blood record

Chapter 400 Details

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The power of 25 times is extremely ferocious, it is simply beyond the ability of ordinary monks to resist, Yang Zhouzhou's body is shining with violent power, like a god, blasting through the space with one punch.

Layers of space were broken, and Yang Yi was like a berserk beast at this moment, possessing a terrifying aura that could outshine me, and this terrifying force was really terrifying, no matter whether it was Xiang Wentian or Yang Yi. You Fengxian at the side all looked horrified, they didn't expect Yang Yi to be able to burst out such a terrifying force suddenly.

"Such a terrifying power, this Yang Yi is really fierce, I don't know if Xiang Wentian can resist it?" [

"With such terrifying power, it's no wonder Yang Yi is so confident. This kind of power is even stronger than these evildoers. I'm afraid it's hard for Xiang Wentian to resist."

"Xiang Wentian's complexion has changed, his strength has completely collapsed in front of Yang Yi, and he was completely overwhelmed by Yang Yi."

Seeing Yang Yi's sudden eruption of such terrifying power, these cultivators felt inconceivable, because such power is a top existence even in the Wu domain.


The confrontation between two masters is destined to be terrifying, and Xiang Wentian's Huang Tian Po is really powerful. Yang Yi was injured, but it is far from the damage caused by Yu Tiancheng's Nirvana One Finger big.This is not to say that Nirvana's Finger will be stronger, on the contrary, Xiang Wentian's strength will be slightly stronger, this is mainly because Yang Yi has reversed time and practiced for a full hundred years.

100 years is enough for Yang Yi's cultivation to reach the peak of the third level, and his power of primordial spirit has risen again, so he basically suppressed Xiang Wentian directly, allowing Xiang Wentian's power to break through the encirclement and hit the Yang Yi's strength decreased.

However, Xiang Wentian's fate was not so lucky. After the smoke and dust cleared, everyone could hardly believe their eyes. It's the color of horror.

No one is clearer than Xiang Wentian, he only feels the coming of death, just a little bit, just a little bit, his soul can hardly hold on, and he is about to be imagined by Yang Yi. The power is torn apart instantly, he has never felt such a feeling before, but he knows that this is the feeling of death.

"Xiang Wentian was defeated, and the defeat was so miserable that the Yuanshen was dying. This Yang Yi ruled the roost outside, but he did not expect that he would be so terrifying when he entered the Martial Domain."

"What kind of martial skill is this kind of martial skill? It burst out with more than 20 times the power in an instant. That kind of power can bury the heavens and destroy everything. This kind of martial skill is probably an ancient martial skill, and it contains many secrets."

"The entire Martial Domain will undergo changes again. From now on, Yang Yi's name may spread throughout the Martial Domain, replacing Xiang Wentian's position."

"Another master has been added in other star fields, hateful, really hateful!"

These monks didn't have all kinds of comments, but they all saw it clearly. Yang Yi punched Xiang Wentian, and it was almost self-evident what the future would be like for such a person.

After Yang Yi blasted Xiang Wentian until only Yuanshen was left, he waved his hand slightly and ignored Xiang Wentian.It is also forbidden to kill people in the martial field, otherwise, the disciples will kill each other and kill each other.

Xiang Wentian's face was bluish and uncertain, he glanced at Yang Yi slightly, then straightened up and disappeared into the void in an instant, he had no face to stay any longer.

You Fengxian, who was beside Yang Yi, swept his beautiful eyes over Yang Yi, and said with a slight smile, "I didn't expect Brother Yang to have such strength, then I really played tricks in front of Brother Yang just now."

This You Fengxian wanted to take action for Yang Yi in front of Yang Yi before, but now it seems that there are indeed some tricks.Yang Yi smiled slightly and said: "Fellow Daoist You don't need to be modest, just now you act out of righteousness, Yang should thank you."

If you are a friend, you must make friends, and if you are an enemy, you must completely defeat them. This is Yang Yi's principle of handling things. This You Fengxian is not only a top expert in the martial arts field, but also like Yang Yi, he is not from the Martial Emperor Star Field. As soon as people are young, they will make friends and win over.

"Brother Yang, if you don't want to give up, how about going to Bidong Mansion to talk?"

Yang nodded and said, "Being respectful is worse than obeying orders!"

So Yang Yi followed You Fengxian and flew towards her cave.

You Fengxian's cave is much more magnificent than Yang Yi's, but the aura is rich, and there are some exotic flowers and plants, as if it has been in business for a long time.

Yang Yi knew that You Fengxian must have something to discuss, otherwise, she would never have fought with Xiang Wentian in the previous situation. She and Xiang Wentian had been fighting secretly for so many years in Wuyu, like this There has never been a real collision, because both men are afraid of each other.This time You Fengxian was uncharacteristically fighting Xiang Wentian in order to save a stranger, which is really unreasonable.

