blood record

Chapter 369 Surprise

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Suddenly, two figures appeared in the void. The faces of these two monks were like knives, and their eyes were firm. They could faintly feel the powerful force around them. .

Triple Shifting Sky Realm is already a master who can dominate one side, but in the Martial Palace, he is still just a disciple. If he wants to become an elder of the Martial Palace, he must at least be an extremely strong existence who has cultivated the domain.

Once they cultivate the domain, these masters of the Martial Emperor's Starfield can truly show their terror. With the increase of the domain, their strength can be said to increase several times, which is no less than the general top-grade magic weapon, and it is still a blessing A magic weapon with unmatched power. [

But here is at most only the master of the triple space shifting realm, even in the first cave, it is also a disciple of the triple space shifting realm.

"Look, what level can this Yang Yi reach?"

The cultivator had an indifferent expression on his face, but when he looked at Yang Yi, his eyes were shining brightly.

"Twenty, being able to challenge No. 20 is already his limit. His physical body does not know how to cultivate it. It is more tenacious and hardly afraid of any blows. Moreover, his strength is too strong. , is definitely not the power that a small master of the first layer of Tongtian can radiate, but this Yang Yi has done it. The only explanation is that this Yang Yi is probably taught by a terrifying old antique behind him, otherwise he will definitely not Such a terrifying freak will be cultivated."

"I don't think so, twenty seats, you really underestimate this Yang Yi, I think he can defeat Bai Danchen."

"What? Bai Danchen? Hmph, no matter how powerful Yang Yi is and how powerful he is, he can barely reach the third level of a master. Who is Bai Danchen? He is tougher than his body, and his martial skills have already reached perfection. Even if we fight against us, we may not be able to fail quickly, hmph, do you think this Yang Yi can fight against Bai Danchen?"

"It's not certain now, but you are all mistaken. This Yang Yi will soon be promoted to the second level of Tongtian."

"What? You mean that his crazy challenge is to gather enough vitality to hit the Sun Moon Realm?"

These monks are all super masters occupying the top ten places in this cave. They are all well-deserved geniuses in the entire Martial Hall. Moreover, the cave they occupy is hardly challenged by anyone. This already represents their invincible and terrifying strength. .

Even these masters were alarmed by Yang Yi's crazy actions, which is enough to show how crazy Yang Yi is now.

However, Yang Yi's constant challenge has spread throughout the entire Martial Palace. Some disciples almost gave up their cultivation and wanted to come and see this legendary peerless fierce man. As soon as they came, they challenged the extremely powerful existences in several caves, and Almost every one of them collapsed physically, and the primordial spirit fled in panic.

This shows what?This shows that Yang Yi is fully capable of killing these masters, but with such terrifying strength,

On a disciple who is only at the first level of the sky, this is enough to make all the monks crazy.

"Crazy, it's so crazy, this is the seat, Yang Yi will never stop here, he will make another shot, and continue to challenge until he enters the top ten."

"It's an exaggeration to be in the top ten. You must know that the top ten people are all masters who can compete with the domain realm. Each of them has poor means. They are definitely not simple monks. They represent the most outstanding in our temple. genius."

"Indeed, it's a bit difficult to be in the top ten, but this Yang Yi has already shown us what a true genius is. He's only at the first level of Babel. If we let him continue to advance to the second or even third level, hehe, maybe The name of the first genius in Wudian will be changed."

"Is the first genius in Wudian? There has been no news of that person for decades. He is indeed a legendary monk. This Yang Yi is still far behind."

When these monks mentioned the most talented monk in the Martial Palace, their eyes showed strange expressions. They didn't dare to imagine how terrifying that person was, because every time they imagined, they would feel incredible.

But Yang Yi ignored these, when he successfully challenged Zuo Dongfu, his primordial spirit had almost reached its limit, devouring and refining the vitality of Zuo Dongfu, Yang Yi's strength increased a lot again, and he reached the limit he had reached. The ultimate strength that can be achieved. [

"It feels so powerful, but it's not enough, it's far from enough. If I want to break through to the Sun-Moon Realm, I still need some vitality. If I win another cave, I will be able to smoothly advance to become a master of the Sun-Moon Realm."

Yang Yi's eyes flashed bursts of brilliance, no matter how crazy it was outside, but inside he was very quiet, he knew what he was doing, he didn't lose his way, what he was doing was just Looting enough vitality, and then promoted to the Sun Moon Realm.


Yang flew out of the cave in an instant, his eyes swept away slightly, and he was examining the cave here again.

"Look, Yang Yi has come out again, and he is about to challenge again."

"I just don't know who he is going to challenge this time? No. 40? No. 30?"

"The first fifty caves are all masters. It is not so easy to challenge successfully, but Yang Yi is not easy. The other caves he challenged basically shattered the flesh with one punch. real power."

"That's right, Yang Yi hasn't displayed his true power yet. If he displays his full power, he doesn't know how terrifying it will be."

"Look, Yang Yi is about to choose a cave to challenge."

All the monks were looking at which cave Yang Yi would choose to challenge. They were all guessing whether it was No.40 or No.30, or even a more powerful cave.

However, Yang Yi's eyes were fixed, but he shouted loudly at No.40 Nine Cave Houses: "Yang Yite is here to challenge No. 40 Nine Cave Houses, please come out to fight against the seniors in the Cave Houses."

"What? No. 40 nine caves? What's the difference between this and a cave?"


Yang Yi was afraid that his real strength was only this. He already knew that if he continued to challenge, he might fail in the end. "

"No. 40 Jiuzuo, Yang Yi's choice has already demonstrated his current strength, and he is still very self-aware."

These disciples were very surprised. Yang Yi's momentum was like a rainbow. Everyone thought he was going to make a big move, but they didn't expect that he was just challenging the No. 40 nine caves, which surprised these disciples

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