blood record

Chapter 399

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Yang Yi is not from the Martial Emperor Starfield, so he can still enter the Martial Realm. This is nothing new, but it has also aroused a lot of discussion. In the Martial Emperor Starfield, there are also two factions: local monks and foreign monks. .

"What? It's a pity that this Yang Yi is not a monk of my Martial Emperor Starfield."

"Hmph, what's the pity, these foreign monks are all despicable people, this Yang Yi is so insidious, one can tell that he is a foreign monk at a glance."

"What are you talking about? In terms of despicableness, who can compare to your people from Emperor Wudi's star field?" [

"Luo Ming, do you want to fight me?"

"Come as soon as you come, hum, you and I are so different, I, Luo Ming, will be afraid of you?"

Some of these disciples were disciples of Emperor Wudi's star field, and some were disciples of other star fields. Because of Yang Yi's identity, it immediately caused a mess.

Xiang Wentian's face became even more gloomy. He is a local cultivator from Emperor Wu's star field, and now he has been humiliated by Yang Yi, a new disciple, and a cultivator from another star field. Murderous intent erupted in his heart instantly. The naked, naked, and naked killing intent makes people feel chilling to the bone.

Yang Yi didn't have a trace of fear, he stood upright, he was already secretly prepared to cast the Nine Palaces Phantom.

"Heaven and Earth"

Xiang Wentian suddenly unleashed a terrifying martial art move, and the aura around him was like a storm, killing Yang Yi.

At this moment, there were slight ripples in the space, and a woman in a white dress walked out from it. Like a holy goddess, she lifted her slender fingers lightly, forming a lotus shape, and an illusory lotus appeared instantly , unexpectedly barely resisted Xiang Wentian's move.


The two forces collided, and Xiang Wentian retreated instantly, while the woman's clothes were fluttering, but the surroundings were like ripples of water. The terrifying force dissipated slowly along with her body, and finally did not pose any threat.

Yang Yi was startled, he felt a trace of "immortal" aura from this female monk, at least she was a half-immortal treasure, and only a half-immortal treasure could keep it under Xiang Wentian's terrifying power. The woman was unharmed.

"You Fengxian, do you want to fight Xiangmou?"

Xiang Wentian's face was as gloomy as water, and his murderous intent was still fierce, but there seemed to be a trace of fear.

You Fengxian shook his head slightly and said: "The battle between the two of you is almost over, it's meaningless to fight any more, there are bound to be casualties, and even you can't control it by then, how can you face the law enforcement elders?"

"Hmph, if you die, you will die. It's just a disciple from another star field."

Xiang Wentian's face showed a hint of arrogance, as if he was insignificant, and he obviously had some disdain for the monks in other star fields.

You Fengxian's eyes turned slightly cold, and he said coldly: "Xiang Wentian, You is also a monk from another star field, if you want to compete, you can use your means."

This You Fengxian is actually a cultivator from another star field, Yang had already guessed it a long time ago, otherwise there would be no half fairy treasure.

"You Fengxian and Xiang Wentian are going to fight. These are two monstrous existences. They are always calling the wind and calling the rain in the Martial Domain. I didn't expect them to fight." [

"It's a matter of time. You Fengxian is a monk from another star field, and Xiang Wentian Gu Aobi is a monk from the Emperor Wudi's star field. Sooner or later, the two of them will fight, but You Fengxian has been faintly suppressing Xiang Wentian. , so unless it is absolutely necessary, the two of them will not really do it."

"It was all caused by Yang Yi. Once these two masters fight, the entire Martial Domain will be in chaos. This is a conflict between the disciples of other star domains and the local disciples of the Martial Emperor's star domain."

These monks are even secretly watching each other, and if they make a move, they may also break out into a scuffle.

"Okay, okay, good Fengxian, since you want to see Xiang's methods, then Xiang will accompany you naturally."

Xiang Wentian looked serious, and a terrifying aura gradually rose from his body, like a mountain torrent and tsunami, rising crazily. Just now, Xiang Wentian didn't exert all his strength in the fight with Yang Yi.

The whole body of You Fengxian also flickered with bursts of light, and the "immortal" aura on her body became clearer and clearer. It was definitely a real half-immortal treasure. of.

At this moment, a hand gently blocked You Fengxian, and a cold voice sounded: "Xiang Wentian, your opponent is me!"


Yang Yi's figure appeared in front of Xiang Wentian in an instant. Although You Fengxian was powerful and a monk from another star field, Yang Yi asked himself enough to deal with Xiang Wentian, and he didn't need to owe others favors.

"What? This Yang Yi really thinks he can deal with Xiang Wentian? It's simply stupid. You Fengxian has already made a move. He is equivalent to having a step down. He just keeps his face and shows off at this time."

"That's right. Originally, this matter has risen to the matter of Xiang Wentian and You Fengxian. These two are the most evil among evildoers. Their strength is not comparable to that of ordinary monks. Once the two of them fight, it is very likely It's evenly matched, and the matter will be left alone in the end, but Yang Yi is really stupid enough to rush out at this moment."

"Xiang Wentian has already been really angry. Yang Yi is looking for death by himself this time, and he can't blame others. Maybe he thought he could defeat Xiang Wentian just now because he broke one of Xiang Wentian's fingers. If that's the case, it's really wrong I know too well."

These monks all thought that Yang You was really stupid, maybe they were dazzled by some small victories just now.

Xiang Wentian has been in Wuyu for so many years, and he has never been his opponent alone, but he is a monster among evildoers. He has traveled through countless star domains and has rich fighting experience. No matter how powerful a master or arrogant person is This is the prestige he has established in Wuyu for so many years.

"Okay, okay, let's get rid of this junior first, and then we will come again"

There was a trace of murderous intent in Xiang Wentian's eyes, he would never hold back his hands, and directly displayed the most terrifying power.


The whole space seemed to be shattered in an instant, like glass, a big hand directly enveloped Yang Yi, constantly squeezing Yang Yi, making Yang Yi seem unbearable even if his body was not broken.

This is indeed Xiang Wentian's real power, Yang Yi even felt that it was stronger than Yu Tiancheng's Nirvana Finger.

"Phantom of the Nine Palaces"

"The Great Mill of Heaven and Earth"

Yang Yi directly displayed the Nine Palaces Phantom and the Great Millstone of Heaven and Earth, 25 of his figures appeared in an instant, and then overlapped, 25 times the power burst out suddenly, breaking the oppressive power of the shapes around Yang Yi in an instant [

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