blood record

Chapter 42 Bai Yi Appears

While Yang Yi was fighting for life and death with Fu Lieying, a hundred miles away, there was a man dressed in white, with a cold and handsome look, exuding a cold murderous intent all over his body.

The man's whole body swayed, his speed increased wildly, and he jumped in front of another nervous looking man, staring at him indifferently with his cold eyes.

The nervous man was sweating profusely. He obviously ran for some time. When he saw the man in front of him exuding terror and murderous intent, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes and he almost shouted loudly: "Bai Yi, You lunatic, you are already No.1, and you are still far ahead of No.2, what are you not satisfied with, you are still killing like crazy, you are a lunatic, a killing machine."

Bai Yi didn't speak, his whole body flickered, and his fancy palms flew out, hitting the man's hands.

"snap" [

This was a battle of overwhelming strength, a battle that was not at the same level at all. This man's arm was broken by Bai Yi's power in just one round, and even his internal organs were injured, which showed the horror of Bai Yi's power.


With a light stroke of Bai Yi's long nails, a bloodstain appeared on the man's neck, and then his eyes widened, and he tightly covered his neck, but the blood continued to flow out, and the man died after a while .

Bai Yi took out five drops of jng blood from the man's body. The dead man was ranked No. 60, and he was also a strong man who condensed five drops of jng blood. But facing Bai Yi, he didn't have the slightest chance. Instantly killed.

Five drops of jng blood were instantly put into the bottle by Bai Yi, but his eyes suddenly raised his head to look forward. At this moment, he felt a terrifying power, that was a wave that only condensed six drops of jng blood To be able to have the momentum.

This momentum is obviously offensive, as if two masters are fighting.

A gleam of light flashed in Bai Yi's eyes, and slight changes appeared on his indifferent face, and he murmured in a low voice: "There are only two people in front, Fu Lve Ying and Yang Yi who just popped up recently, such a terrifying momentum , and only Fu Lve Ying, maybe after killing her and getting her jng blood, I can condense the eighth drop of jng blood."

Bai Yi's murderous intent was even stronger, and he flew forward quickly.

This Bai Yi, from the start of the Dragon Transformation Contest to now, has been killing non-stop. He has condensed seven drops of jng blood, but he has killed so many powerful beings. Refining, so much blood, did not allow it to condense the eighth drop of blood, which shows that the difficulty of adding a drop of blood is not at all easier than going from the fourth level of blood coagulation to the fifth level of blood coagulation.

Yang Yi and Fu Lueying didn't know that the most unreasonable lunatic on the tenth floor was approaching them.

Fu Lveying looked at the mocking smile on Yang Yi's face, her expression changed slightly, she looked at her palm in horror.


Fu Lieying's fair, slender, beautiful palm was actually covered with a layer of cyan shadow at this time, and its skin was festering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What is this? Poison? You have such a terrifying poison?"

There was fear in Fu Lueying's eyes, she couldn't stop the spread of the terrifying poison, it spread rapidly from her hand to other places, she seemed to feel that her whole body was festering.

Yang Yi raised Yang's own palm slightly, and said calmly: "The poison in my hand, the existence of blood coagulation below the fifth level, will die as soon as you touch it. Maybe you still have time, cut off your arm, and you won't die!"

The gloves that Yang Yi snatched from the ever-changing man with a folding fan are simply too terrifying. The poison on them is almost beyond Yang Yi's expectation. There is only one person, and that is Jin Xie, the master of the Golden Calamity Mansion at the fifth level of blood coagulation, and only a master at the fifth level of blood coagulation can resist this terrifying poison

The toxin spread rapidly, and Yang Yi shook his head with panic in his eyes, Ruofu Lve Ying quickly cut off his arm, and used Floating Lvying to escape quickly.With Fu Lve Ying's speed close to that of a half-immortal grade martial skill, Yang Yi couldn't catch up at all. Perhaps, there was still a way out, but now, it was too late, the toxin had spread into Fu Lve Ying's heart, Can only die.

Fu Lieying's whole body began to fester, and that beautiful figure had become hideous and terrifying at this time, its vitality continued to weaken, and finally disappeared. If Yang Yi didn't have this glove, he might have to use the talisman in the space ring to I can deal with this floating shadow. [


Yang Yi quickly took out six drops of jng blood from Fu Lieying's corpse. Her jng blood was already as black as ink. Its purity is simply the purest that Yang Yi has seen so far.

But that's not all, Yang Yi kept groping on him, and found another booklet, on which was a glimpse of martial arts close to the half-immortal grade. Yang Yi's strength in the future may have to increase several times.

With the superficial ghostly speed, together with the art of binding the body, and even more magical immortal martial arts, as well as the sinister and vicious yin, the extremely poisonous glove that makes people hard to guard against, below the fifth level of blood clotting, Yang Yi is not afraid anymore.


As soon as Yang put the floating light into the space ring, he immediately refined the six drops of the purest and most powerful pure blood of the floating light into his body on the spot.

As soon as these six drops of blood entered Yang Yi's body, changes occurred immediately. The whole blood began to become more intensely red, and it was faintly changing towards black e. You know, the stronger the power in the blood, the more powerful it was. The darker the color.

"dong dong"

The heart was beating vigorously, and the vortex in the heart now received stronger power, and it could already be seen that a drop of bright red blood was forming, getting bigger and bigger, and the poor power gathered in it.


The whole heart suddenly stopped, but then it jumped again. In an instant, the power in the whole blood was strengthened again, and there was a drop of blood in Yang Yi's heart.

The sixth drop of jng blood finally condensed.

Yang Yi's eyes opened sharply, flashes of jung light flashed, his whole body trembled, and an aura that was several times stronger than before permeated the air in an instant.

But suddenly, Yang Yi's heart trembled, he raised his head slightly, and suddenly found a figure standing a few feet away, exuding a terrifying murderous intent all over his body.

"Bai Yi?"

Yang recognized the identity of this figure in an instant. On the tenth floor, and even among the millions of monks participating in the Dragon Transformation Contest, there is no one other than Bai Yi who can possess such a terrifying murderous intent. . ! ~!

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