blood record

Chapter 406

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The fight between these two spirit beasts is still like ordinary wild beasts, but like these spirit beasts, their bodies are their biggest reliance. When they both have domains, their bodies are the only condition for decisive victory.

But it is this beastly struggle that is all the more shocking.

"These two spirit beasts are really terrifying. This blow even shattered the space. Even a real quadruple domain master might not be able to withstand this blow."

"The bigger the spirit beasts are, the harder it is to kill them. They are extremely weak and difficult to kill, but they are killing each other now. When they are both defeated, we can easily enter the palace and look for the half-immortal treasure. "[

"That's right, just let them both lose."

The two spirit beasts were fighting, but the cultivators in the distance held their breath, as if they were afraid that they would startle the two spirit beasts.

The Golden Light Beast was hit hard by the Crouching Mountain Beast, and immediately turned over and stood up. Blood was still flowing from its body, but a burst of golden light flashed, and the wound was gradually healing, but everyone could see that this The golden light beast was indeed injured.


The golden light beast also became furious. The golden light on its body became bigger and bigger, like golden storms. The squatting mountain beast also hurriedly displayed all its domains and surrounded it. Obviously, the squatting mountain beast Some are also afraid of the golden light of the golden light beast.

When these golden lights shot at the squatting mountain beast like a broken bamboo, the entire body of the golden light beast was like a galloping horse, and it slammed back towards the squatting mountain beast, and the domain on its body was always around it. Feud against one tail.


There are too many golden lights, even if there is a weakening of the domain, there are still a lot of golden lights shooting on the body of the squatting mountain beast. Suddenly, the body of the squatting mountain beast seems to have encountered high temperature, and a trace of light burst out. Black smoke, the entire huge body was trembling violently, looking extremely terrifying.

But the Golden Light Beast didn't show any fear at all. It bit down hard with its huge sharp beak, biting the crouching mountain beast's neck fiercely. With a violent tear, a large piece of flesh and blood was taken away by the Golden Light Beast. They were all torn down, and the situation was extremely tragic.

The Crouching Mountain Beast roared in pain, so it rushed towards the Golden Light Beast. The two spirit beasts were fighting desperately, their strength getting weaker and weaker, and even the domain disappeared suddenly in the non-stop fighting.

"The domain is gone, the domain is gone, these two spirit beasts should be exhausted."

"Both lose, this is a real lose-lose. Even if these two spirit beasts have power, there is absolutely not much power left. We can go in."

"Go in quickly, or you won't get the magic weapon if it's too late."

Seeing that the Crouching Mountain Beast and the Golden Light Beast had fallen to the ground, these monks were already exhausted, and rushed towards the palace behind them one after another, scrambling one after another, for fear that they would not get the magic weapon if it was too late.

At this time, Yang Yi, You Fengxian, Sikong Hao, Young Master Lianhua and the others did not move, they stood quietly in the void, with bursts of brilliance in their eyes.


Suddenly, when these monks were about to step over the bodies of these two spirit beasts, they all unleashed their power one after another, smashing the few people in front of them instantly with one tail, and the primordial spirit couldn't escape, and they were instantly wiped out. .

The golden light beast emitted bursts of golden light from its body, no matter what magic weapon it had, it seemed that it couldn't resist it, and its body instantly penetrated, and the primordial spirit seemed to be burned by something, screaming and disappearing into the void.

At this moment, those monks who rushed in rushed back as if they had seen some terrible existence, and they all backed away crazily, with a look of horror on their faces. [

"My God, these two spirit beasts have been injured, and they are exhausted and dying. Why are they so terrifying now? Among them is a master of the second-level sun and moon realm who can reach the sky. The golden light pierced through in an instant."

"A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. These two spirit beasts are not easy. Even if they are injured and exhausted, they are not something ordinary monks can handle."

"Although they can't use the domain anymore, they can have immense power with just a single claw. With such a huge body, even the general Tongtian triple can't do anything to them."

"Wait a little longer, maybe those masters are going to make a move."

Some astute monks have already set their sights on You Fengxian, Young Master Lianhua, Sikong Hao and others. These statues are obviously masters of the three peaks of the sky, and they are by no means comparable to ordinary monks.

You Fengxian looked at Yang Yi, and asked in a low voice: "Although these two spirit beasts are exhausted and can't even use their domains, their huge bodies contain huge power, and they are not easy to deal with. , Fellow Daoist Yang, can you be sure?"

Yang Yi looked at the two spirit beasts, he could feel the huge oppressive force from their bodies, even if there was no domain, they were still two peerless and fierce spirit beasts, they should not be underestimated.

Yang Yi smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth and said: "Although these two spirit beasts are exhausted now, it takes a lot of energy to kill them. Don't Master Lianhua, Sikong Hao and others have benefited from fishing?"

You Fengxian raised his eyebrows, and immediately understood Yang Yi's meaning, so he smiled sweetly, and said to Young Master Lianhua and Sikong Hao, "Mr. Lianhua, Fellow Daoist Sikong, these two spirit beasts block the way. Together, we will be stronger. Separate If you are weak, why don't you join hands and try to get rid of these two spirit beasts first, what do you guys think?"

Sikong Hao and the others were moved. They all knew that it was impossible for them to get rid of the two spirit beasts so that they could reap the benefits. Which of these monks is not shrewd?

And once the time dragged on for a long time, I'm afraid that it would be difficult for them to go in after the two spirit beasts regained their strength.

Thinking of this, Sikong Hao let out a long laugh and said: "Since you are invited, then I, Sikong Hao, are willing to work together to eradicate these two spirit beasts."

Young Master Lianhua looked at the crowd, and smiled slightly: "Fellow Daoist, if you invite me, I'd rather be respectful than obedient, and join hands to eradicate these two spirit beasts first, that would be the best."

After saying that, the two of them flew to You Fengxian one after another, staring at the two spirit beasts covetously.


A group of people quickly flew towards the two spirit beasts. They are all masters among experts. Naturally, there is an unusually strong pressure to fly together. The two spirit beasts also seemed to regret the fight between them, and they all wailed. , also struggled to stand up, staring fiercely at Yang Yi and the others with a pair of huge eyes.

They are now at the end of their strength, and there is not much threat. Naturally, no one is afraid of Mr. Lianhua, Sikong Hao and others

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