blood record

Chapter 370 Promotion to the Sun Moon Realm

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No. 40 Nine Cave Houses came from a man with a gloomy face, he gave Yang Yi a cold look, but said coldly: "No. 40 Nine Cave Houses will be handed over to you, Fan admits defeat. "

The aura of this monk Zhou was also extremely powerful, but no one thought that he would admit defeat as soon as he came out.

"This is senior brother Fan Yuan. He has always been shrewd and never fights with unsure monks. This time senior brother Fan Yuan seems to be very afraid of Yang Yi, so he simply gave up."

"At first, I wanted to watch Yang Yi's fight again, but now it seems that I have no chance, so I automatically admit defeat, so Yang Yi's position is established, tsk tsk, No. 40 nine caves, the vitality inside is also rich It’s a mess, at least dozens of times that outside.”

"That's right, that's right. Although Yang Yi didn't challenge the more powerful caves, it was because he knew himself. Now the No. 40 nine caves are suitable for Yang Yi. After he breaks through, he may challenge again. This Yang Yi is definitely not a character who can disappear among the crowd."

"It's already inconceivable that a new disciple can gain such a reputation and get the No. 40 nine caves. This Yang Yi is already enough to leave a strong mark in the Martial Palace."

Although these disciples were a little disappointed, they all left one after another. Everyone knew that Yang Yi would not challenge again for the time being.

Sure enough, Yang Yi stayed in the cave all the time, and there was no movement for more than ten days, which made several disciples believe their guesses even more.

But these things have nothing to do with Yang Yi. As soon as he entered the No.40 nine caves, he felt a strong vitality like water. When he inhaled lightly, it seemed to be marginal vitality. Vitality is exactly what Yang Yi needs, he is only a little bit short of being able to break through the bottleneck and be promoted to the Sun Moon Realm.

In the cave, Yang Yi's primordial spirit is huge, stretching across the cave, constantly absorbing and refining his vitality, his primordial spirit has faintly reached the limit, so every time he refines his primordial spirit, the changes will not change. It will be too big, but you can see obvious progress.

"Enough is enough, now we can try to break through!"

There was a flash of brilliance in Yang's eyes, he finally felt that the time had come, he could choose to break through to the Sun-Moon Realm, once he was promoted to the Sun-Moon Realm, Yang Yi's strength would double, it was extremely terrifying.

"Flood dragon primordial spirit, transform!"

Yang Yi quickly immersed himself in the primordial spirit, and the whole primordial spirit began to crazily devour the vitality here. Its huge body seemed to be bursting, transforming from the inside out.

The metamorphosis of a monk requires the metamorphosis of the primordial spirit, and Yang Yi's primordial spirit is unprecedentedly large, so a strong force is needed to break through.


When Yang Yi's primordial spirit transformed, the entire cave seemed to be shaking, and all the monks could clearly feel a terrifying aura, which weighed heavily on their hearts.

"What's going on here? Why does it feel like I'm pressing down on a mountain, and there's a heavy feeling."

"Yes, I also have this feeling, as if it just happened."

"There was a sudden change in vitality just now, which seems to have come from the No.40 nine caves."

"No. 40 nine caves? Isn't that the cave of Yang Yi, who was in the limelight a few days ago? Could it be that he has changed? Such a terrifying aura, could it be that he just broke through to the sun and moon realm?"

These disciples flew out again, they all gathered together, and all turned their attention to the No.40 nine caves where Yang Yi was. [


Suddenly, a phantom of a huge dragon appeared above the No. 40 nine caves. The fierce appearance of this dragon, as well as the terrifying aura, no longer indicate the problem Yang Yi is facing at this time.

"This is a symbol of breaking through to the Sun-Moon Realm. Yang Yi is about to break through? This is really unbelievable."

"Yang Yicai was able to reach the point where he was about to break through in just a few days after he came to the Martial Palace. It's really unbelievable, crazy, really crazy, and there are really very few such terrifying primordial spirits."

"Yang Yi just broke through to the Sun-Moon Realm, how did it cause such a sensation? Look at his phantom of the Primordial Spirit, oh my God, such a terrifying Primordial Spirit is simply unimaginable. If he breaks through successfully, it will be great ?”

Seeing Yang Yi's primordial spirit phantom, these disciples felt shocked in their hearts. After all, the huge primordial spirit phantom has enormous pressure. Once it is a real primordial spirit, it may swallow several monks in one bite.

At this moment, a monk suddenly flew over from a distance, his face was fair, and there was a mysterious aura rippling all over his body. He looked at the phantom above the cave, and suddenly shouted: "Yang Yi, Come out to meet the station, Dong Kong is here to challenge!"

The sound vibrated and spread throughout the entire Martial Hall.

