blood record

Chapter 411 Ferocious and Invincible

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The appearance of Jun Dao can be said to be beyond everyone's expectations. You Fengxian is actually a descendant of the owner of the treasure house. This is really a bit of a drama. Yang Yi and the others just watched quietly, waiting for things to change.

Jun Dao looked at You Fengxian coldly, and said coldly: "Who thinks there are too many half-immortal treasures? Besides, the bow of this moment is very important, and it is beneficial to me, so I must take this bow!"

As soon as the words fell, Jun Dao walked forward directly, as if no one could stop him, and he was not afraid of anyone at all. [

You Fengxian's eyes narrowed slightly, and he shouted: "Indifference, kill!"


A icy sword light appeared in an instant, like a poisonous snake, killing Jun Dao cunningly.


Jun Dao took a sharp look, his eyes flashed with a sharp light, and he said coldly: "The descendants of the Leng family? Huh, the Leng family has long since fallen. The assassin family back then is now a local chicken and a dog. Ordinarily, since you dare to attack me, you simply don’t know what to do, get out!”

I saw Jun Dao waved his big hand, and the huge power seemed to overwhelm mountains and seas, and a wave of power from the field also blasted away with the power. His indifferent body was like being in a strong wind for an instant, and his long sword was instantly blown by this terrifying power. Shattered every inch.


Seeing that the indifferent long sword was completely shattered, and his body was like a kite with broken strings, it flew backwards in an instant, and fell heavily on the ground, his face was as white as paper, obviously seriously injured.

The indifferent eyes are still cold, as if there will never be a change in expression, Jun Dao is still walking towards the altar like a dragon and a tiger, no one can resist him.

Young Master Lianhua's eyes kept flickering. He finally made a decision. He just dodged and retreated to the side. He knew that if this man named Jundao appeared, he would have no chance. A great master in the field.

You Fengxian flew in front of Jun Dao fiercely, she seemed to have made up her mind, and said coldly: "Jun Dao, since you want to win the treasure, you should pass my level first!"

The magic weapon around You Fengxian's body was constantly flashing, and another magic weapon like a hairpin stabbed towards Jundao instantly, Jundao grabbed it with his big hand and smashed it to pieces, and then he unleashed several small silver needles , but those who had just bullied Jun Dao were instantly imprisoned by the power of his domain, and all of them turned into nothingness.

In an instant, Jun Dao smashed You Fengxian's two magic weapons to pieces, You Fengxian's face turned pale, and the red silk ribbons around her body also floated out, turning into red silk all over the sky, trying to entangle Jun Dao.

This red silk is the pinnacle of the real top-grade magic weapon, which has far surpassed the ordinary magic weapon. As long as it has the breath of "immortal", it can immediately become a semi-immortal treasure, but it is just a little bit short, but it has never become a magic weapon. Half Immortal Treasure.

"You Fengxian, you are no longer my opponent now, from the moment you went to the Martial Domain, you are no longer my opponent. For so many years, the disasters I have experienced are beyond your imagination. My Every progress is obtained from extreme danger, only in this way can a real strong man be honed, and you are still weak!"

Jun Dao let out a long cry, and then the whole hall seemed to be shaken, he grabbed the red silk with one punch, and then the force was like a tide, shaking it to pieces instantly, at the same time, Jun Dao The big hand also grabbed You Fengxian fiercely.

"Jun Dao, are you bullying me that there is no one in the Martial Domain? The Phantom of the Nine Palaces, the Great Mill of Heaven and Earth!"

At this moment, a domineering voice resounded in Jundao's ears, followed by a terrifying power, which far surpassed the power of the third level of the sky, and even faintly reached the terrifying power of the fourth level of the sky, It was stirring in front of him.

"Huh? It's interesting, there is a hidden master like you. Although your power is surging, but you don't have any means of control, it's nothing. When the domain rises, it is annihilated!" [

There was only a hint of surprise on Jun Dao's face, and then he grasped it with his big hand, and transformed this terrifying power into form. In his domain, he was like a god.


A gust of wind blew, but You Fengxian who was in front of Jundao disappeared. The person who rescued him was Yang Yi. He just displayed the most powerful force. In fact, he didn't really want to defeat Jundao, but to attract His attention saved You Fengxian in one fell swoop.

"Yang... Fellow Daoist Yang!"

You Fengxian stared at the person in front of him in astonishment. This person was Yang Yi who had competed with him for the half-immortal treasure before. At this time, Yang Yi had a solemn expression and said in a low voice: "This monarch is really powerful, a master of the fourth level realm, It is indeed difficult!"

