blood record

Chapter 347 You Are Trash

Chapter 340 Seven You Are Trash

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Yang Yi naturally also heard the shouts, and then a light flashed, and a middle-aged man in bright yellow clothes appeared in front of Yang Yi.

Seeing this middle-aged man appear, these guards all shouted respectfully: "Prince."

It turned out that this middle-aged man was the first prince of the two empires. Yang Yi could feel the surging power of the first prince, which was stronger than that of the brawny man just now, and was already extremely close to the Sun Moon Realm. [

"Eldest Prince, this foreign cultivator acted recklessly just now, killing the fourth princess and many guards, please the Eldest Prince to make a decision."

Although these guards were injured, their fighting spirit remained undiminished. Even if they were asked to blew themselves up, they would not hesitate at all.

The eldest prince's eyes were cold, and he scolded in a low voice: "Nonsense, I already know what happened just now, it was the fourth sister's perverted personality that offended this fellow Taoist, and that's what's going to happen next, okay, you all step back, This matter is not allowed to be mentioned in the future, I will naturally tell my father."

These guards looked at each other, but they were obviously afraid of the eldest prince, they didn't dare to stop them, and they left one after another.

The eldest prince smiled slightly at Yang Yi and said: "Haha, what happened just now shocked Fellow Daoist, and please come to my palace to express your apology."

Although Yang Yi didn't know the intention of the eldest prince, but he was also a bold man with high skills, and he was not afraid at all, and said with a slight smile: "Since it is the invitation of the eldest prince, then it is better for Yang to obey his order than to be respectful."

"Haha, okay, fellow daoists please"

Following behind the First Prince, he flew towards the distant palace.

Both of them were very fast, like a rainbow, and they arrived in front of the First Prince's palace in a short while.

Before the palace looked resplendent, there were hidden large formations, but none of them could escape Yang Yi's eyes. These large formations were not used to attack and trap the enemy, but to gather the vitality of the world and make the whole palace Become energetic.

Originally, the entire Martial Emperor Starfield was abundant in vitality, much more abundant than the Tianhe Starfield, almost several times, so just a few simple formations like this can make the palace comparable to those powerful factions in the Tianhe Starfield.

With such a strong vitality, the Martial Emperor Starfield is naturally very powerful.

There are many masters in this palace. These masters have different costumes, and their auras are also different. Some of them even surprised Yang Yi. These monks are obviously different from the monks in Emperor Wudi Starfield.

The eldest prince seemed to see Yang Yi's suspicion and smiled slightly: "These fellow daoists all come from various star regions, I am fortunate to be able to be respected by you fellow daoists, and I will temporarily live in the palace."

Yang Yi was a little startled, these are real masters of the sky, not ordinary monks in transformation, the eldest prince can let them all stay, the price must be high.

Even Yang Yi felt the slightest threat inside. It was a monk with a hideous face and wearing a black robe. Fear him, stay away, make him look unique.

"His Royal Highness"

These monks all stood up one after another and saluted the eldest prince, but the master of the sun and moon realm did not stand up, but nodded slightly, and the eldest prince did not take it seriously.

The eldest prince said to these monks: "Yang Daoyou is the one I just met, and his cultivation level is unpredictable"

These monks are all masters of the sky, and perhaps they have been respected in their own star field, so they didn't react. Instead, the black-robed monk with a terrifying face, the only sun-moon realm master here stood up and said coldly. He said coldly, "You were the one who rioted in the palace just now and killed all the four princesses. You are really awe-inspiring."

The other monks got the news, and when they looked at Yang Yi, a gleam flashed in their eyes.

Yang Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, he didn't know why this sun-moon master would target him, but he was not the kind of person to calm down, so he sneered: "You haven't seen Yang's majesty before, what happened just now, It’s really nothing.”

"Hmph, the old man wants to see, what prestige do you have?"

Murderous intent flashed in the eyes of this black-robed patriarch, and he shouted loudly, the surging power around him was like a flood, submerging Yang Yi in it, the eldest prince hurriedly said: "Fellow Daoist Wan, don't get angry, Fellow Daoist Wan just now The matter of the disciples is really a misunderstanding, and fellow Daoist Yang didn’t do it on purpose.”

Seeing the Great Emperor blocking him, the black-robed cultivator put away his aura and said coldly: "Although the cultivation level of my incompetent disciple is not very good, he can't kill anyone."

The eldest prince smiled wryly and said to Yang Yi: "Young Daoist Yang, it's like this, the white-clothed Mahayana master next to the fourth sister just now is the registered disciple of Wan Daoyou in the Martial Emperor Starfield, that's why Wan Daoyou did this. I hope Fellow Daoist Yang doesn't mind."

Yang Yi's eyes turned cold, but a sneer gradually emerged from the corner of his mouth and said: "So that trash is your disciple, no wonder he's such a trash"


It was as if a fire barrel had been detonated. The black-robed cultivator raised his head abruptly, his eyes were like knives, he stared at Yang Yi, his whole body exuded a cold murderous intent, and he smiled angrily: "Okay, okay Well, you really don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, you think you can break through the double array of law enforcement guards, so you really think that you are invincible? Today, even if the eldest prince stops me, I will let you kneel down to me."

The monks around were even more stunned, wondering if Yang Yi was crazy for provoking the black-robed old man so recklessly.

"It's over, this Yang Yi is really ignorant of current affairs, and even provoked Fellow Daoist Wan, no matter how talented he is, he will be completely killed by Fellow Daoist Wan."

"A monk who is arrogant, a master of the sun-moon realm, and a master of the heaven and earth realm are completely different realms. They are not the same at all. Once they reach the sky-reaching level, every level of improvement is a world of difference."

"Friend Daoist Wan will definitely not spare this cultivator lightly. If the First Prince hadn't taken action to protect him this time, I'm afraid he will be killed by a real master in the palace soon."

"That's right, it's really too arrogant. As a master of the sky-reaching second-level sun-moon realm, Wan Daoyou has a respected status. When has he ever been provoked like this? How can he hold back? I'm afraid that this monk will suffer! torture and pain."

These monks looked like they were enjoying the show, even the eldest prince shook his head slightly, once Yang Yi said just now, even he couldn't stop the old man in black robe. ! ~!

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