"Dong Kong? Didn't he go out to the demon town? Why did he come back so soon?"

"This Dong Kong often behaves like a villain, and now it seems that he really is. It's a shame that he didn't challenge sooner or later, but waited until Yang Yi was promoted to the last moment to challenge."

"Hmph, this villain Dong Kong also harmed Senior Brother Chen Xuan in the same way back then, making it impossible for Senior Brother Chen Xuan to make further progress for the rest of his life, but he, on the other hand, has gone straight up, and now he has cultivated to the peak of the Sun-Moon Realm."

"This Dong Kong is here to pick a bargain. Now that Yang Yi is at the most dangerous time, he will challenge again, taking advantage of others' prestige. If he really wins the cave mansion, he will wantonly plunder the vitality in the cave mansion. I'm afraid there will be another With the hope of being promoted to the triple shifting air realm, this Dong Kong is indeed a shameful and gloomy person, and he can outshine him."

Seeing this monk's challenge now, the disciples below were itching with hatred, but Dong Kong didn't feel the slightest discomfort, and still stood in the void, looking majestic.

The sound gradually disappeared, but there was still no movement in the No.40 nine caves, and the phantom of the primordial spirit above the caves seemed to be clearer, which shows that Yang Yi is indeed trying to break through, and has reached a limit .

"Hmph, according to the rules of my Martial Palace, disciples can challenge the cave at will. If the disciples in the cave refuse to do so, the challenger can directly enter the cave. Since Fellow Daoist Yang doesn't come out, don't blame Dong for being rude. gone."

A slight sneer appeared on the corner of Dong Kong's mouth, and he went straight into the No.40 nine caves.

Some disciples outside scolded Dong Kong for his shame, but it didn't work. Dong Kong has entered the cave now, and his speed is very fast. When he came to the depths of the cave, he saw Yang Yi closing his eyes and attacking. With the sun and the moon.

"Hmph, just right, you are still hitting the realm, so now is your time to die!"

Dong Kong had already made a plan. Once Yang Yi was at the critical moment of breaking through, he could injure Yang Yi recklessly, and then completely abolish Yang Yi. This kind of thing is not uncommon in Wudian. Shameful.

However, just as Dong Kong was going to kill Yang Yi, Yang Yi's eyes snapped open, and he uttered a spell faintly in a deep voice: "Great ancestor of witches, please lend me strength to maintain the dignity of witches! Curse The power of the curse is impenetrable and indestructible, no one can block the power of the curse, no matter who it is, it will tremble under the curse!"

A deep curse sounded, and a burst of curse power quickly turned into a big hand, which grabbed Dong Kong fiercely. This palm was extremely powerful, and no force could resist it. This is Yang Yi. Curse cast.

Yang Yi directly burned for 1 years this time. He refined Li Dongyang's golden body of the witch clan. Now he has reached a very high level without breaking the body, so he does not know how ferocious the power is when he casts the curse. , Wrapped directly around Dong Kong's body. [

"What? What kind of power is this? My body is actually corroding..."

Dong Kong looked at his body in horror, it was corroding rapidly, his eyes showed panic, and he flew forward fiercely, he knew it must be Yang Yi's trick, so he wanted to kill it in the shortest time The internal general Yang Yi subdued him.

But it was too late now, Yang Yi's body could move instantly, and at the same time, Yang Yi's huge primordial spirit instantly swallowed Dong Kong's whole body directly.

Poor Dong Kong, a majestic master of the sun and moon realm, was devoured by Yang Yi at the most critical moment of Yang Yi. Dong Kong's blood was also the blood of the dragon. This was discovered by Yang Yi, so he swallowed it all at once. its swallowed.

The rolling force quickly filled Yang Yi's limbs and bones, and Yang Yi's primordial spirit transformed directly, and finally he was promoted to a higher level.

"Is this the double sun-moon realm?" Yang Yi discovered that the sun-moon realm is more precise in terms of power, and Yang Yi also felt the huge power of time. He can manipulate time and shorten it.

With such a method, it is an absolute pillar that almost every sect needs. It becomes the sun and moon state, and time can be changed. It can be said that if there is a moment outside, then the monk can actually reverse the time. Years and decades have passed.

The Hualong Palace in the Tianhe star field restores Ouyang Xin's strength in the reversal of time.

"The power of time requires a lot of vitality to support it. It can even reverse time and practice for thousands of years, but outside, it's just a little time that has passed."

A flash of light flashed in Yang Yi's eyes. If he could have such means as soon as possible, then he could reverse the time to practice. In this way, his cultivation speed can be said to have reached an unbelievable level.

But like this kind of cultivation, it takes a lot of vitality to support it to be able to reverse the time without listening. Without the support of vitality, the reversal time is only relatively short, and it has no effect at all.

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