blood record

Chapter 346 The First Prince

Chapter 340 The Sixth Prince

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Yang Yi lightly tapped again, and the primordial spirit of the monk in white exploded instantly, turning into nothingness.

The fourth princess saw that Yang Yi really dared to kill him, she was stunned for a while, her face was pale, she seemed to be in disbelief: " really dare to kill him, don't kill me, don't kill me , I will give you martial arts, many, many powerful martial arts, and wealth, exhausting wealth.” [

The fourth princess was afraid. Until then, she was really afraid. When facing death, she was afraid.

Yang Yi picked her up as if he was carrying a chicken, and said with a sneer, "Now I know I'm afraid? Martial arts? Wealth? This is nothing to Yang. Didn't you say you have rescuers? Where is it? "

"Let go of the four princesses"

Yang Yi's words fell, and immediately a giant-like strong man flew from the void. This strong man was extremely tall, and when he fell heavily, the entire courtyard shook, just like an earthquake. Compared with Yang Yi It looks like an ant.

The body of this strong man is filled with surging power, he is a real master of the sky, as if he can break the world with a single punch, it is extremely terrifying.

Seeing this strong man coming, the fourth princess showed a hint of joy on her face, and said loudly: "Uncle Liu, come and save me, and kill this monk."

There was a slight smile on the corner of Yang Yi's mouth, and then the force in his hand rushed into the body of the fourth princess. The body of the fourth princess exploded instantly, and the blood rained, and her primordial spirit flew out in horror, and was caught in Yang Yi's hand .

"You... Didn't you say you won't kill me?" The fourth princess looked at Yang Yi with fear in her heart. Now she only has the primordial spirit left, which can be described as extremely dangerous.

Yang Yi sneered and said, "I didn't kill you just now, I just wanted to show you how fragile your rescuers are, but now, you are too noisy, so you can only die early."

"Don't hurt the fourth princess"

The strong man's eyebrows were like swords, his face was extremely resolute, his arms grew bigger in an instant, and he slammed directly at Yang Yi.

"It's too late, die"

The terrifying power in Yang Yi's hands exploded, and directly crushed the soul of the fourth princess. The fourth princess was completely dead. Then she laughed loudly and punched forward, facing the strong man.


Two terrifying forces collided with each other. The strength of this big man was extremely powerful, and he was able to withstand Yang Yiwucheng's strength. In the first layer of heaven and earth, he was considered an extremely terrifying existence.

Of course, this is only half of Yang Yi's power, and he hasn't activated his broken body, nor activated the Nine Palace Phantom, but even so, Yang Yi's power is also earth-shattering, and he will scare many experts to death.

The strong man stepped back a few steps, his face turned red, but he recovered immediately, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and he said in a buzzing voice: "Foreign monk, you killed the fourth princess, and you have already provoked Tao Tian Disaster, even if you are powerful, you will die today.”

Yang Yi's body is tall and straight, standing tall in the void, like a god of war, the aura around him is faintly visible, making it difficult for people to see Yang Yi's reality.

"A metamorphosis monk, no matter what his status is, if he disrespects the masters of the sky, he will die" [

Yang Yi's voice was indifferent, revealing an unquestionable tone.

The brawny man shook his head slightly, and he didn't know that the fourth princess was arrogant and arrogant, and he didn't pay attention to the masters of the sky.A master of the sky is a master of the sky, no matter how great the background is, one cannot be disrespectful to a master of the sky, if the fourth princess does not have the backing of the entire royal family of the Double Empire, how can she dare to despise the master of the sky?Facing the disrespect of the fourth princess in the past, the top masters didn't pay much attention to the disrespect of the fourth princess. Perhaps because they were afraid of the power of the royal family behind the fourth princess, they didn't get angry. But if they continue to despise the top masters like this, it will only happen sooner or later.

Although he persuaded the fourth princess, the fourth princess never listened to it. A master who reaches the sky has the majesty of a master who reaches the sky, which cannot be underestimated by a metamorphosis monk.

Although the strong man understands the reason why Yang Yi did this, Yang Yi killed several people in a row, and the fourth princess was among them. Such a crime, no matter how reasonable it is, is of no use. After all, he will be punished, even beheaded. kill.

Yang Yi took a step forward, looked at the strong man proudly, and said coldly: "Do you think Yang has this strength? Yang just wants to see what the masters of the Martial Emperor Starfield can do, but From the looks of it now, it’s nothing more than that, like an earthen dog.”

"Arrogance, hum, defeat me first."

Hearing Yang Yi's arrogant words, this strong man's face suddenly darkened. He felt that he was equal to Yang Qian, so he didn't need to be afraid.

