his body had been turned on, Yang Yi felt the surging power all over his body, with a high fighting spirit, he jumped down and landed on the ground. On the huge nose of the moat beast.

"Let me experience the power of the sky-reaching behemoth, Nine Palace Phantom!"

Yang Yi's body suddenly turned into four forty-six phantoms, and these phantoms overlapped and overlapped. In an instant, Yang Yi felt sixteen times the power rippling around his body.

At this moment, he seemed to be a god with infinite power, able to dominate everything!

"The sky and the earth are boundless!"

A will of fighting against the sky was rippling in Yang Yi's fist, even the sky would be smashed by him.

Sixteen times the power burst out, coupled with the terrifying power that does not break the body, the world is ferocious. At this time, even if there are a hundred Mahayana masters, they will be scared to death by such a terrifying power. No one can imagine. Just how huge is Yang Yi's power now.

"bang bang bang"

After counting punches, Yang Yi hit the Scorpio Beast hard on the nose as if punching a sandbag. [

The nose is the weakest part of the Scorpio Beast. Yang Yi's strength has almost reached the limit of the human body, reached the limit of the Transfiguration Realm, and has already reached the limit of the power that reaches the sky.

These punches made the Scorpio Beast furious, its whole body violently heaved up and down, its huge body was constantly churning in the sea of ​​clouds, tumbling like a river, and the other strange beasts in the sea of ​​clouds were slightly hit by the body of the Scorpio Beast , was immediately smashed to pieces.

Countless strange beasts wanted to run away in fright, they didn't understand why the overlord Tianzhu beast was so angry.

Yang Yi was the first to bear the brunt, the terrifying power emanated from the body of the Scorpio Beast, every inch of the Scorpio Beast's skin seemed to possess the power of the sky, even Yang Yi, who possessed an indestructible body, was also affected by this terrifying force. The power of his body was directly blown away, and even his body suffered some damage.

Yang Yi's unbreakable body is extremely terrifying, attacks below Tongtian can't cause any damage to him at all, even a master of Tongtian can only slightly damage Yang Yi's unbreakable body.This Heavenly Moat Beast is like this, but its power is far more than that. It can rival the peak power of the first level of Heaven and Earth Realm.

The sky-reaching realm is also divided into nine levels like the transforming form realm, but each level is very different. The first level of the sky-reaching level is the heaven-earth level, which breaks the barrier of heaven and earth and becomes a master of the sky.The second level of Tongtian is the sun and moon realm, which can reverse time. In the main palace of Hualong Palace, the palace lord Yang Ji joined other elders to reverse time for Ouyang Xin, so he has at least the cultivation of second level of Tongtian.There is also the Shangxuan Sanren who has been fighting against the Jidao Sect. He also possesses the strength of at least the second level of the sun and the moon.

As an ancient alien species, this Scorpio Beast is extremely powerful and endowed with extraordinary talents. It hardly needs to be cultivated, and as long as it is an adult, it can possess the power to reach the sky.

Of course, over the long years, the power of the Heavenly Moat Beast will gradually increase. This Heavenly Moat Beast is so huge that it has survived for several years. Its power has reached the peak of the first layer of heaven and earth. Even if it is Yang Yi's indestructible body, if he is slightly shocked by it, he will be directly injured.

Fortunately, Yang Yi's unbroken body is miraculous and abnormal, even if it is a master of the sky, it is very difficult for him to completely destroy it. Yang Yi watched the huge beast chasing Huang Wenqing, his eyes flashed, and his arms suddenly turned yellow , There was a faint stench.


Suddenly, a huge palm flew out from Yang Yi's arm,

This palm exudes a yellow light, the stench is billowing, and a shape of ancient aura permeates the void, this is Yang Yi's corrosive hand.

Yang Yi saw that he could not harm the moat beast with sixteen times of his strength, so he summoned the Hand of Corrosion.

The current Hand of Corrosion is not ordinary. With Yang Yi's comprehensive breakthrough of diamond body, after being promoted to the unbreakable body, the Hand of Corrosion will be able to exert its full power.

The hand of corrosion increased its power along with Yang Yi's golden body of the witch clan. The ancient rotten beast was a terrifying existence that could swallow even a fairy. Even if there is only one arm left now, it is even more terrifying. , can corrode the masters of the sky.


The hand of corrosion kept growing bigger and bigger under Yang Yi's vertical, and it became hundreds of feet in an instant. Although it was still insignificant compared with the Heavenly Moat Beast, the aura emanating from it made the Heavenly Moat Beast They are all afraid.

The ancient aura in the Hand of Corrosion made Tianzhu feel terrified, but it was even more unwilling to let its inner alchemy be taken away by others, so it raised its terrifying tail, which was tens of miles long, and fiercely pointed at Yang Yiyi. sweep.


The terrifying tail is enough to smash a mountain into powder, this is a blow from a master of the sky.

Yang Yi was afraid, he felt the excitement of the Corroding Hand.

"The power of corrosion, kill!" [

Yang Yi directly raised his corrosive hand, and slapped the Scorpio Beast's tail fiercely.


The huge force caused Yang Yi to fly upside down for several miles, but the corrosive hand successfully resisted the Scorpio Beast, and its corrosive power was still wrapped around the giant tail of the Scorpio Beast.


Rotten, completely rotten, and rotten at a speed visible to the naked eye. ! ~!

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