blood record

Chapter 405 2 Beasts Fight

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In the distance, Sikong Hao looked at these monks coldly. These monks thought they could defeat the spirit beast with a large number of people, so they underestimated the spirit beasts that cultivated out of the domain.


All of a sudden, the mountain-like spiritual beast moved slightly, and the whole earth seemed to be trembling. Its domain spread out in an all-round way, and instantly enveloped all the monks who rushed to kill in the domain.

These monks suddenly became inexplicably astonished, they felt a strong pressure as if they were constantly squeezing them, and their magic weapon seemed to have lost its power, it was so limp that it couldn't even fly.

The huge claws of this mountain-like spirit beast slapped fiercely, and countless monks died, crying and shouting continuously, only then did they realize that the horror of the spirit beast in the realm was not what they thought it was at all. able to compete.

So these monks started to flee crazily, fleeing like they were dying, but the domain around them always restricted them, no matter how they escaped, they seemed to be standing still. ability, confinement.

Domains generally have three abilities, the first is to weaken, as long as other monks enter the domain, his power will be weakened, the second is to suppress, if a monk enters it, no matter whether it is the physical body or the soul, he must Being suppressed by the domain, only the master of the domain will not be affected in any way, but will become even stronger.This third ability is confinement. Once imprisoned, the entire field seems to become a large formation, with an endless stream of power to imprison them all, and then what awaits them is death.


This hill-like spirit beast slapped most of these monks to death with a fierce claw. It would consume a lot of power, and it would be impossible to escape from the domain, and even less powerful to attack this spirit beast. Just like other monks, it was smashed to pieces by the spirit beast.

With a simple shot, many monks were smashed to pieces. This is the horror of domain masters. Yang Yi himself has experienced the power of domain, so he is naturally very clear.

But for those ordinary monks, this is different from a nightmare. Usually, they rarely see the third level of heaven, let alone the fourth level. They think that with a large number of people, they can spend a lifetime Even though this spirit beast died, how could it know the special features of the Domain Realm.

If it is a master of the third level of the sky, maybe it is really possible to consume the opponent to death by relying on the number of people, but it is stupid to use such a method in the face of the fourth level domain.

"This spirit beast is so powerful, how can we get there?"

"That's right, with this ferocious spirit beast in command, what else can we do? Unless there are also experts from the quadruple domain who can come, otherwise, there is nothing we can do!"

"Aren't there Young Master Lianhua, Sikong Hao and those martial arts experts in front? Can't they also break through?"

"Hmph, these masters usually say how powerful they are, but how can they resist this spirit beast? Once its domain descends, the results of these so-called masters will not be as good as those monks just now."

"That's right, that's right. It seems that the treasure house can't be opened this time. It's a pity, it's a pity. In the palace behind this spirit beast, there must be that magical pair of semi-immortal treasures. As long as you can get past this spirit beast, Then you can enter it to get the half fairy treasure, and your strength will increase!"

"Easy to say? Easier said than done! With this spirit beast the size of a small mountain here, who wants to rush in desperately? The bloody lesson just now is still here, and the blood in front of that spirit beast is not yet dry!"

These cultivators were all talking about it, obviously they had nothing to do with this spirit beast, even Sikong Hao, Young Master Lianhua and others could do nothing, waiting quietly.

Yang Yi frowned and said, "Friend You Daoist, what kind of spirit beast is this mountain-sized spirit beast, and what are its weaknesses?"

Before You Fengxian could speak, the cold and indifferent beside him spoke first: "This spirit beast is named Crouching Mountain Beast, which means that it looks like a mountain when it squats down. Difficult to kill, no obvious weaknesses!"[

Yang Yi narrowed his eyes slightly. He indeed saw that the spirit beast was squatting down like a hill. Moreover, this kind of spirit beast had rough skin and thick flesh, and its strength was extremely poor. It is even more difficult to deal with. It is extremely difficult to defeat it. It is as difficult as climbing to the sky. With it guarding here, it is indeed extremely safe. Even if the general four-layer domain master comes here, it will not be able to pass.

Qin Li frowned slightly and said, "Are we just wasting time here? If we don't want to get rid of this spirit beast, none of us will even think about entering it!"


Suddenly, this squatting mountain beast like a hill seemed to go berserk. Its huge body moved slightly, and the whole ground shook, scaring some monks to retreat immediately.