The whistling wind echoed in the ear, and the terrifying force directly squeezed Yang Yi's body. The strong man's fist was like a mountain peak, pressing down directly on Yang Yi.

"Hmph, with this little strength, die for me"

Yang Yimeng unleashed his strength, the space around him seemed to be distorted, waves of storms began to form, and his hands were like a millstone, crushing fiercely towards the strong man from top to bottom.

The strong man's expression changed, he couldn't believe it, how could his strength that was equal to him just now become so terrifying, even he found it difficult to breathe.


The strong man flew out directly, and the bones of his whole body were instantly shattered. Blood sprayed and scattered on the ground, which was shocking.

Yang Yi's punch directly severely injured the strong man.

"Idiot, just now Yang just used [-]% of his strength to see how powerful the masters in the Wudi Starfield are. I didn't expect you to become arrogant. With such a low level of cultivation like you, Yang has already lost his strength." I know how many have been killed."

This brawny man seemed to have some status, and after a while, groups of soldiers flew in from outside. These soldiers turned out to be all masters of the soul. There were about a hundred of them, and they were all murderous. Not afraid of Yang Yi at all.

A flash of light flashed in Yang's eyes, looking at these hundred masters of the primordial spirit, gathering hundreds of masters of the primordial spirit casually, this is unimaginable in the Tianhe star field, I am afraid that even the Jidao sect can't do it It turns out that this shows that the Wudi star field is much stronger than the Tianhe star field.

These Yuanshen monks looked at Yang Yi coldly, and one of the monks who looked like a leader said coldly: "Foreign monks, no matter how arrogant you are in other star fields, but in the Wudi star field, in our Double Empire The imperial city, you can't do anything recklessly, otherwise, you will be shot and killed."

"Haha, shoot to kill? This is the first time Yang has heard such a joke, and it's just you?"

With a wave of Yang Da's hand, a horrible aura shone all over his body, like a storm, suffocating these Yuanshen monks.

"Dare to resist, shoot and kill, double formation, kill"

Hundreds of Yuanshen masters shouted suddenly, and then their Yuanshen flew out in an instant, forming a large formation, directly forming a big hand, descending from the sky, intending to smash Yang Yi to pieces. [

The power gathered by these one hundred primordial spirit masters is simply frightening. It seems that they have formed a certain formation, and their power has been directly raised to a terrifying level, which has completely reached the power of a sun-moon realm master.

For the first time, Yang Yi revealed that he was able to form a large formation of a hundred masters of the primordial spirit, which exploded with a power that was almost comparable to that of the masters of the sun and moon realm. The soldiers are worthy of being law enforcement guards. Under these guards, even masters at the peak of the first level will die.

Yang Yi began to emit bursts of golden light all over his body, and he began to use unbreakable strength. Originally, his strength was limited to that of a sun-moon realm master, but now he has improved and improved again, almost reaching the limit of the limit. The two auras The collision with each other caused gusts of wind to blow through the entire courtyard.

"Huh, the three styles of fighting against the sky, the sky and the earth are vast"

Yang Yi punched out, and at this moment, it was as if the whole world was turned upside down, collapsed, and completely confused. This terrifying artistic conception almost directly entered the minds of these primordial guards. Wei's mind was shaken.


Huge forces collided with each other, and the terrifying aftermath directly blew up the surrounding buildings to pieces, and the palace of the four princesses was also reduced to ashes, and there were even some terrifying cracks on the ground, which was shocking.

Those law enforcement guards turned pale, and flew upside down in an instant. Although the formation they formed could temporarily rival the masters of the sun and moon realm, they were not masters of the sun and moon realm after all.With Yang Yi's current cultivation base, he can perform the three forms of fighting against the sky, then he almost really possesses the artistic conception of fighting against the heaven and the earth. How could such artistic conception be able to bear by these Primordial Spirit cultivators?So they were hurt one after another, rushed to pieces by the terrifying power, and they were in a panic. If Yang made another shot now, he could kill them all.


Suddenly, there was a burst of loud shouting from the void. The sound was so magnificent that it exploded over the entire imperial city. Countless monks all looked up at the void, wondering and uncertain in their hearts.

"That's His Royal Highness, isn't His Royal Highness in seclusion? Why are you leaving the seclusion now?"

"It's such a terrifying aura. This eldest prince is probably not far away from the Sun-Moon Realm. This aura is really too powerful. It's already very close to the Sun-Moon Realm."

"The eldest prince suddenly appeared, there must be a reason. Could it be that something happened in the palace?"

"There are many masters in the palace, and usually nothing will happen. If something happens, it will be a big deal."

These monks in the imperial city are talking about it, they don't know about the major events happening in the imperial palace now, many well-informed people are inquiring quickly, after all, something that can alarm the First Prince must not be a big deal. ! ~!

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