blood record

Chapter 350 Level 5

Regarding the phantom of the Nine Palaces, Yang Yi can't figure it out thoroughly until now, and the higher the cultivation level, the more Yang Yi can feel the phantom of the Nine Palaces. Up to now, Yang Yi can only cast 46 phantoms. That is sixteen times the combat power. (Mobile access:)

However, after he was promoted to Tongtian, he didn't calm down to practice Jiugong phantom carefully. If he could raise another level and reach 25 phantoms, that is, 25 times the combat power, by then, Yang Yi could directly The masters of the Sun Moon Realm were smashed to pieces.

"The Phantom of the Nine Palaces will definitely be able to go further, and I have already felt a hint of it. If I study it calmly, I will definitely make a breakthrough."

Yang Yi murmured in a low voice, after seeing so many martial arts, he thought of Jiugong Phantom.

His Nine Palace Phantom has not progressed for too long, even if his cultivation base, strength, and mood have improved, it seems that there is nothing he can do to welcome Nine Palace. Yang Yi knows that this set of Nine Palace Phantom is very unique. It will be that simple. [

These thoughts just flashed through Yang Yi's mind. Yang Yi didn't stop there, but took out the martial arts here one by one and scanned them in an instant. With his current cultivation base, these books can almost Read it in a flash.

The martial arts here are indeed rich in variety, there are all kinds of powerful or weak martial arts, and the annotations are so fine that it is unimaginable. Every book of martial arts is basically like this.

Yang Yi can't imagine that almost everyone can practice with such a book, and can understand it thoroughly. This is the reason why the Martial Emperor's Starfield is strong. Here, the exchange of martial arts has almost reached a perfect level. It is no longer a self-preservation, it is widely spread, and because of the detailed explanations, even if no one teaches, you can still practice on your own.

This is very different from the Milky Way Starfield.

With these detailed notes, Yang Yi seemed much simpler.

From these books, Yang Yi could almost see masters practicing all kinds of martial arts here. Yang Yi had no intention of practicing these martial arts, but his golden body of the witch clan seemed to be As if inspired, he began to display martial arts involuntarily.

"The first style of fighting against the sky, the sky and the earth are vast"

Yang Yi's Wu Clan golden body was shining with golden light, and there was a "cracking" sound in his body, which could be heard endlessly, and a terrifying force burst out instantly, as if the world was boundless.

This kind of power is somewhat stronger than Yang Yi's before.

"The second form of fighting against the sky, the sky collapses and the earth shatters"

"The third form of fighting against the sky, the sky in your heart"

"Extreme God Fist"

Yang Yi seemed to be trapped in these martial arts, he punched out the martial arts he had practiced over and over again, each punch was purely performed with the unbreakable power of the Wu Clan's golden body.


Every punch, the space is shaking, but Yang Yi seems to restrict the range of this force to a very small place, and it doesn't affect the collection of books here at all. Although each punch can hit the entire library Explosive, but each punch only disappeared within a radius of one foot.

This is an extremely weird and extremely contradictory phenomenon, which means that the control over one's own power has reached an extremely subtle level.


Yang Yi's whole body seemed to be trembling constantly, and every tremor could make people feel the vibration of terrifying power.


Yang Yimeng opened his eyes, his eyes flashed brightly, but his expression looked rather tired, and then he sat cross-legged on the ground and recovered quickly.

"My body actually feels tired. This is something I have never experienced since I practiced the Golden Body of the Witch Clan"

Yang Yi just performed the martial arts he knew over and over again, in that wonderful realm, as if he could compare the two martial arts thoroughly, just like this over and over again, he felt His body became more and more tired and heavy, so he opened his eyes and sat cross-legged to rest.

This kind of situation has never happened to Yang Yi, his physical body is stronger than him, how could he feel tired like a secular person?

But when Yang Yi rested for a while and felt the surging power of his body, he was at a loss for a moment.

"When did my power become so powerful? This is just the power of not breaking the body, but my not breaking the body has not improved, how come the power is so much stronger?"

As soon as Yang stretched out his fist, with a light punch, he was able to send out a strong wind, punching a hole in the ground, and his strength without breaking the body was at least [-] to [-]% stronger than before.

This is already terrifying, and the strength has increased by [-] to [-]%, which is incredible.

Yang Yi gradually began to close his eyes and think about it. After a while, his eyes opened suddenly, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He finally understood why this happened.

