blood record

Chapter 349 Peerless Art

"The Imperial Book Collection Pavilion of the Two Empires, although those martial arts are of no use to me, I can understand some advantages of these martial arts practiced by monks in the Martial Emperor's star field, especially in terms of strengthening the physical body."

Yang Yi's eyes flashed bursts of brilliance, his physical body was stronger than any monk in the Martial Emperor's star field, and he was a golden body of the Wu clan, which had been cultivated to an indestructible body, and even a master in the sky could not completely destroy it. [bookmark:]

In terms of physical body, Yang Yi is incomparable, but in terms of using the physical body, Yang Yi found that these masters from the Martial Emperor's Star Field are far superior to him, and these monks from the Martial Emperor's Star Field can almost exert the power of the physical body to the limit , but Yang Yi was far from being able to do it.

If Yang Yi can exert all the power of the golden body of the Wu Clan, then Yang Yi's strength will increase several times without any problem. By that time, he may even be able to beat the masters of the Sun Moon Realm.

Of course, these are just Yang Yi's guesses. If you want to fully understand the reason why Emperor Wudi's star field has such precise control over the physical body, the Royal Library is probably the best place. [

Yang Yi quickly came to the Imperial Book Collection Pavilion. There were two old men here. They seemed to be drowsy, but Yang Yi could feel that these two old men were masters in the sky, and they obviously guarded the Book Collection Pavilion specially.

The use of two masters to guard the Zangshu Pavilion is enough to show how important this Zangshu Pavilion is to the double royal family.

Yang Yi went straight in, now that he has the eldest prince's warrant, he is not afraid of anything.

The two old men didn't move, as if they didn't see it, but the moment Yang Yi walked in, Yang Yi felt a terrifying pressure, the pressure was so great that it was like two huge mountain peaks, There is a faint sense of danger, like two fierce tigers, about to pounce on it immediately and launch a thunderous blow.

Yang Yi felt that the power that these two old men could unleash at this moment was even more terrifying than the black-robed old man in the sun-moon realm. So stressful.

However, Yang Yi also exuded his own aura. His whole body was shimmering with golden light, and his unbreakable power burst out instantly. His physical body almost swelled up a circle, and his whole body contained explosive power.

Yang Yi's aura instantly broke the aura of the two old men.


The two old men seemed to be very surprised, they suddenly opened their eyes, like two beams of light piercing into Yang Yi's mind.

It's just a look, but Yang Yi felt that his mind was pierced by two sharp swords. This is the power of the two old men's artistic conception. Yang Yi can feel that the power of this artistic conception is really The height-to-depth ratio has almost reached the level of the sun-moon realm.

But the artistic conception has reached the Sun Moon Realm, but the cultivation of the two old men has not broken through for a long time. Yang Yi doesn't know why, the strength of these two old men is completely enough to be promoted to the Sun Moon Realm.

"The Heart Sutra of Controlling Demons, calm the mind, and all demons will not invade." Yang immediately displayed the Heart Sutra of Controlling Demons, and quickly stabilized his mind.

After a long while, the eyes of the two old men calmed down and became down-to-earth again. Yang Yi immediately handed over the eldest prince's warrant and said indifferently: "Yang wants to go in and have a look at the royal family's library, and invite two fellow Taoists agree"

"Since you have the First Prince's warrant, you can go in." Immediately, the two old men quickly closed their eyes and ignored them.

Although Yang Yi was a little jealous of these two old men, it was only a little jealous, so he turned around and walked into the library.

After Yang Yi left, the entire Zangshu Pavilion seemed relatively quiet. After a while, the two old men slowly opened their eyes, and there were bursts of brilliance in those simple and simple eyes.

"The two of us have practiced for more than three thousand years. To practice the double tactic left by the first emperor back then, two people must be connected with each other to practice. Although the power is terrifying, it can leapfrog and kill masters, but if you want to advance one step further, it is a There are thousands of difficulties. The aura of this person is not strong, and he is in the first level of heaven and earth like us, but there is a danger in him that we all feel, it is really incredible."

"There is nothing strange about the strangeness of good fortune. Perhaps this person has a terrifying magic weapon, or, like us, he has cultivated some kind of heaven-defying method, so that he can have the aura that makes us all feel dangerous. "

"This person is holding the First Prince's warrant. He is obviously a master recruited by the First Prince. To be able to recruit such a master, the First Prince must have paid a lot of money. However, with the support of such a master, the voice of the First Prince will definitely increase. Higher."[

"Okay, we promised at the beginning that we would concentrate on practicing the double art and not intervene in power struggles. However, this monk has aroused my interest. I don't know if I will find something special when I go in this time."

The two old men exchanged a few words in a low voice, and then they all closed their eyes again, and the whole Zangshu Pavilion returned to calm again.

Yang Yi was strolling in the Library Pavilion, he naturally didn't know what the two old men were talking about outside, he was completely attracted by the collection of books in the Library Pavilion in front of him at this time, the collection of books here is richer than others, And it also contains some powerful forces.However, there are no book monsters here. It is obvious that there are always experts cleaning them up, and those book monsters that have just formed will be beheaded and killed.

Most of the books here are about martial arts, and the variety of these martial arts is incomparable. There are all martial arts of the upper, middle and lower ranks of ordinary ranks, and there are even martial arts of half-immortal ranks.

This is a half-immortal martial art. The Jidao Shenquan of the Jidao Sect is a half-immortal martial art, and the Doutian Three Styles are also a half-immortal martial art. Each of these semi-immortal martial arts has unpredictable Power, usually someone wants to get it, it is simply wishful thinking, but now in the imperial library of the two empires, these precious semi-immortal weapons and martial arts are placed here openly for all princes and people who have made contributions to the two empires watch.

"Half-immortal grade martial arts are indeed very tempting, but they are useless to me now."

Yang Yi murmured in a low voice, and he grabbed a huge book from the bookshelf. On this book, there were three large characters of 'Jiuxuan Beng', but Yang Yi already had it. Jidao Shenquan and Doutian three forms, and then spend all your energy to learn some half-immortal martial arts, the gain outweighs the loss.

Wu is good but not too much. Yang Yi understood this truth a long time ago. If he can thoroughly comprehend Jidao Shenquan and Dou Tian Sanshi, it would be quite terrifying, not to mention that Yang Yi has even more terrifying skills. The most immortal martial art - Nine Palace Phantom h! ~!

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