Afterwards, You Fengxian invited Yang Yi to enter the cave, and Yang Yi knew that everything You Fengxian did before was for Yang Yi, before, it was to win Yang Yi over, but now, it was an equal dialogue, which was also due to strength, The strength Yang Yi showed was enough to make You Fengxian afraid.

"Brother Yang, please, this is Ziyin tea, which has the effect of nourishing the primordial spirit."

Yang Yi took a sip, and indeed felt that the soul was slightly relieved, it was indeed a kind of spiritual tea, he put down the teacup, smiled slightly and said: "You Daoist, if you have anything to say, you may as well just say it."

There was a flash of light in You Fengxian's eyes, and he smiled slightly: "Looks like Brother Yang has also seen it. Before I helped Brother Yang, one reason was that Xiang Wentian was really deceiving others, and the other reason was that he wanted to do it because of something. Brother Yang helped, so I hope Brother Yang will forgive me!"


Yang Yi raised his eyes and took a slight look. If You Fengxian concealed it or never mentioned it, Yang Yi would still have a bit of resentment and was secretly on guard in his heart, but now You Fengxian openly admitted that he wanted to win Yang Yi over, which made Yang Yi feel that Hearty, he couldn't help feeling a little bit more fond of You Fengxian.

"Fellow Daoist You are being polite, I don't know what's going on?"

Yang Yi's eyes were piercing, staring closely at You Fengxian.

You Fengxian smiled slightly and said: "This matter is a very good thing. I was originally a cultivator in the Tianming Star Region not far from the Emperor Wu Star Region. I entered the Martial Palace because I admired the power of the Emperor Wu Star Region. Recently, I passed People in the star field know that a treasure house is about to be born. This treasure house is the cave of an immortal in my Tianming star field. In addition to countless magic treasures and spiritual veins, the most important thing is the semi-immortal treasure. So I would like to invite Brother Yang to go to the Tianming Starfield to seize the treasures in the treasury."

"Treasures in the treasury? There is still a half-immortal treasure?"

Yang Yi's heart skipped a beat, if he didn't care about other treasures, then Yang Yi definitely didn't have too many half-immortal treasures, each half-immortal treasure has various magical powers, which can turn decay into magic and double the strength of a monk.Yang Yi was able to cultivate to his current level in such a short period of time because of the Tianhe star map.

So when the Banxianbao was mentioned, Yang Yi was a little moved, but Yang Yi would not just agree, he still needed to know more detailed information.

"Fellow Daoist You, why don't you invite the monks in the Martial Domain? People here believe that Fellow Daoist You knows that Yang just came here, and you will trust Yang Mou?"

Yang Yi is a monk who just arrived, he would not believe that a monk who just arrived would be trusted, and then invited to participate in such an action that seemed like a good thing.

You Fengxian shook his head slightly, then smiled wryly: "Brother Yang has some doubts about this matter, it's normal, more than half of the Martial Realm are monks from the Martial Emperor's Star Realm, they don't know how to use any magic weapons by nature, and concentrate on studying martial arts , Let alone a half-immortal treasure, even if it is a real immortal treasure, I'm afraid they won't be tempted."

Yang Yi nodded slightly. He also saw a lot of things when he went to the Martial Emperor Starfield. People in the Martial Emperor Starfield practice martial arts as if they were born with it. They feel disdain for using any magic weapon, and their martial arts It is indeed powerful, many powerful magic weapons can be smashed by their punches, there is no need to use magic weapons at all.

Seeing that Yang Yi listened carefully, You Fengxian seemed a little moved, so he continued: "Without this group of people, although there are many people from other star regions, those who can compete for treasures are not mediocre, so I want to It is indeed difficult to find a few powerful monks. This time, seeing brother Yang show off his might, he beat Zhou Yang to the point where only his soul remained, and he even fought against Yu Tiancheng. In addition to Xiang Wentian now, Brother Yang is perfect. As for Brother Yang's reputation, I have already inquired about it. You and Shangguan Zi are just casual acquaintances. She just helped you get familiar with Wudian. You will be rewarded generously. Furthermore, there is also Shi Cuiyang, you had conflicts before, Brother Yang went to challenge her cave, but later you became close friends, all of this proves Brother Yang's reputation."

There was a gleam of light in Yang's eyes, he didn't expect that You Fengxian would investigate him so clearly, but he was not annoyed, these things are well known, and you can get them by collecting a little. [

After You Fengxian finished speaking, she fell silent, she just stared at Yang Yi closely, quietly waiting for Yang Yi's decision.

Various thoughts are constantly turning in Yang Yi's mind, and the temptation of the half-immortal treasure is lingering, not to mention that there is a spiritual vein in it, which is also a must for Yang Yi if he wants to be promoted to the fourth-level realm. thing.

After pondering for a while, Yang Yimeng raised his head, with a trace of determination in his eyes, he had already made a decision.

"Okay, Mr. Yang agreed, but before agreeing, there are still a few questions that I hope Fellow Daoist You can answer in detail."

Yang Yi readily agreed, but there were still some questions that You Fengxian needed to answer.

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