Just now, he saw the martial arts in the library. These martial arts have detailed annotations, allowing anyone to practice immediately. Although Yang Yi did not practice, he was affected by the artistic conception of these martial arts , unknowingly began to operate his own martial arts, the martial arts he displayed in this situation was almost the same as the martial arts performed by the people of the Martial Emperor Starfield, and all the power of the physical body was stimulated.

It is precisely because of this that Yang Yi's physical body continuously exerts the limit power, so he feels tired. Only when the limit force is continuously exerted, and there is no trace of power stored, will he feel more tired, and this has achieved the current effect. .

"The Martial Emperor's star field is really not simple. I was able to exert all the strength of my physical body, and the strength of my physical body has increased to [-]% to [-]%."

Yang Yi rejoiced in his heart, in this way, his strength would increase by a few points.

"These martial arts are not comparable to my Nine Palace Phantom"

Yang Yi glanced slightly, and found that no matter how many martial arts there are, no matter how complete the varieties are, they are still useless. They are not comparable to Yang Yi's Nine Palace Phantom. Unleashed a powerful force.

However, this miraculous martial skill is a real immortal martial skill. It is very difficult to go further, and each step requires countless opportunities. Therefore, even if Yang Yi was promoted to Tongtian, he still could not be in Jiugong Mirage within a short period of time. There is some comprehension in this set of martial arts.

But right now, in the Book Collection Pavilion of the Imperial Family of the Two Empires, it is Yang Yi's hope. Here, with the help of the strong martial arts atmosphere and artistic conception here, maybe it can help Yang Yi achieve a new understanding of the Nine Palaces Phantom.


Yang Yi closed his eyes slightly, he seemed to be immersed in one after another artistic conception, trying to figure out the magic of these artistic conceptions, at this time, the formula of Jiugong Phantom gradually appeared in his mind, forming In the movie, Yang Yi seems to have also felt the artistic conception of the phantom of the Nine Palaces.

It is a set of martial arts that is earth-shattering and destroys all things. When the phantom of the Nine Palaces reaches its peak, once it erupts, the world will collapse immediately, the space will collapse instantly, and everything will be destroyed. No one can resist it. It has exceeded Yang Yi's imagination.

This is just the artistic conception of Jiugong Phantom, that is to say, Jiugong Phantom is likely to be able to reach such a point.

"Is this the power of the phantom of the Nine Palaces? It's simply unimaginable, unimaginable" [

Yang Yi also opened his eyes. Even if he cultivated the Nine Palaces Phantom, he couldn't imagine that the Nine Palaces Phantom would reach such a terrifying situation. It is simply beyond the power that humans can possess. Only immortals, or even higher existences, can able to reach that point.

"Immortal grade martial arts are really martial arts that only immortals can display."

Yang Yi felt the final power of the Nine Palaces Phantom, and knew that with the power of the Heaven-reaching Realm, he might not be able to unleash the full power of the Nine Palaces Phantom.

With the help of the artistic conception of martial arts here, Yang Yi has indeed learned enough information about the Phantom of the Nine Palaces, and Yang Yi's understanding of the Phantom of the Nine Palaces is getting deeper and deeper.

Yang Yi turned on the Nine Palace Phantom, and he felt very familiar with it. Although he relied on the Nine Palace Phantom, he did not know how many powerful enemies he had defeated and how many masters he had beheaded, but he had never felt so familiar with it like now. of.

Gradually, Yang Yi activated the Nine Palace Phantom, following the extremely powerful power of the Nine Palace Phantom he felt in the artistic conception, gradually phantoms appeared one by one beside him.

One, four, nine, sixteen...

After sixteen, Yang Yi's body paused for a moment, as if breaking free from some kind of confinement, and suddenly transformed into a phantom again.

Seventeen, eighteen, up to twenty-five phantoms

The power of 25 times is simply extremely powerful, Yang Yi even felt layers of barriers, this barrier exists in the void, Yang Yi can't even see it, and even his spiritual sense can't detect it, but now it explodes 25 times can feel the barrier after the power

This is the space barrier, which is a space barrier that can only be felt by the masters of the space shifter.

"The fifth floor of the Nine Palaces Phantom, finally cultivated"

Yang Yi's heart seems to be full of pride. The Nine Palaces Phantom has nine levels in total, and the strength of each level is almost like a flying increase. The fifth achievement is 25 times the power, which is [-] times more than the previous strength. I don't know. how many.

If Yang Yi was afraid of Sun-Moon Realm masters before, then now, he no longer has the slightest fear, and can smash Sun-Moon Realm masters into powder in an instant. With 25 times the power burst out, he can even Touching the space barrier, this is the power that can only be obtained if you are close to the Tongtian triple shifting air realm. h! ~!

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