But Yang Yi and the others had flashes of brilliance in their eyes, they could clearly see that the spirit beast seemed to be roaring, and its expression was extremely uneasy.


Just at this moment, another huge spirit beast flew over from the other side. The body of this spirit beast exuded a golden radiance, which was really beautiful, and besides the golden radiance, there was a layer of faint The light is obviously also the domain.

"This is the Golden Light Beast. It exudes golden light all over its body. It has an arrogant temperament and great strength. The golden light is extremely sharp and can penetrate many powerful magic weapons."

He explained indifferently and coldly.

As soon as this golden light beast appeared, countless monks became even more desperate.

"Oh my god, one spirit beast can't be dealt with, but now another one has come. Where is this place? Why are there so many powerful spirit beasts?"

"This is the treasury left by a senior expert from the Tianming Starfield. It used to be his cave, and there are naturally some powerful spirit beasts in it to guard his house. I'm afraid these two spirit beasts are That’s how it stays in this cave all the time.”

"What should we do now? The two spirit beasts are both heaven-reaching and fourth-level. Even if we all go up together, I'm afraid it won't help."

"We can only wait for a real master to appear, or a miracle. Unless the two spirit beasts are dead or have left, we can go in. Otherwise, we will have to wait forever."

"Hmph, just wait, even if I have time for ten or eight years, I don't believe that these two spirit beasts will stay here forever."

Some monks said viciously, seeing the appearance of this golden light beast, these monks had a sliver of hope, but now they are all shattered. With these two spirit beasts, they can't get in no matter what.

Yang Yi also looked at the two spirit beasts, his eyes were slightly concentrated, but he saw some clues, a smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said in a low voice: "I'm afraid we have a chance."

"Huh? Could it be that brother Yang has a way to deal with these two spirit beasts?"

You Fengxian's eyes flickered slightly, and she looked at Yang Yi fiercely.

Yang Yi looked at Qin Li, You Fengxian and others, pointed at the squatting mountain beast and the golden light beast, and said with a sneer in a low voice: "It's actually very simple, these two spirit beasts are not so harmonious, look at the squatting mountain beast, its There are many potholes on the body, and this Golden Light Granting Beast is also there, I think they are fighting every day to decide the winner."

After Yang Yi's reminder, these people began to observe the two spirit beasts carefully, their eyes suddenly lit up, and their hearts suddenly brightened, Qin Li even whispered: "Not bad, not bad, these two spirit beasts will stay for a while." I'm afraid they will kill each other, you listen to their roars, this is provoking each other, I'm afraid they will really fight to the death, this is our chance."

Like this kind of spirit beast, there are two equally powerful spirit beasts, it would be weird if they don't fight. [

Not only Yang Yi, but Sikong Hao, Mr. Lianhua, and some clever monks all saw it. They all retreated one after another, fearing that they would suffer disaster.


Suddenly, the golden light beast let out a roar that shook the sky, its body was full of golden light, and its huge body accelerated violently, slamming into the squatting mountain beast fiercely.

The squatting mountain beast has already been prepared. Just looking at its huge size is terrifying, and its domain is instantly displayed. The domains of the two spirit beasts are similarly powerful, constantly distorting the void, The entire void was shattered one after another.

However, there seems to be a mysterious force in this cave. After the space here is broken in an instant, it will recover immediately. It is really weird, but when you think that this was once the cave of a powerful fairy, these weirdnesses are nothing. .


The two spirit beasts collided fiercely, and everyone felt their hearts stopped. Some monks' souls were even affected. What a terrifying impact?Just like two huge mountain peaks, when they collided hard, the space shattered was nothing, and it recovered in a moment.

The face of the squatting mountain beast also showed a ferocious look. It has been fighting with the golden light beast for too long, so it naturally knows the opponent's strength very well, so it stood up abruptly, and its huge and thick tail moved forward fiercely. One pump.

Although the golden light beast has been discovered, it still can't stop the squatting mountain beast's tail. Although the squatting mountain beast is huge, its tail is flexible and very fast, and it is drawn to the golden light beast like lightning.


The force of this pumping was as strong as a huge pillar, and the Golden Light Beast was ruthlessly sent flying, and fell heavily to the ground, making a loud noise, which reverberated in the void for a long time.

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