Just now Yang Yi erupted with his most powerful power, but it only held back Jun Dao for a while, and did not cause any harm to him. Although Yang Yi's power far surpassed the power of the top three masters, it was almost It has reached the point of reaching the fourth level of the sky, but this is only barely reached, and it is only attack power, which is nothing to Jun Dao.

Yang Yi confronted Jun Dao two by two, and Jun Dao's footsteps also rarely stopped. Surprise flashed in his eyes, and he said lightly: "The people in Wuyu are not worthless. You must have defeated Xiang Wentian's Yang Yi."

After Jun Dao's words uttered, all the monks around were shocked, and they all looked at Yang Yi in disbelief. Xiang Wentian's reputation spread far and wide, and even people who were not in Wuyu could know his name a little bit. He is a very powerful monk.

But now he was defeated by Yang Yi, a monk who didn't look very familiar, which was simply unbelievable.

There is also a very strong dangerous aura in Yang Yi's mind, he feels that the person in front of him seems to be his great enemy, the power of the domain, Yang Yi still has no ability to tear it apart.

"That's right, it's Yang. If you want to take the half-immortal treasure, Yang will also take it. Then the winner will be the king and the loser will be Kou!"

Yang Qian's tone was cold, and his eyes were indifferent, staring at Jun Dao in front of him.

"The winner is the king and the loser is Kou? That's right, it's really interesting. It's just stupid for a little triple master who thinks he can look down on many masters after getting a little bit of adventure!"

There was a gleam of light in Jundao's eyes, and then he walked directly towards Yang Yi without stopping, but the aura around him became stronger and stronger, making one feel suffocated.

"Phantom of Nine Palaces, Great Millstone of Heaven and Earth!"

Yang fiddled with and displayed his most powerful power in an instant, and at the same time, bursts of golden light burst out from his body, and a savage and ancient aura suddenly appeared.

He is like a god of war, the blood in his body is boiling, and his fighting spirit is constantly improving. At this moment, Yang Yi has almost reached his most powerful moment.

"Small skill, your strength is indeed powerful. Perhaps, the ordinary four-level master of the sky will really be entangled by you, or even defeated, but I am the king, but I am the darling of the gods. No one can stop my progress!"

Jun Dao roared, he stretched out his hand and punched violently, this punch broke the space, and in his hand, there seemed to be traces of black holes, which was shocking and inexplicable.


This is a collision of huge forces. Yang Yi doesn't feel anything about his movements. His arms are from the undead body of the Wu clan. Even if this force is ten times stronger, it is impossible to damage these arms. His body was not so strong anymore, his unbroken body cracked rapidly, traces of blood continuously flowed out, and at the same time, his internal organs seemed to be shattered by the shock.

With just this punch, Yang Yi was not only defeated, but also defeated miserably, he hardly had the slightest strength to resist. [

This is the master of the fourth level of the sky, it seems that such a proud son of heaven, almost comparable to those old antiques of the fifth level of the sky, exists, Yang Yi was seriously injured, but this monarch only took a few steps back.

He let out a hearty laugh and said: "Haha, a little Tongtian third-level disciple also wants to compete with my monarch, it is simply stupid!"

After all, Jun Dao didn't even look at Yang Yi, and walked directly to the tall altar. He only needed to raise his hand lightly to grab this powerful semi-immortal treasure.

But at this time, in Yang Yi's mind, bursts of light were constantly flashing, and his mind seemed to be boiling.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing. If I don't advance to the fourth level of Tongtian, I won't be able to defeat Jun Dao."

Yang Yi muttered to himself, he knew how strong the power of the monarchy was, and he knew even more that he would not be able to defeat the monarchy unless he was promoted to the fourth level of Tongtian.

If it was just an ordinary Heaven-reaching [-]th Layer, Yang Yi might be able to deal with it with his extremely strong strength, but Jun Dao is also a peerless genius. Yang Yi also faintly felt that there was even more terrifying power in Jundao.

Seeing the majesty of the monarch, some monks had finally broken free from the illusion. When they arrived here, they dare not take a step forward now. The power of the monarch has deeply shocked them. The power of despair, the figure of the monarch is like a huge mountain, eternal and immortal.

Jun Dao finally came to the front of the altar, but he didn't immediately reach out to take the bow of the moment, his eyes were still flickering, as if thinking about something.

After a long time, he stretched out his big hand and slowly grabbed the Momentary Bow on the altar.

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