blood record

Chapter 412 Forced Shock

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"It seems that the Bow of Instant is about to be obtained by Jun Dao."

"I didn't expect the monarchy to break out halfway, and even cultivated to the fourth level of Tongtian. It is really invincible and invincible. It is really powerful and domineering. No matter whether it is the lotus son or the masters of the martial arts, none of them are his opponents. .”

"Jun Dao, as one of the peerless geniuses in our Tianming Starfield, was also called the most promising genius to advance to the realm of the field. As expected, but You Fengxian, who was even better than Jun Dao back then, was also very good. Compared with the current monarchy, it seems weak and weak."

"Yes, these two geniuses have always been at odds. I didn't expect that after thousands of years, the last one with a smile is Jun Dao. He didn't choose the most comfortable martial arts field, but chose to practice alone in a dangerous place. Now It seems that he must have grown up slowly amidst the danger of being poor, and the one born in this way is the real strong." [

"The Bow of Instant is the most powerful semi-immortal treasure left by the ancestors of You Fengxian, but the descendants of the You clan have no power, so they lost all the treasures of the ancestors, it is really lamentable"

These monks are all monks from Tianming Starfield. They know a lot about the relationship between Jundao and You Fengxian, so they talked a lot, and they didn't go forward to snatch the half fairy treasure. He also has no intention of taking advantage of the chaos to seize the half-immortal treasure.

"The Bow of Instant is still my king's way"

Jun Dao's eyes gradually became sharper, and in an instant, he grasped the bow of the moment, and in an instant, the entire bow of the moment emitted a strong golden light, and Jun Dao seemed to be bathed in this shining light. in the golden light.

Just when Jun Dao grasped the Bow of Moment, everyone's attention was attracted by him, but Yang Yi made a decision, and there was determination in his eyes.


Yang Yi instantly grabbed two inner alchemy shining with a faint yellow light from the Tianhe star map. These are the inner alchemy of the squatting mountain beast and the golden light beast. After comprehending the realm of the domain, if they didn't kill each other and hurt both sides, I'm afraid even the monarch would never want to break through their protection.

But they are still dead after all, and even the inner alchemy was obtained by Yang Yi, now Yang Yi is about to make a shocking move, he wants to devour these two inner alchemy.

It is really inconceivable that a cultivator of the third level of the sky would dare to devour the inner alchemy of two spiritual beasts of the fourth level of the sky.

But Yang Yi is going to do this now, and he is ready. This is his only chance to defeat Jun Dao and win the Bow of Moment, because only in this way, can he use the power of these two inner pills to break through to The realm of the four realms of Tongtian.

These two spirit beasts are both of the blood of the dragon, and Yang Yi can completely devour them. As long as he is not afraid of being exploded by the violent power inside, then he can refine them.

If a cultivator of the third level of the sky dares to refine the inner alchemy of the fourth level of the sky, it is destined to be exploded. Although it is only an inner alchemy, half of the essence of a spirit beast is gathered in it. On top of this inner alchemy, swallowing the alchemy in one gulp would entail unimaginable dangers.

"My primordial spirit is so huge that I can't even imagine it. If I don't have enough strength, I won't be able to explode. Moreover, these two inner pills contain the mysteries of the domain. As long as I refine them thoroughly, then I will have Opportunity to comprehend the mysteries of the field, so as to advance to the fourth level of Tongtian"

Thinking of this, Yang made a decision in an instant, he swallowed the two inner alchemy directly, and a wave of terrifying power continuously washed over Yang Yi's body.

At the same time, Yang Yi's primordial spirit is constantly getting bigger, and then begins to transform. The trace of domain power is invisible in front of Yang Yi, and Yang Yi has faintly begun to comprehend the mystery of the domain.


As Yang Yi devoured the two inner elixirs, there was a sudden change in his body, the spiritual energy in the entire void seemed to gather towards Yang Yi, and his body was like a bottom hole.

This is nothing, what is even more surprising is that on Yang Yi's body, everyone seems to have felt a faint fluctuation of the domain, a faint light flashed on Yang Yi's body, this is the embryonic form of the domain .

There are many masters here who are in the third level of Tongtian, and they are relatively familiar with the realm of the fourth level. When they saw the faint light on Yang Yi's body, they were so surprised that they couldn't believe it. [

"This... this is the power of the domain. This Yang Yi was defeated by the monarch, but he was not discouraged. Instead, he realized his shame and was brave. He has already begun to comprehend the mysteries of the domain. This is the promotion to the fourth-level domain of Tongtian."

"It's really unbelievable. This Yang Yi is indeed a super genius who can defeat Xiang Wentian. Under such circumstances, he can even comprehend the mysteries of the domain. Once he is promoted, he will be a master of the domain."

"His domain has been gradually condensed and formed, and the aura here is also abnormally sufficient, and he doesn't know what he took. The power in his body is wave after wave, and it's so fierce that even I can feel a wave of it. Heart palpitations, such a terrifying power is so frightening just by feeling it, if it is displayed, wouldn't it be an enemy?"

"That's right, even Jun Dao didn't show such a terrifying aura and power just now."

"By the way, didn't he get the inner alchemy of Dunshan Beast and Golden Light Beast before? Could it be that he devoured the inner alchemy?"

"Swallow the inner alchemy? There is a possibility. Although this is courting death for ordinary monks, there is always something special about such a genius. I am afraid that he can really withstand the terrifying power of two inner alchemy explosions. Once he succeeds, That would be great."

These monks immediately thought of the inner alchemy in Yang Yi's hands. At this time, Yang Yi was about to be promoted to the fourth level of the sky. With the exhausted ferocious power in the alchemy and the domain power in the inner alchemy, it is possible to comprehend the power of the domain, and thus be promoted to the fourth level of the sky.

But this is only possible, it is not so easy to advance to the fourth level of Tongtian with two inner alchemy.

In Yang Yi's body, it was indeed worse. The two inner elixirs were relatively gentle at first, but suddenly, the two inner elixirs burst out with explosive power, constantly impacting on Yang Yi. Once Yang Yi's body and primordial spirit couldn't bear it, he would be blown into ashes, and his success would fall short. . .

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